فہرست شاہان فارس

مندرجہ ذیل شاہان فارس کی ایک فہرست ہے جو موجودہ ایران کے حکمران رہے ہیں۔ اس کی ابتدا کورش اعظم سے ہوئی جس نے 550 قبل مسیح میں ہخامنشی سلطنت کی بنیاد رکھی۔

شہنشاہ فارس
سابقہ بادشاہت
شیر و خورشید
محمد رضا شاہ پہلوی
اولین بادشاہ/ملکہکورش اعظم
آخری بادشاہ/ملکہمحمد رضا شاہ پہلوی
بادشاہت کا آغاز550 ق م
بادشاہت کا آختتام11 فروری 1979
(انقلاب ایران سے بادشاہت کا خاتمہ)
موجودہ مدعیرضا پہلوی
(پہلوی خاندان)

ہخامنشی خاندان (550–330 ق م)

Extent of the first Persian Empire, the ہخامنشی سلطنت.
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
ہخامنشی سلطنت (550–330 BC)
کورش اعظم The Great King, King of Kings, King of Anshan, King of Media, King of Babylon, King of Sumer and Akkad, King of the Four Corners of the World600–530 BC559 BC530 BCSon of Cambyses I king of Anshan and Mandana daughter of AstyagesKing of Anshan from 559 BC. Killed in battle with Massagetes
Cambyses The Great King, King of Kings, Pharaoh of Egypt?–521 BC530 BC522 BCSon of Cyrus the GreatDied while en route to put down a rebellion.

Pharaonic titulary: Horus: Smatawy, Nswbty: Mesutire [1]

BardiyaGaumata (?)The Great King, King of Kings, Pharaoh of Egypt?–522 BC522 BC522 BCSon of Cyrus the Great (possibly an imposter claiming to be Bardiya)Killed by Persian aristocrats
دارا اول The Great King, King of Kings, Pharaoh of Egypt550–486 BC522 BC486 BCSon of HystaspesPharaonic titulary: Horus: Menkhib
Nswbty: Stutre[2]
خشیارشا اول The Great King, King of Kings, Pharaoh of Egypt519–465 BC485 BC465 BCSon of Darius IMost likely is the King اخسویرس of the کتاب آستر[3]
اردشیراول The Great King, King of Kings, Pharaoh of Egypt?–424 BC465 BC424 BCSon of Xerxes IBelieved by some to be the King اخسویرس of the کتاب آستر
Xerxes IIArtaxerxesThe Great King, King of Kings, Pharaoh of Egypt?–424 BC424 BC424 BCSon of Artaxerxes IOnly recognised in Persia itself, killed by Sogdianus
?SogdianusThe Great King, King of Kings, Pharaoh of Egypt?–423 BC424 BC423 BCSon of Artaxerxes IOnly recognised in Persia and Elam, killed by Darius II
دارا دومOchusThe Great King, King of Kings, Pharaoh of Egypt?–404 BC424 BC404 BCSon of Artaxerxes I
اردشیر دومArsaces The Great King, King of Kings436–358 BC404 BC358 BCSon of Darius II
Artaxerxes IIIOchus The Great King, King of Kings, Pharaoh of Egypt?–338 BC358 BC338 BCSon of Artaxerxes IIKilled
Artaxerxes IVArsesThe Great King, King of Kings, Pharaoh of Egypt?–336 BC338 BC336 BCSon of Artaxerxes IIIKilled
دارا سومArtashata The Great King, King of Kings, Pharaoh of Egypt380–330 BC336 BC330 BCSon of Artaxerxes IVKilled by Artaxerxes V
Artaxerxes VBessus The Great King, King of Kings?–329 BC330 BC329 BCProbably a descendant of Artaxerxes IIKilled by سکندر اعظم
Macedonia (ancient kingdom) at its greatest extent.
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
مقدونیہ (قدیم مملکت) (330–312 BC)
سکندر اعظم King356 – 13 June 323 BC330 BC323 BCSon of Philip II of MacedoniaKing of Macedonia from 336 BC as Alexander III
Philip IIIArrhidaeusKingت 359 – 317 BCJune 323 BC317 BCSon of Philip II of MacedoniaKilled by اولمپاس
Alexander IVKingSept. 323 – 309 BCSept. 323 BC309 BCSon of Alexander IIIKing of Macedonia as Alexander IV until 309 BC. Killed by Cassander son of Antipater
PerdiccasRegent?–321 BCJune 323 BC321 BCRegent for Alexander IV & Philip III, Prince of Orestis
AntipaterRegent398?–319 BC321 BC319 BCSon of IollasRegent for Alexander IV & Philip III
PolyperchonRegent394–303 BC319 BC316 BCSon of SimmiasRegent for Alexander IV & Philip III. Exercised no actual power in Persia.
CassanderRegentc.350-297316 BC309 BCSon of AntipaterRegent for and murderer of Alexander IV. Exercised no actual power in Persia.

