
Claudea bennettiana (Vanvoorstia bennettiana) by William Henry Harvey
Claudea bennettiana (Vanvoorstia bennettiana) by William Henry Harvey
域:真核域 Eukaryota
門:红藻门 Rhodophyta
綱:真红藻纲 Florideophyceae
目:仙菜目 Ceramiales
科:红叶藻科 Delesseriaceae
種:V. bennettiana
Vanvoorstia bennettiana
(Harvey) Papenfuss (1855)

Claudea bennettiana
Sonderia bennettiana

班尼特海藻学名Vanvoorstia bennettiana)是澳大利亚特有的一种红藻,现已灭绝。它以博物学家乔治·班尼特史英语George Bennett(英文:George Bennett)命名。[1]


班尼特海藻是一种小型的红藻。与其属下的其他物种相同, 班尼特海藻 did not have significant differences in morphology throughout any phase of its life cycle.[2] It can be distinguished from other members of its genus by its small size and by the structure of its reproductive organs.[3] The overall structure of the alga is that of a blade with fine meshing.[3] For much of the time it was extant, the alga was common.[4]

The alga has only been found in two localities; both in or near Sydney Harbour. One was near the eastern part of Spectacle Island, where it was discovered between May 1 and May 15, 1855.[5] The other was in a channel between Point Piper and Shark Island,[5] where numerous specimens were collected in 1886.[6]


Since the V. bennettiana's discovery, Sydney Harbour has been massively altered by human activities. These activities substantially increased the siltation level in Sydney Harbour. Fine-meshed alga species are especially vulnerable to this type of disturbance because the particulate matter can often clog the blade and prevent light necessary for photosynthesis from reaching the organism.[3]

A search by Arthur Lucas in 1916 failed to find the species. Since it had been only found in two places, V. bennettiana went extinct by then. The causes were human disturbance, habitat destruction, and pollution.[5] Searches along the entire coastline of New South Wales failed to locate the species.[4]

Vanvoorstia bennettiana was, until an update in 2007, the only protist anywhere on the IUCN's Redlist.[7]







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  • 絕滅(EX, Extinct)
  • 野外絕滅(EW, Extinct in the Wild)
  • 可能絕滅(PE, Possible Extinct)
  • 極危(CR, Critically Endangered)
  • 瀕危(EN, Endangered)
  • 易危(VU, Vulnerable)
  • 近危(NT, Near Threatened)
  • 無危(LC, Least Concern)
  • 數據缺乏(DD, Data Deficient)
  • 未評估(NE, Not Evaluated)










