
文档图示 模块文档


local p = {}local cfg = mw.loadData('Module:Navbar/configuration')local function renderTrackingCategories(builder, cats)    local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()    if title.namespace ~= 10 then return end -- not in template space    local subpage = title.subpageText    if subpage == 'doc' or subpage == 'sandbox' or subpage == 'testcases' then return end        for i, cat in ipairs(cats) do        builder:wikitext('[[Category:' .. cat .. ']]')     endendlocal function get_title_arg(is_collapsible, template)local title_arg = 1if is_collapsible then title_arg = 2 endif template then title_arg = 'template' endreturn title_argendlocal function choose_links(template, args)-- The show table indicates the default displayed items.-- view, talk, edit, hist, move, watch-- TODO: Move to configuration.local show = {true, true, true, false, false, false}if template thenshow[2] = falseshow[3] = falselocal index = {t = 2, d = 2, e = 3, h = 4, m = 5, w = 6,talk = 2, edit = 3, hist = 4, move = 5, watch = 6}-- TODO: Consider removing TableTools dependency.for _, v in ipairs(require ('Module:TableTools').compressSparseArray(args)) dolocal num = index[v]if num then show[num] = true endendendlocal remove_edit_link = args.noeditif remove_edit_link then show[3] = false endreturn showendlocal function add_link(link_description, ul, is_mini, font_style)local lif link_description.url thenl = {'[', '', ']'}elsel = {'[[', '|', ']]'}endul:tag('li'):addClass('nv-' .. link_description.full):wikitext(l[1] .. link_description.link .. l[2]):tag(is_mini and 'abbr' or 'span'):attr('title', link_description.html_title):cssText(font_style):wikitext(is_mini and link_description.mini or link_description.full):done():wikitext(l[3]):done()endlocal function make_list(title_text, has_brackets, displayed_links, is_mini, font_style)local title = mw.title.new(mw.text.trim(title_text), cfg.title_namespace)if not title thenerror(cfg.invalid_title .. title_text)endlocal talkpage = title.talkPageTitle and title.talkPageTitle.fullText or ''-- TODO: Get link_descriptions and show into the configuration module.-- link_descriptions should be easier...local link_descriptions = {{ ['mini'] = '-{zh-hans:查;zh-hant:閱;}-', ['full'] = '-{zh-hans:查看;zh-hant:檢視;}-', ['html_title'] = '-{zh-hans:查看;zh-hant:檢視;}-该模板',['link'] = title.fullText, ['url'] = false },{ ['mini'] = '论', ['full'] = '讨论', ['html_title'] = '讨论该模板',['link'] = talkpage, ['url'] = false },{ ['mini'] = '编', ['full'] = '编辑', ['html_title'] = '编辑该模板',['link'] = title:fullUrl('action=edit'), ['url'] = true },{ ['mini'] = '史', ['full'] = '历史', ['html_title'] = '该模板的历史',['link'] = title:fullUrl('action=history'), ['url'] = true },{ ['mini'] = '移', ['full'] = '移动', ['html_title'] = '移动该模板',['link'] = mw.title.new('Special:Movepage'):fullUrl('target='..title.fullText), ['url'] = true },{ ['mini'] = '监', ['full'] = '监视', ['html_title'] = '监视该模板', ['link'] = title:fullUrl('action=watch'), ['url'] = true }}local ul = mw.html.create('ul')if has_brackets thenul:addClass(cfg.classes.brackets):cssText(font_style)endfor i, _ in ipairs(displayed_links) doif displayed_links[i] then add_link(link_descriptions[i], ul, is_mini, font_style) endendreturn ul:done()endfunction p._navbar(args)-- TODO: We probably don't need both fontstyle and fontcolor...local font_style = args.fontstylelocal font_color = args.fontcolorlocal is_collapsible = args.collapsiblelocal is_mini = args.minilocal is_plain = args.plainlocal collapsible_class = nilif is_collapsible thencollapsible_class = cfg.classes.collapsibleif not is_plain then is_mini = 1 endif font_color thenfont_style = (font_style or '') .. '; color: ' .. font_color .. ';'endendlocal navbar_style = args.stylelocal div = mw.html.create():tag('div')div:addClass(cfg.classes.navbar):addClass(cfg.classes.plainlinks):addClass(cfg.classes.horizontal_list):addClass(collapsible_class) -- we made the determination earlier:cssText(navbar_style)if is_mini then div:addClass(cfg.classes.mini) endlocal box_text = (args.text or cfg.box_text) .. '' -- the concatenated space guarantees the box text is separatedif not (is_mini or is_plain) thendiv:tag('span'):addClass(cfg.classes.box_text):cssText(font_style):wikitext(box_text)endlocal template = args.templatelocal displayed_links = choose_links(template, args)local has_brackets = args.bracketslocal title_arg = get_title_arg(is_collapsible, template)local title_text = args[title_arg] or (':' .. mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent():getTitle())local list = make_list(title_text, has_brackets, displayed_links, is_mini, font_style)div:node(list)if is_collapsible thenlocal title_text_classif is_mini thentitle_text_class = cfg.classes.collapsible_title_minielsetitle_text_class = cfg.classes.collapsible_title_fullenddiv:done():tag('div'):addClass(title_text_class):cssText(font_style):wikitext(args[1])endlocal frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()-- hlist -> navbar is best-effort to preserve old Common.css ordering.return frame:extensionTag{name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = cfg.hlist_templatestyles }} .. frame:extensionTag{name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = cfg.templatestyles }} .. tostring(div:done())endfunction p.navbar(frame)return p._navbar(require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame))endreturn p