سلوقی خاندان (311–129 ق م)

Seleucid Empire at its greatest extent.
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
سلوقی سلطنت (311–129 BC)
Seleucus I Nicator Kingت 358–281 BC311 BC281 BCSon of Antiochus son of SeleucusAssumed title of "King" from 306 BC.
Antiochus I Soter King?–261 BC281 BC261 BCSon of Seleucus ICo-ruler from 291
Antiochus II Theos King286–246 BC261 BC246 BCSon of Antiochus I
Seleucus II Callinicus King?–225 BC246 BC225 BCSon of Antiochus II
Seleucus III CeraunusAlexander Kingت 243–223 BC225 BC223 BCSon of Seleucus II
Antiochus III the Great Great Kingت 241–187 BC223 BC187 BCSon of Seleucus II
Seleucus IV Philopator King?–175 BC187 BC175 BCSon of Antiochus III
آنتیوخوس چہارم Kingت 215–163 BC175 BC163 BCSon of Antiochus IIIKilled in Elymais
Antiochus V Eupator Kingت 172–161 BC163 BC161 BCSon of Antiochus IV
Demetrius I Soter King185–150 BC161 BC150 BCSon of Seleucus IV
Alexander Balas King?–146 BC150 BC146 BCPurported son of Antiochus IV
Demetrius II Nicator King?–139 BC146 BC139 BCSon of Demetrius IDefeated and captured by Parthians. He married Rhodogune daughter of Mithridates I
Antiochus VI Dionysus King148–138 BC145 BC142 BCSon of Alexander III.In competition with Demetrius II.
آنتیوخوس ہفتم King?–129 BC139 BC129 BCSon of Demetrius IKilled in battle with Phraates II

اشکانیان خاندان (247 ق م – عیسوی 228)

The Parthian Empire at its greatest extent.

The Seleucid dynasty gradually lost control of Persia. In 253, the Arsacid dynasty established itself in پارتھیا. The Parthians gradually expanded their control, until by the mid-2nd century BC, the Seleucids had completely lost control of Persia. Control of eastern territories was permanently lost by Antiochus VII in 129 BC.For more comprehensive lists of kings, queens, sub-kings and sub-queens of this Era see:

  • List of rulers of Parthian sub-kingdoms
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
سلطنت اشکانیان (247 BC – 228 AD)
Arsaces ITiridates I or Arsaces King, Karen, Autocrator?–211 BC247 BC211 BCA descendant of Arsaces son of Phriapatius who was probably son of اردشیر دوم
Arsaces IIArsaces ?–185 BC211 BC185 BC[4]Son of Arsaces I
Arsaces IIIPhriapatius ?–170 BC185 BC170 BC[4]Grandson of Tiridates I
Arsaces IVPhraates I ?–167 BC170 BC167 BC[5]Son of Phriapatius
Arsaces VMithridates I The Great King, Theos, Theopator, Philhellene?–132 BC167 BC[5]132 BC[6]Son of Phriapatius
Arsaces VIPhraates II The Great King, Philopator, Theopator, Nikephoros?–127 BC132 BC127 BC[6]Son of Mithridates IKilled in battle with Scythians
Arsaces VIIArtabanus I King?–126 BC127 BC126 BC[6]Son of PhriapatiusKilled in battle with Tocharians
Arsaces VIIIVologases (I)[6]The Great King, Theopator, Philadelphos, Philhellene, Epiphanes?–122 BC126 BC122 BC[6]Son of PhriapatiusHe was the first Arsacid king of Media, Arran and Iberia
Arsaces IXArtabanus (II)[6]The Great King, King of kings, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–121 BC122 BC121 BCSon of Artabanus IKilled in battle with Medians
Arsaces XMithridates II The Great King, The Great King of Kings, Epiphanes, Soter?–91 BC121 BC[7]91 BCSon of Artabanus I
Arsaces XIGotarzes I The Great King, Epiphanes, Philhellene, Euergetes, Autocrator?–87 BC91 BC87 BCSon of Mithridates II
Arsaces XIIArtabanus (III)[5]The Great King, Theopator, Nicator?–77? BC91 BC77? BCSon of Vologases (I)
Arsaces XIIIMithridates (III)[6]The Great King, The Great King of Kings, Dikaios, Euergetes, Philhellene, Autocrator, Philopator, Epiphanes?–67 BC88 BC67 BCSon of Mithridates II
Arsaces XIVOrodes I The Great King, Euergetes, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–75 BC80 BC75 BCSon of Mithridates II
Arsaces XVSanatruces IThe Great King, Theopator, Euergetes, Epiphanes, Philhellene157–70 BC77 BC70 BCSon of Vologases (I)[5]
Arsaces XVI[5]?The Great King, Theopator, Euergetes, Epiphanes, Philhellene, Eusebes?–66 BC77 BC66 BC?The most obscure major monarch of the first millennium BC. Nothing about him is currently known.
Arsaces XVIIPhraates III The Great King, Theos, Euergetes, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–57 BC70 BC57 BCSon of Sanatruces IKilled by Orodes II
Arsaces XVIII[5]?The Great King, Philopator, Euergetes, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–63 BC66 BC63 BCSon of Arsaces XVIThe second most obscure monarch of the first millennium BC, nothing about him is known.
Arsaces XIXMithridates III (or IV)The Great King, The Great King of Kings, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Theos, Eupator, Theopator, Philhellene?–54 BC65 BC[5]54 BCSon of Phraates IIIKilled by Orodes II
Arsaces XXOrodes II King of Kings, Philopator, Eupator, Euergetes, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene, Ktistes?–38 BC57 BC38 BCSon of Phraates IIIKilled by Phraates IV
Arsaces XXIPacorus I King of Kings, Euergetes, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–38 BC50 BC38 BCSon of Orodes IIKilled in battle with Romans
Arsaces XXIIPhraates IV King of Kings, Euergetes, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–2 BC382 BCSon of Orodes IIKilled by Musa
Arsaces XXIIITiridates IIKing of Kings, Euergetes, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene, Autocrator, Philoromaeos?–after 23 BC30 BC25 BCProbably a descendant of Mithridates (III)Deposed and went to Rome
Arsaces XXIVMithridates (V)[8]??–? BC12 BC9 BCProbably a descendant of Mithridates (III)
MusaMusa Queen of Queens, Thea, Urania?–4? AD2 BC4 ADQueen of Phraates IV