海牛目儒艮科大海牛+[1]Hydrodamalis gigas

Zimmermann, 1780

Steller's sea cow1768年白令海峽
雁形目鴨科拉布拉多鴨[2]Camptorhynchus labradorius

Gmelin, 1789

Labrador duck1878年北美
食肉目鼬科海貂[3]Neovison macrodon

Prentiss, 1903

Sea mink1894年新英格蘭加拿大
雨燕目蜂鳥科布雷氏翠蜂鳥[4]Chlorostilbon bracei


Brace's emerald約1900年巴哈馬
鹦形目鸚鵡科卡羅萊納長尾鸚鵡+[5]Conuropsis carolinensis

Linnaeus, 1758

Carolina parakeet1905年北美
鴿形目鳩鴿科旅鴿+[6]Ectopistes migratorius

Linnaeus, 1766

Passenger pigeon1914年北美
食肉目熊科金熊[7]Ursus arctos californicus

Merriam 1896, pp. 76–77

California grizzly bear1922年美國加利福尼亞州
鵜形目鸕鶿科白令鸕[8]Phalacrocorax perspicillatus

Pallas, 1811

Spectacled cormorant1927年阿留申群島
齧齒目倉鼠科鵬氏鹿鼠[9]Peromyscus pembertoni

Burt, 1932

Pemberton's deer mouse1931年加利福尼亞灣
雞形目松雞科新英格蘭黑琴雞[10]Tympanuchus cupido cupido

Linnaeus, 1758

Heath hen1932年新英格蘭
無尾目蛙科拉斯維加斯豹紋蛙[11]Rana fisheri

Stejneger, 1893

Vegas Valley leopard frog1942年美國內華達州
蚌目蚌科沙氏前嵴蚌+[12]Epioblasma sampsonii

Lea, 1861

Sampson's naiad1966年美国
齧齒目硬毛鼠科胸甲硬毛鼠[13]Geocapromys thoracatus

True, 1888

Little Swan Island hutia1955年洪都拉斯
齧齒目棘鼠科奧連特穴鼠[14]Boromys offella


Oriente cave rat1994年古巴
齧齒目棘鼠科馬坦薩斯穴鼠[15]Boromys torrei


Torre's cave rat1994年古巴
齧齒目棘鼠科多米尼加可食仓鼠[16]Brotomys voratus


Hispaniolan edible rat1994年海地
齧齒目棘鼠科海地可食鼠[17]Brotomys contractus

Miller, 1929

Haitian edible rat1994年海地
齧齒目棘鼠科島穴鼠[18]Heteropsomys insulans

Anthony, 1916

Insular cave rat1996年波多黎各
齧齒目棘鼠科安第列穴鼠[19]Heteropsomys antillensis

Anthony, 1916

Antillean cave rat1996年波多黎各
齧齒目硬毛鼠科偽硬毛鼠[20]Hexolobodon phenax


Imposter Hutia1996年海地多明尼加共和國
齧齒目硬毛鼠科高山波多鼠[21]Isolobodon montanus


Montane hutia1996年海地多明尼加共和國
齧齒目硬毛鼠科古巴兔子[22]Geocapromys columbianus

J. Fischer, 1829

Cuban coney1500年?古巴
齧齒目倉鼠科聖盧西亞巨稻鼠[23]Megalomys luciae

Forsyth Major, 1901

Megalomys luciae1881年聖盧西亞
齧齒目倉鼠科安地列斯巨稻鼠[24]Megalomys desmarestii

Fischer, 1829

Megalomys desmarestii1902年馬提尼克
齧齒目倉鼠科納氏稻鼠[25]Oryzomys nelsoni


Oryzomys nelsoni1897年墨西哥
齧齒目倉鼠科達爾文稻鼠[26]Nesoryzomys darwini

Osgood, 1929

Nesoryzomys darwini約1930年科隆群島
齧齒目倉鼠科山稻鼠[27]Nesoryzomys indefessus

Thomas, 1899

Santa Cruz Nesoryzomys約1930年科隆群島
鶴形目秧雞科特瑞斯坦水雞[28]Gallinula nesiotis

Sclater, 1861

Tristan moorhen19世紀末特里斯坦-達庫尼亞群島
食肉目熊科墨西哥灰熊[29]Ursus arctos nelsoni

Merriam, 1914

Mexican grizzly bear1964年墨西哥
雀形目擬黃鸝科墨西哥擬八哥[30]Quiscalus palustris


Slender-billed grackle1910年墨西哥
雀形目嘲鶇科科茲美鶇鳥+[31]Toxostoma guttatum


Cozumel thrasher2006年墨西哥
鴷形目啄木鸟科帝啄木鳥+[32]Campephilus imperialis

Gould, 1832

Imperial woodpecker1990年?墨西哥
