Àdàkọ:Location map many

Ìwé-alàyé àdàkọ

Creates a location map as a composite image of an existing map in equirectangular projection, with multiple (up to 9) markers and optional labels superimposed onto it. This template functions in the style of Template:Location_map, but allows 9 markers and labels (rather than just one marker). Note: For brevity, parameters "pos" & "bg" are aliases (for "position" & "background").

Also see: For an unlimited list of markers/labels, see: Template:Location_map+,
which specifies points as a coded template list of markers/labels.


{{Location map many|locname   (selected from templates named "Location_map_<locname>")------------------------------------------- 1st label & marker|label      = 1st label text|label_size = 1st label font size, percent (such as "85")|position   = pos = left or right or top or bottom – position of              1st label relative to 1st mark (default: right)|background = bg = background color for 1st label, defaults transparent|lon_dir=W    1st longitude direction: W=west, E=east (default)|lat_dir=S    1st latitude direction: S=south, N=north (default)|lat_deg    = 1st latitude degrees (negative to indicate south)|lat_min    = 1st latitude minutes (negative to indicate south)|lat_sec    = 1st latitude seconds (or use combined lat)|lon_deg    = 1st longitude degrees (negative to indicate west)|lon_min    = 1st longitude minutes (negative to indicate west)|lon_sec    = 1st longitude seconds (or use combined long)|lat        = 1st latitude (as decimal; negative for south latitude)|long       = 1st longitude (as decimal; negative for west longitude)|mark       = 1st marker image file name, a red dot by default|marksize   = 1st marker size in pixels (0=skip marker, default=8)|markhigh   = 1st marker height, default=8------------------------------------------- 2nd label & marker|label2      = 2nd label text|label2_size = 2nd label font size, percent (such as "85")|position2   = pos2 = left or right or top or bottom – position of               2nd label relative to 2nd mark (default: right)|background2 = bg2 = background color for 2nd label, defaults transparent|lat2_deg    = 2nd latitude degrees (negative to indicate south)|lat2_min    = 2nd latitude minutes (negative to indicate south)|lat2_sec    = 2nd latitude seconds (or use combined lat2)|lon2_deg    = 2nd longitude degrees (negative to indicate west)|lon2_min    = 2nd longitude minutes (negative to indicate west)|lon2_sec    = 2nd longitude seconds (or use combined long2)|lat2        = 2nd latitude (as decimal; negative for south latitude)|long2       = 2nd longitude (as decimal; negative for west longitude)|mark2       = 2nd marker image file name, a red dot by default|mark2size   = 2nd marker size in pixels (0=skip, default=8)|mark2high   = 2nd marker height, default=8------------------------------------------- 3rd label & marker|label3      = 3rd label text|label3_size = 3rd label font size, percent (such as "120")|pos3, bg3   = 3rd label position & background color   (... similar latitude/longitude parameters named "~3" ...)|mark3       = 3rd marker image file name, a red dot by default|mark3size   = 3rd marker size in pixels (0=skip, default=8)|mark3high   = 3rd marker height, default=8   (...repeat until label9/mark9...)-------------------------------------------|border     = border color or none|caption    = map caption; for no caption enter "caption=";              if omitted, then the caption will be auto-generated              as: "<marker #1 label> (<location map name>)"|float      = left or right or center or none for map placement|width      = map width for display size|AlternativeMap = Alternative map file name (changes background map,             border coordinates are determined based on the map name);             this is only recommended for use in templates}}

Parameter locname refers to {Template:Location map locname} containing the image name and coordinates of a particular map.

When a marker's mark#size=0, then that marker is skipped and only the related label is displayed, without the marker.

Advisory messages

Due to the numerous details of specifying 9 markers/labels, the latitude and longitude are checked to lie within the actual map limits specified in Template:Location_map_<parameter1>. Each marker/label is checked and can list a message (under the map), such as:

Latitude#4 (45.68) < map min(53.74).