Arsaces XXVPhraates VKing of Kings, Euergetes, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–4 AD2 BC4 ADSon of Phraates IV & MusaDeposed and went to Rome
Arsaces XXVIOrodes III King of Kings, Euergetes, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–646Probably a descendant of Mithridates (III)Killed by Parthian aristocrats
Arsaces XXVIIVonones I The Great King, King of Kings, Euergetes, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene, Nikephorus?–19812Son of Phraates IVDeposed and went to Rome. Later, He was killed by Romans.
Arsaces XXVIIIArtabanus III King of Kings, Euergetes, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–401040Probably a descendant of Mithridates (III)
Arsaces XXIXTiridates III??–?3536Probably a descendant of Tiridates IIDeposed and went to Rome
Arsaces XXXCinnamus??–?3737Son of Artabanus IIIAbdicated
Arsaces XXXIGotarzes II King of Kings, Euergetes, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene11–5140 –51Son of Artabanus III
Arsaces XXXIIVardanes I King of Kings, Euergetes, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–464046Son of Artabanus IIIKilled by Gotarzes II
Arsaces XXXIIIVonones II King of Kings, Euergetes, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–51ت 4551
Arsaces XXXIVMithridates (VI)[9]??–?4950Son of Vonones IIDeposed and mutilated by Gotarzes II
Arsaces XXXVVologases I (or II) King of Kings, Euergetes, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene, The Lord?–775177Son of Vonones II
Arsaces XXXVIVardanes IIKing of Kings, Euergetes, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–?5558Son of Vologases I (or II)Deposed
Arsaces XXXVIIVologases II (or III) King of Kings, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–?7789/90Probably son of Vologases I
Arsaces XXXVIIIPacorus II King of Kings, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–11577115Son of Vonones II
Arsaces XXXIXArtabanus IVKing of Kings, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–?8081Probably son of Artabanus III
Arsaces XLOsroes I King of Kings, Euergetes, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–13089/90130Probably son of Vologases II (or III)
Arsaces XLIVologases III (or IV) King of Kings, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–148105148?
Arsaces XLIIMithridates IV (or VII) King of Kings, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–ت 145115ت 145Brother of Osroes IKilled in battle with Romans
Arsaces XLIIIParthamaspates King of Kings, Euergetes, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–after 123116117Son of Osroes IDeposed and went to Rome
Arsaces XLIV[10]Sanatruces IIKing of Kings, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–ت 145ت 145ت 145son of Mithridates IV (or VII)Killed in battle with Romans
Arsaces XLVVologases IV (or V)King of Kings, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–191148191Son of Mithridates IV (or VII)
Arsaces XLVIVologases V (or VI)King of Kings, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–208191208Son of Vologases IV (or V)
Arsaces XLVIIOsroes IIKing of Kings, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–?ت 190ت 195Probably son of Vologases IV (or V)
Arsaces XLVIIIVologases VI (or VII) King of Kings, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene181–228208228Son of Vologases V (or VI)Killed by اردشیر بابکاں(اول)
Arsaces XLIXArtabanus V King of Kings, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–226213226Son of Vologases V (or VI)Killed by اردشیر بابکاں(اول)
Arsaces LTiridates IV[11]King of Kings, Dikaios, Epiphanes, Philhellene?–?217222Son of Vologases IV (or V)He was also king of Armenia