雨燕目蜂鳥科綠喉毛腿蜂鳥+[33]Eriocnemis godini


Turquoise-throated puffleg1980年?哥倫比亞厄瓜多爾
雀形目蟻鶇科委內瑞拉蟻鶇+[34]Grallaria chthonia

Phelps & Wetmore, 1956

Grallaria chthonia1956年?委內瑞拉
鸚形目鸚鵡科馬提尼克綠鸚鵡[35]Amazona martinicana

A.H. Clark, 1905

Martinique Amazon1722年馬提尼克島
鸚形目鸚鵡科瓜德羅普綠鸚鵡[36]Amazona violacea

Gmelin, 1789

Guadeloupe Amazon1779年瓜德羅普
鸚形目鸚鵡科古巴紅鸚鵡[37]Ara tricolor

Bechstein, 1811

Cuban macaw1836年古巴西班牙島
有鱗目蛇蜥科牙買加巨草蜥[38]Celestus occiduus

Shaw, 1802

Jamaica Giant Galliwasp1840年牙買加
食肉目犬科福克蘭狼[39]Dusicyon australis

Kerr, 1792

Falkland Islands wolf1875年福克蘭群島
隼形目隼科瓜達盧長腿兀鷹[40]Caracara lutosa

Ridgway, 1876

Guadalupe caracara1900年瓜德羅普
雀形目鶇科大開曼鶇[41]Turdus ravidus

Cory, 1886

Grand Cayman thrush1940年開曼群島
食肉目海豹科加勒比僧海豹[42]Monachus tropicalis

Gray, 1850

Caribbean monk seal1952年加勒比海墨西哥灣
食肉目浣熊科格氏浣熊[43]Procyon lotor gloveralleni

Nelson & Goldman, 1930

Barbados raccoon1964年巴貝多
鷿鷈目鷿鷈科哥倫比亞鷿鷈[44]Podiceps andinus

Meyer de Schauensee,1959

Colombian grebe1977年哥倫比亞
鷿鷈目鷿鷈科阿提特蘭鷿鷈[45]Podilymbus gigas

Griscom, 1929

Atitlán grebe1986年瓜地馬拉
无尾目陆龟科金蟾蜍[46]Bufo periglenes

Savage, 1966

Golden toad1989年哥斯大黎加
龟鳖目陆龟科平塔島象龜+[47]Chelonoidis nigra abingdonii

Günther, 1877

Golden toad2012年加拉帕戈斯群島
囓齒目鼠科窟山鼠[48]Spelaeomys florensis

Hoijer, 1957

Flores cave rat1500年?弗洛勒斯島
雀形目雀科笠原臘嘴雀[49]Chaunoproctus ferreorostris

Vigors, 1829

Bonin grosbeak1828年小笠原群島
雀形目鶇科啟利氏地鶇[50]Zoothera terrestris


Bonin thrush1830年小笠原群島
鹦形目鹦鹉科宿务岛悬挂鹦鹉[51]Loriculus philippensis chrysonotus

Sclater, 1872

Cebu hanging parrot不详菲律賓
鹤形目三趾鹑科沃氏三趾鹑+[52]Turnix worcesteri

McGregor, 1904

Worcester's buttonquail未确定(保育等级为DD)菲律賓
食肉目犬科北海道狼+[53]Canis lupus hattai

Kishida, 1931

Hokkaido wolf1889年北海道
食肉目犬科日本狼+[54]Canis lupus hodophilax

Temminck, 1839

Honshu wolf1905年日本
奇蹄目馬科敘利亞野驢[55]Equus hemionus hemippus

Geoffroy, 1855

Syrian wild ass1928年敘利亞
偶蹄目鹿科熊氏鹿[56]Cervus schomburgki

Blyth, 1863

Schomburgk's deer1932年泰國
雁形目鴨科粉頭鴨+[57]Rhodonessa caryophyllacea

Latham, 1790

Pink-headed duck1935年印度孟加拉緬甸
鴿形目鳩鴿科琉球銀斑黑鴿+[58]Columba jouyi

Stejneger, 1887

Columba jouyi1936年琉球群島
食肉目猫科巴厘虎[59]Panthera tigris balica

Schwarz, 1912

Panthera tigris balica1937年巴厘島
食肉目海獅科日本海獅[60]Zalophus japonicus

Peters, 1866

Zalophus japonicus1950年?日本朝鮮韓國
食肉目貓科新疆虎+[61]Panthera tigris lecoqui

Schwarz, 1916

Panthera tigris lecoqui1979年新疆
食肉目貓科里海虎+[62]Panthera tigris lecoqui

Schwarz, 1916

Panthera tigris lecoqui1980年代高加索庫爾德斯坦伊朗阿富汗俄羅斯中國
食肉目貓科爪哇虎+[63]Panthera tigris sondaica