Processing continues, with that marker actually placed off-map, and all latitude/longitude parameters are checked, for a total of 18 possible advisory messages. Only degrees of latitude/longitude are checked, so a value of 63 minutes would be valid to indicate 1 extra degree + 3 minutes, and setting lon_min=200 could still place a marker off-map (right-side) with no warning. Also, large markers or long labels can spill over the edges of a map, allowing markers to point inward from outside the map. In such cases, a map could be centered by itself on the page ("float=center") to avoid overlapping the edge markers onto any surrounding article text.

Available maps

List of live templates named Template:Location_map_<locname> (without "Template:" prefix here):

Creating new maps

  1. Find an appropriate blank map in equirectangular projection (otherwise, coordinates will drift off, typically further north)
  2. Create a template named "Template:Location_map_locname" (copy the content of any other map template into it and enter appropriate values).
  3. Set default parameter values (using those parameter names), such as setting "mark" with image-file name and "marksize" for pixels wide/tall, or set default label font size ("label_size = 78" percent).
  4. Parameter names not used by "Template:Location_map" will be ignored by it, and only used for multiple-markers (such as defaulting "label2_size = 78" percent, or "mark2size=7" pixels).


Map with label "Pag" and "Anytown" (degrees)

Pag (Croatia)
{{Location map many |Croatia |label=Pag |marksize=8 |markhigh=8 |<!--Rouge-Admin JollyRoger.svg-->    |pos=right    | bg=yellow    |lat_deg=44   | lat_min=26    |lon_deg=15   | lon_min=3 |label2=Anytown_Anywhere    |mark2size=45 | mark2high=30    |mark2=Rouge-Admin JollyRoger.svg    |pos2=top     | bg2=white    |lat2_deg=46  | lat2_min=30    |lon2_deg=17  | lon2_min=30 |width=280 |float=right}}
Pag (Croatia)
Pag (Croatia)

Map with 3 labels (decimal)

Pag (Croatia)
{{Location map many | Croatia | label=Pag | position=right      | lat=44.44  | long=15.05      | marksize=8 | markhigh=8 | label2=Anytown      | pos2=bottom | bg2=yellow      | lat2=45.86  | long2=17.50      | marksize=8 | markhigh=8      | background2=yellow | label3=Anytown2      | pos3=top   | bg3=lightgreen      | lat3=46.23 | long3=18.43 | width=260 | float=right}}
Pag (Croatia)
Pag (Croatia)

Map with some labels outside map

Pag (Croatia)
{{Location map many | Croatia | label=Pag | position=right      | lat=44.44  | long=15.05      | marksize=8 | markhigh=8 | label2=Anytown      | pos2=bottom | bg2=yellow      | lat2=47.40  | long2=12.80      | marksize=8 | markhigh=8      | background2=yellow | label3=Anytown2      | pos3=top   | bg3=lightgreen      | lat3=41.98 | long3=18.43 | label4=North Croatia | pos4=left      | mark4size=0 | bg4=lightgreen      | lat4=46.22  | long4=17.7 | width=260 | float=right}}
Pag (Croatia)
Latitude#2 (47.40) > map max(46.8).

Longitude#2(12.80) < map min(13.1).

Latitude#3 (41.98) < map min(42.1).

North Croatia
Pag (Croatia)

Map with 9 markers (decimal)