ساسانی خاندان (224–651)

Sasanian Empire at its greatest extent.
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
خاندان ساسان
اردشیر بابکاں(اول) شہنشاہ[12]180 – February 24228 April 224February 242Son of Papak, who was son of ساسان
شاہپور اول شہنشاہ215 – May 27012 April 240May 270Son of اردشیر بابکاں(اول)
ہرمز اولHormozd-Ardashir شہنشاہ، Wuzurg Armananshah[13]?–June 271May 270June 271Son of شاہپور اول
بہرام اول شہنشاہ، Gilanshah?–September 274June 271September 274Son of شاہپور اول
بہرام دوم شہنشاہ?–293September 274293Son of بہرام اول
بہرام سوم شہنشاہ، Sakanshah?–293293293Son of بہرام دومDeposed
نرسی شہنشاہ، Wuzurg Armananshah?–302293302Son of شاہپور اول
ہرمز دوم شہنشاہ?–309302309Son of نرسیKilled by Iranian aristocrats
آذر نرسہشہنشاہ?–309309309Son of ہرمز دومKilled by Iranian aristocrats
Shapur IIشہنشاہ، Dhū al-aktāf[14]309 – 379309379Son of ہرمز دوم
اردشیر دوم شہنشاہ?–383379383Son of Shapur II
Shapur III شہنشاہ?–Dec. 388383Dec. 388Son of Shapur IIKilled by Iranian aristocrats
Bahram IV شہنشاہ، Kirmanshah?–399Dec. 388399Son of Shapur II
Yazdegerd I شہنشاہ363 – 21 January 42039921 January 420Son of Shapur IIIKilled by Iranian aristocrats
بہرام گور شہنشاہ406 – 20 June 43821 January 42020 June 438Son of Yazdegerd I
Yazdegerd II شہنشاہ?–15 December 45720 June 43815 December 457Son of بہرام گور
Hormizd IIIشہنشاہ399–459457459Son of Yazdegerd IIKilled by Peroz I
Peroz I شہنشاہ459 –Jan. 484457Jan. 484Son of Yazdegerd IIKilled in battle with Hephthalites
Balash شہنشاہ?–488Feb. 484488Son of Yazdegerd II
قباد شہنشاہ449 – 13 September 531488496Son of Peroz IDeposed
Djamasp شہنشاہ?–502496498Son of Peroz IDeposed
قباد شہنشاہ449 – 13 September 53149813 September 531Son of Peroz I
خسرو اول شہنشاہ، Anushiravan, The Just500 – 31 January 57913 September 53131 January 579Son of قباد
Hormizd IV شہنشاہ540 – 5 September 59031 January 5795 September 590Son of خسرو اولKilled by Vistahm
خسرو پرویز شہنشاہ، Aparviz570 – February 28, 628Sept. 590Sept. 590Son of Hormizd IVDeposed and went to Byzantine territory
خاندان مہران
Bahram VIMehrbandak شہنشاہ، Chubineh?–591Sept. 590Jan. 591Son of Bahram Gushnasp from خاندان مہرانAssassinated under the order of خسرو پرویز
خاندان ساسان
خسرو پرویز شہنشاہ، Aparviz570 – February 28, 628Jan. 59125 February 628Son of Hormizd IVExecuted by Mihr Hormozd under the orders of Kavadh II
House of Ispahbudhan
Vistahm شہنشاہ?–596 or 600591596 or 600Son of Shapur from the House of Ispahbudhan. He was the uncle of خسرو پرویز and husband of Gorduya, sister of Bahram VIKilled by his wife Gorduya or by his general Pariowk
خاندان ساسان
Kavadh IIShiruyah شہنشاہ?–15 September 62825 February 62815 September 628Son of خسرو پرویزDied from plague
اردشیر سوم شہنشاہ621 – 27 April 62915 September 62827 April 629Son of Kavadh IIKilled by Shahrbaraz
خاندان مہران
Shahrbaraz شہنشاہ، Shahrvaraz?–17 June 62927 April 62917 June 629Sasanian general from the خاندان مہرانKilled by Farrokh Hormizd under the orders of بوران دخت
خاندان ساسان
Khosrau III شہنشاہ?–630630630Nephew of خسرو پرویزKilled after a few days reign
بوران دخت (First reign) Shahbanu[15]590 – 63217 June 62916 June 630Daughter of خسرو پرویزDeposed by Iranian aristocrats and replaced by Shapur-i Shahrvaraz
Shapur-i Shahrvarazشہنشاہ?–?630630Son of Shahrbaraz and an unknown sister of خسرو پرویزDeposed by Iranian aristocrats and replaced by Azarmidokht
Peroz IIGushnasp-Bandehشہنشاہ?–630630630Son of Mihran-Goshnasp & Chaharbakht who was daughter of Yazdandad son of خسرو اول.Killed by Iranian aristocrats
Azarmidokht Shahbanu?–631630631Daughter of خسرو پرویزKilled by Iranian aristocrats
Khosrau IVKhurrazadh شہنشاہ?–631631631Son of خسرو پرویزKilled by Iranian aristocrats
House of Ispahbudhan
Farrokh Hormizd شہنشاہ?–631630631Son of Sasanian general Vinduyih, the brother of VistahmKilled by Siyavakhsh under the orders of Azarmidokht
خاندان ساسان
Hormizd VI شہنشاہ?–631630631Grandson of خسرو پرویزKilled by Iranian aristocrats
بوران دخت (Second reign) Shahbanu[15]590 – 632631632Daughter of خسرو پرویزRestored to the Sasanian throne, and later strangled to death by Piruz Khosrow
یزد گرد سوئم شہنشاہ624 – 65116 June 632651Son of Shahryar the son of خسرو پرویزKilled by a miller