Temminck, 1844

Panthera tigris sondaica1980年代印尼爪哇
食肉目貓科台灣雲豹+[64]Neofelis nebulosa brachyura

Swinhoe, 1862

Neofelis nebulosa brachyura1983年台灣
偶蹄目牛科也门瞪羚[65]Gazella bilkis

Groves & Lay, 1985

Queen of Sheba's Gazelle1951年阿拉伯半島
鴕鳥目鴕鳥科阿拉伯鴕鳥[66]Struthio camelus syriacus

Rothschild, 1919

Struthio camelus syriacus1966年阿拉伯半島
偶蹄目牛科阿拉伯瞪羚[67]Gazella arabica

Lichtenstein, 1827

Gazella arabica1825年沙烏地阿拉伯
有尾目蠑螈科滇池蠑螈[68]Cynops wolterstorffi

Boulenger, 1905

Cynops wolterstorffi1979年中國雲南
奇蹄目犀科越南爪哇犀牛[69]Rhinoceros sondaicus annamiticus

Heude, 1892

Vietnamese Javan Rhinoceros2011年越南
食肉目鼬科日本水獺[70]Lutra nippon

Imaizumi and Yoshiyuki, 1989

Japanese otter2012年日本
鴿形目鳩鴿科小笠原雜色林鴿[71]Columba versicolor

Kittlitz, 1832

Columba versicolor1889年小笠原群島
鲤形目鲤科异龙中鲤[72]Cyprinus yilongensis

Yang et al., 1977

Cyprinus yilongensis1981年中國雲南
颌针鱼目鱵科台湾下鱵[73]Hyporhamphus taiwanensis

Collette et Su, 1986

Hyporhamphus taiwanensis不明台灣
胡瓜魚目胡瓜魚科銳頭銀魚[74]Salanx acuticeps

Regan, 1908

Salanx acuticeps1920年台灣
鲈形目虾虎鱼科楊氏羽衣鯊[75]Myersina yangii

T. R. Chen, 1960

Myersina yangii不明台灣
鞘翅目天牛科黑尾螢花天牛[76]Ephies apicalis

Kano, 1933

Ephies apicalis不明台灣
鞘翅目天牛科山保氏瘤叉尾天牛[77]Mesechthistatus yamahoi

Mitono, 1943

Mesechthistatus yamahoi不明台灣
偶蹄目牛科旋角牛*+[78][79]Pseudonovibos spiralis

Peter and Feiler, 1994

Pseudonovibos spiralis未确定越南

Miller, 1918

翼手目蝙蝠科斯氏伏翼*[81]Pipistrellus sturdeei

Thomas, 1915

Pipistrellus sturdeei未确定(保育等级为DD)日本
啮齿目鼠科西奧弗羅里斯鼠[82]Papagomys theodorverhoeveni

Musser, 1981

Verhoeven's giant tree rat1996年印尼
雀形目河乌科塞浦路斯河烏[83]Cinclus cinclus olympicus

Tschusi, 1904

Cyprus dipper1950年塞浦路斯
偶蹄目牛科 [84]原牛Bos primigenius

Ludwig Heinrich Bojanus, 1827

兔形目原鼠兔科意大利鼠兔+[85]Prolagus sardus

Wagner, 1832

Sardinian pika1774年地中海科西嘉島薩丁尼亞島
鸻形目海雀科大海雀[86]Pinguinus impennis

Linnaeus, 1758

Great auk1844年加拿大法羅群島格陵蘭冰島愛爾蘭英國
奇蹄目馬科歐洲野馬[87]Equus ferus ferus

Boddaert, 1785

偶蹄目牛科波圖格薩北山羊[88]Capra pyrenaica lusitanica

Schlegel, 1872

Portuguese ibex1892年欧洲
偶蹄目牛科高加索野牛[89]Bison bonasus caucasicus

Turkin et Satunin, 1904

Caucasian wisent1927年高加索山脈
鴴形目蠣鷸科加那利黑蠣鷸[90]Haematopus meadewaldoi

Bannerman, 1913

Canary Islands oystercatcher1940年加那利群島
鲤形目鲤科斯庫台軟口魚[91]Chondrostoma scodrense

Elvira, 1987

Chondrostoma scodrense2006年蒙特內哥羅
鮭形目鮭科喉白鮭[92]Coregonus gutturosus

Gmelin, 1818

Coregonus gutturosus1988年康士坦茲湖
鲤形目鲤科艾氏歐白魚[93]Alburnus akili

Battalgil, 1942

Beyşehir bleak2006年土耳其

镰嘴管舌雀英语Drepanis coccinea (Drepanis coccinea),一种管舌鸟。
界:动物界 Animalia
門:脊索动物门 Chordata
綱:鸟纲 Aves
目:雀形目 Passeriformes
亞目:雀形亞目 Passeri
下目:雀小目 Passerida
總科:雀總科 Passeroidea
科:雀科 Fringillidae
亞科:管鸹亚科 Carduelinae