Pag (Croatia)
{{Location map many | Croatia | label=Pag | position=right      | lat=44.44 | long=15.05 | label2=Anytown      | pos2=bottom| label2_size=110      | lat2=45.86 | long2=17.50      | background2=yellow | label3=Anytown2      | pos3=top  | label3_size=290      | lat3=46.23 | long3=18.43      | background3=green | mark4=Diamond_sheer_black_20.png      | mark4size=19 | mark4high=17      | label4=44.0 (latitude)      | lat4=44.00 | long4=13.5 | mark5=Diamond_sheer_black_20.png      | mark5size=20 | mark5high=20      | label5=44.5      | lat5=44.50 | long5=13.5 | mark6=Diamond_sheer_black_20.png      | mark6size=20 | mark6high=20      | label6=45.0      | lat6=45.00 | long6=13.5 | mark7=Diamond_sheer_black_20.png      | mark7size=20 | mark7high=20      | label7=45.5      | lat7=45.50 | long7=13.5 | mark8=Diamond_sheer_black_20.png      | mark8size=20 | mark8high=20      | label8=46.0      | lat8=46.00 | long8=13.5 | label9=''CROATIA'' |label9_size=165      | mark9size=<!--label only-->1      | lat9=42.60 | long9=14.4 | width=260 | float=right}}
Pag (Croatia)
44.0 (latitude)
44.0 (latitude)
Pag (Croatia)

Map with a custom label and text background

{{Location map many | Croatia |label=Imotski |lat=43.44 |long=17.21 |position=right |width=280 |float=right |background=#FFFFDD |caption=Imotski in Croatia }}
Imotsky (Croatia)
Imotski in Croatia

Map with enlarged marker and label

Pag (Croatia)
{{Location map many | Croatia |label=Pag |label_size=200 |lat=44.44 |long=15.05 |marksize=14 | position=right |width=260 |float=right |background=#FFFFDD |caption=Pag Island in Croatia }}
Pag (Croatia)
Pag Island in Croatia

Map with no caption

Brčko (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
{{Location map many |Bosnia |label=Brčko |position=left |width=150 |lat=44.87 |long=18.81 |float=right |caption= }}
Brčko (Bosnia)

Western Hemisphere

Lockerbie (Scotland)
{{Location map many | United Kingdom |label=Lockerbie | lat_dir=N | lat_deg=55 | lat_min=07 | lat_sec=16 | lon_deg= -3 | lon_min=-21 | lon_sec=-19 |position=right |width=180 |float=right |caption=Lockerbie in Scotland}}
Lockerbie (United Kingdom)
Lockerbie in Scotland

Country that crosses 180° meridian

Uelen (Russia)
{{Location map |Russia |label=Uelen |lat_deg=66|lat_min=09 |lon_deg=169|lon_min=48|lon_dir=W |position=left |width=500 |float=right |background=#FFFFDD }}
Uelen is located in Russia
Uelen (Russia)

Implementation notes

The map with markers/labels is implemented as nested HTML divisions. The map-image is in an HTML division, containing each point as a percent-locator division containing a marker-image sub-division plus a label sub-division. Each point is calculated (for a percent-locator division) with X or Y coordinate "XX.X%" or "YY.Y%" as follows:

  • The div-tag is "<div style="position: absolute; z-index: 2; top: XX.X%; left: YY.Y%; ...>"
  • For placing latitude, the calculation is:
  • XX.X% = 100 * (top - (lat_deg + latmin/60 +latsec/3600) ) / (top - bottom)
  • If lat_deg is empty, the combined decimal latitude is used from "lat".
  • If lat_dir is "S" (south), the latitude is multiplied by -1.
  • (Note latitude is positioned in reverse, from top of map downward.)
  • For placing longitude, the calculation is:
  • YY.Y% = 100 * ( (lon_deg + lonmin/60 +lonsec/3600) - left ) / (right - left)
  • If lon_deg is empty, the combined decimal longitude is used as "long".
  • If lon_dir is "W" (west), the longitude is multiplied by -1.
  • The div-tag is ended as "height: 0; width: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0;">".
  • Within that division the marker/label sub-divisions are coded as:
  • <div style="position: relative text-align: center; ...">.
  • For label position, the options are shifted as:
  • when position=left, adds "left: -6.5em; text-align: right;"
  • when position=right, adds "left: 0.5em; text-align: left;"
  • when position=top, adds "top:-2.65em; left:-3em; text-align: center;"
  • when position=bottom, adds "top:-0.15em; left: -3em; text-align: center;" to div-tag.

See also