خاندان دابویگان (642–760)

Dabuyids, c. 720
نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
خاندان دابویگان (642–760)
Gil Gavbara Ispahbadh?–660642660Son of Piruz
DabuyaIspahbadh, Gil-Gilan, Padashwargarshah?–676660676Son of Gil Gavbara
Farrukhan I the Great Ispahbadh, Gil-Gilan, Padashwargarshah?–728712728Son of Dabuya
Dadhburzmihr Ispahbadh, Gil-Gilan, Padashwargarshah?–740/741728740/741Son of Farrukhan the Great
Farrukhan II the LittleIspahbadh, Gil-Gilan, Padashwargarshah?–747/48740/741747/48Son of Farrukhan the GreatRegent for Khurshid of Tabaristan
Khurshid of Tabaristan Ispahbadh, Gil-Gilan, Padashwargarshah734 – 761740/741760Son of DadhburzmihrCommitted suicide

آغاز - ایران کی اسلامی فتح

The Rashidun Empire reached its greatest extent under Caliph Uthman, in 654.

For more comprehensive lists of kings and sub-kings of this Era see:

  • Muslim dynasties of Iran
کنیتنامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
خلافت راشدہ (632 - 661)
Abu Hafsعمر بن خطاب Al-Faruq, Caliph, Amir al-Mu'minin583–644642644Son of خطاب بن نفیل.Umar became Caliph in 634 and his forces conquered Persia in 642. Killed by ابولولو فیروز
Abu Amrعثمان بن عفان Zonnurain, Caliph, Amir al-Mu'minin579–656644656Son of Affan, of the خلافت امویہ clan.Killed by خارجی
Abul-Hasanعلی بن ابی طالب Al-Mortaza, Caliph, Amir al-Mu'minin, Great Imam598–661656661Son of Abu Talib, of the بنو ھاشم clan. Son-in-law of محمد صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ و سلم.Killed by Kharijites
Umayyad Caliphate at its greatest extent (AD 750).
کنیتنامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
خلافت امویہ (661–750)
Abu Abdullahمعاویہ بن ابو سفیانخلیفہ، امیر المومنین661680Son of ابو سفیان بن حرب, cousin of عثمان بن عفان and distant cousin of محمد صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ و سلم
Abu Khalidیزید بن معاویہ خلیفہ، امیر المومنین680683Son of معاویہ بن ابو سفیان
Abu Abd ur-Rahmanمعاویہ بن یزیدخلیفہ، امیر المومنین683684Son of یزید بن معاویہAbdicated (?)
Abu Abd al-Malikمروان بن حکمخلیفہ، امیر المومنین684685Son of Hakam cousin of معاویہ بن ابو سفیانKilled by his wife
Abu'l-Walidعبدالملک بن مروان خلیفہ، امیر المومنین685705Son of مروان بن حکم
Abu'l-Abbasولید بن عبد الملکخلیفہ، امیر المومنین705715Son of عبدالملک بن مروان
Abu Ayyubسلیمان بن عبدالملکخلیفہ، امیر المومنین715717Son of عبدالملک بن مروان
Abu Hafṣعمر بن عبدالعزیزخلیفہ، امیر المومنین717720Son of Abd al-Aziz son of مروان بن حکم
Abu Khalidیزید بن عبدالملکخلیفہ، امیر المومنین720724Son of عبدالملک بن مروان
Abu'l-Walidہشام بن عبدالملک خلیفہ، امیر المومنین724743Son of عبدالملک بن مروان
Abu'l-Abbasولید ثانی بن یزیدخلیفہ، امیر المومنین743744Son of یزید بن عبدالملک
Abu Khalidیزید ثالث بن ولیدخلیفہ، امیر المومنین744744Son of ولید بن عبد الملک and Shahfarand daughter of Peroz IIIKilled
Abu Ishaqابراہیم بن ولیدخلیفہ، امیر المومنین744744Son of ولید بن عبد الملکKilled
Abu Abd al-Malikمروان الثانیخلیفہ، امیر المومنین744750Son of Muhammad son of مروان بن حکمRuled from حران in the جزیرہ فرات. Killed by ابوالعباس السفاح
Abbasid Caliphate at its greatest extent, c. 850.
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
خلافت عباسیہ (750-946)
ابوالعباس السفاحAbu'l-Abbas Abdullah Caliph, Amir al-Mu'minin721-754750754Son of محمد بن علی بن عبد اللہ who was محمد صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ و سلم's paternal uncle