管舌鸟亚科 Carduelinae

  • Drepanidini英语Drepanidini
  • Hemignathini族
    • Genus Aidemedia Olson & James, 1991 – straight thin bills, insectivores[106]
      • Aidemedia chascax Olson & James, 1991 – Oʻahu icterid-like gaper (化石种)
      • Aidemedia lutetiae Olson & James, 1991 – Maui Nui icterid-like gaper (化石种)
      • Aidemedia zanclops Olson & James, 1991 – sickle-billed gaper (化石种)
    • Genus Chlorodrepanis Olson & James, 1995 – pointed bills, insectivorous or nectarivorous
      • Chlorodrepanis stejnegeri Pratt, 1989 – Kauaʻi ʻamakihi
      • Chlorodrepanis flava Bloxam, 1827 – Oʻahu ʻamakihi
      • Chlorodrepanis virens Cabanis, 1851 – Hawaiʻi ʻamakihi
    • Genus Viridonia
      • Viridonia sagittirostris Rothschild, 1892 – greater ʻamakihi (绝灭, 1901年)
    • Genus Hemignathus Lichtenstein, 1839 – pointed or long and downcurved bills, insectivorous or nectarivorous
      • Hemignathus affinis – Maui nukupuʻu (绝灭, 1995或1998年)
      • Hemignathus hanapepe – Kauaʻi nukupuʻu (绝灭, 1998年)
      • Hemignathus lucidus – Oʻahu nukupuʻu (绝灭, 1837年)
      • Hemignathus vorpalis James & Olson, 2003 – Giant nukupu'u (化石种)[107]
    • (Sub)Genus Heterorhynchus
      • Hemignathus wilsoni Rothschild, 1893ʻakiapolaʻau
    • Genus Magumma
      • Magumma parva Stejneger, 1887 - ʻanianiau
    • Genus Akialoa Olson & James, 1995 – pointed, long and downcurved bills, insectivorous or nectarivorous
      • Akialoa ellisiana Gray, 1859 – Oʻahu ʻakialoa (绝灭, 1940年)
      • Akialoa lanaiensis Rothschild, 1893 – Maui Nui ʻakialoa (绝灭, 1892年)
      • Akialoa stejnegeri Wilson, 1889 – Kauaʻi ʻakialoa (绝灭, 1969年)
      • Akialoa obscura Cabanis, 1889 – lesser ʻakialoa (绝灭, 1940)
      • Akialoa upupirostris – hoopoe-billed ʻakialoa (化石种)
    • Genus Loxops – small pointed bills with the tips offset a little horizontally, insectivores
      • Loxops caeruleirostris Wilson, 1890ʻakekeʻe
      • Loxops coccineus Gmelin, 1789 – Hawaiʻi ʻakepa
      • Loxops ochraceus Rothschild, 1893 - Maui ʻakepa (绝灭, 1988)
      • Loxops wolstenholmei Rothschild, 1895 – Oʻahu ʻakepa (绝灭, 1990年代)
      • Loxops mana Wilson, 1891 – Hawaiʻi creeper
    • Genus Oreomystis Wilson, 1891 – short pointed bills, browsers
      • Oreomystis bairdi Stejneger, 1887ʻakikiki
    • Genus Paroreomyza – similar to Oreomystis
      • Pareromyza Montana
        • Paroreomyza montana montana Wilson, 1890 – Lānaʻi ʻalauahio (绝灭, 1937年)
        • Paroreomyza montana newtoni (Rothschild, 1893) – Maui Nui ʻalauahio