ابو جعفر المنصورAbu Ja'far Abdullah Caliph, Amir al-Mu'minin714-775754775Brother of ابوالعباس السفاح
المہدی باللہAbu Abdullah Muhammad Caliph, Amir al-Mu'minin744/5-785775785Son of ابو جعفر المنصور
موسیٰ الہادیAbu Mohammad MusaCaliph, Amir al-Mu'minin764-786785786Son of المہدی باللہ
ہارون الرشیدAbu Ja'far Harun Caliph, Amir al-Mu'minin763/766-809786809Son of المہدی باللہ
امین الرشیدAbu Abdullah MuhammadCaliph, Amir al-Mu'minin787-813809813Son of ہارون الرشیدKilled by مامون الرشید
مامون الرشیدAbu'l-Abbas Abdullah Caliph, Amir al-Mu'minin786-833813833Son of ہارون الرشید
المعتصم باللہAbu Ishaq MuhammadCaliph, Amir al-Mu'minin795-842833842Son of ہارون الرشید
الواثق باللہAbu Ja'far HarunCaliph, Amir al-Mu'minin816-847842847Son of المعتصم باللہ
المتوکل علی اللہAbu'l-Fazl Ja'farCaliph, Amir al-Mu'minin821-861847861Son of المعتصم باللہKilled by المنتصر باللہ
المنتصر باللہAbu Ja'far MuhammadCaliph, Amir al-Mu'minin837-862861862Son of المتوکل علی اللہ
المستعین باللہAbu'l-Abbas AhmadCaliph, Amir al-Mu'minin836-866862866Son of Muhammad son of المعتصم باللہDeposed and later killed
المعتز باللہAbu Abdullah ZubayrCaliph, Amir al-Mu'minin847-869866869Son of المتوکل علی اللہDeposed and later killed
المہتدی باللہAbu Ishaq MuhammadCaliph, Amir al-Mu'minin??-870869870Son of الواثق باللہ
المعتمد علی اللہAbu'l-Abbas Ahmad Caliph, Amir al-Mu'minin844-892870892Son of المتوکل علی اللہ
المعتضد باللہAbu'l-Abbas Ahmad Caliph, Amir al-Mu'minin854/861-902892902Son of Talha al-Muwaffaq son of المتوکل علی اللہ
المکتفی باللہAbu Mohammad AliCaliph, Amir al-Mu'minin877/8-908902908Son of المعتضد باللہ
المقتدر باللہ
(First reign)
Abul-Fazl Ja'far Caliph, Amir al-Mu'minin895-932908929Son of المعتضد باللہBriefly deposed.
القاہر باللہ
(First reign)
Abu Mansur MuhammadCaliph, Amir al-Mu'minin899-950929929Son of المعتضد باللہForced to resign the throne in the face of public protest
المقتدر باللہ
(Second reign)
Abul-Fazl Ja'far Caliph, Amir al-Mu'minin895-932929932Son of المعتضد باللہ
القاہر باللہ
(Second reign)
Abu Mansur MuhammadCaliph, Amir al-Mu'minin932934Son of المعتضد باللہDeposed and blinded
Abu'l-Abbas الراضی باللہMuhammadCaliph, Amir al-Mu'minin907-940934940Son of المقتدر باللہDe facto power in the hands of Ibn Ra'iq 936-938
المتقیAbu Ishaq Ibrahim Caliph, Amir al-Mu'minin908-968940944Son of المقتدر باللہDe facto power in the hands of Bajkam 940-941, Ibn Ra'iq 941-942, Nasir al-Dawla 942-943 & Tuzun 943-944, who deposed and blinded him.
المستکفی باللہAbu'l-Qasim AbdullahCaliph, Amir al-Mu'minin905-949944946Son of المکتفی باللہDe facto power in the hands of Tuzun 944-945 & Abu Jafar 945-946. Deposed and blinded by معز الدولہ
Samanid Empire at its greatest extent.
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش-وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
دولت سامانیہ, 819–1005
1Ahmad I?–864/5819864/5
2Nasr I?–892864/5892
3Isma'il IAdel?–907892907
4Ahmad IIShaheed?–914907914
5Nasr II Saeed?–943914942
6Nuh IHamid?–954942954
7'Abd al-Malik IRashid?–?954961
8Mansur IMo'ayyed?–976961976
9نوح دومRadhi? –997976996
10Mansur IIAbol Hareth?–999996999
11عبد الملک دومAbol Favares?–?999999
12Isma'il IIMontaser?–100510001005
Map of the Saffarid Dynasty (861 CE-1003 CE).