        • Paroreomyza flammea (Wilson, 1889) – Molokaʻi creeper or kākāwahie (绝灭, 1963年)
        • Paroreomyza maculata Cabanis, 1850 – Oʻahu ʻalauahio (可能绝灭, 1990年代早期?)
    • Genus Vangulifer – flat rounded bills, possibly caught flying insects
      • Vangulifer mirandus – strange-billed finch (化石种)
      • Vangulifer neophasis – thin-billed finch (化石种)
  • Psittirostrini族
    • Genus Chloridops Wilson, 1888 – thick-billed, Myoporum sandwicense and other hard seed specialist
      • Chloridops kona Wilson, 1888 – Kona grosbeak (绝灭, 1894年)
      • Chloridops regiskongi – King Kong grosbeak (化石种)
      • Chloridops wahi – wahi grosbeak (化石种)
    • Genus Dysmorodrepanis Perkins, 1919 – pincer-like bill, possibly snail specialist
      • Dysmorodrepanis munroi Perkins, 1919 – Lānaʻi hookbill (绝灭, 1918年)
    • Genus Loxioides Oustalet, 1877 – finch-like, Fabales seed specialists
      • Loxioides bailleui Oustalet, 1877 – palila
      • Loxioides kikuichi Olson & James, 2006 – Kauaʻi palila (化石种,可能于18世纪早期绝灭)
    • Genus Orthiospiza – large weak bill, possibly soft seed or fruit specialist?
      • Orthiospiza howarthi James & Olson, 1991 - highland finch (化石种)
    • Genus Pseudonestor – parrot-like bill, probes decomposing wood for insect larvae
      • Pseudonestor xanthophrys Rothschild, 1893 – Maui parrotbill
    • Genus Psittirostra – slightly hooked bill, Freycinetia arborea fruit specialist
      • Psittirostra psittacea Gmelin, 1789ʻōʻū (可能绝灭, 1998年?)
    • Genus Rhodacanthis – large-billed legume specialists[108]
      • Rhodacanthis flaviceps Rothschild, 1892 – lesser koa-finch (绝灭, 1891年)
      • Rhodacanthis forfex James & Olson, 2005 – scissor-billed koa-finch (化石种)
      • Rhodacanthis litotes James & Olson, 2005 – primitive koa-finch (化石种)
      • Rhodacanthis palmeri Rothschild, 1892 – greater koa-finch (绝灭, 1896年)
    • Genus Telespiza Wilson, 1890 – finch-like, granivores, opportunistic scavengers
      • Telespiza cantans Wilson, 1890 – Laysan finch
      • Telespiza persecutrix James & Olson, 1991 – Kauaʻi finch (化石种)
      • Telespiza ultima Bryan, 1917 – Nihoa finch
      • Telespiza ypsilon James & Olson, 1991 – Maui Nui finch (化石种)
    • Genus Xestospiza James & Oslon, 1991 – cone-shaped bills, possibly insectivores
      • Xestospiza conica James & Olson, 1991 – cone-billed finch (化石种)
      • Xestospiza fastigialis James & Olson, 1991 – ridge-billed finch (化石种)