For more comprehensive lists of kings and sub-kings of this Era see:

  • Muslim dynasties of Iran
کنیتنامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
صفاری خاندان (861–1003)
یعقوب لیث صفاریامیر840 – 879861879Son of al-LaythDied of sickness
Amrامیر?–902879901Son of al-LaythCaptured by the دولت سامانیہ, later executed on 20 April 902 in بغداد
Abu'l-HasanTahirامیر?–?901908Son of Muhammad, son of AmrImprisoned in بغداد
Al-Laythامیر?–928909910Son of Ali, son of al-LaythDies of natural causes as a prisoner in بغداد in 928
Muhammadامیر?–?910911Son of Ali, son of al-LaythImprisoned in بغداد
Abu HafsAmrامیر902 – ?912913Son of Ya'qubOverthrown by the دولت سامانیہ
Abu Ja'farAhmad امیرJune 21, 906 – March 31, 963923963Son of Muhammad, son of AmrKilled by Abu’l-‘Abbas and a Turkic غلمان و ولدان
Abu AhmadKhalaf امیرNovember 937 – March 10099631003Son of Ahmad ibn MuhammadOverthrown by the سلطنت غزنویہ in 1003, dies as exile in 1009
Map of the Ghurid dynasty at its greatest extent by the year 1202.

For more comprehensive lists of kings and sub-kings of this Era see:

  • Muslim dynasties of Iran
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش-وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
غوری خاندان (879-1215)
Amir Suriملک?-???Father of Muhammad ibn Suri[16]was the first Malik of the Ghurid dynasty
Muhammad ibn Suri ملک?-1011?1011Son of Amir SuriPoisoned himself
ابو علی بن محمدملک?-103510111035Son of Muhammad ibn SuriOverthrown and killed by his nephew Abbas ibn Shith
Abbas ibn Shithملک?-106010351060Deposed and killed by the Ghaznavids, replaced by his son Muhammad ibn Abbas
Muhammad ibn Abbasملک?-108010601080Son of Abbas ibn Shith
Qutb al-din Hasanملک?-110010801100Son of Muhammad ibn Abbas
Izz al-Din Husaynملک?-114611001146Son of Qutb al-din Hasan
Sayf al-Din Suriملک?-114911461149Son of Izz al-Din Husayn
Baha al-Din Sam Iملک?-114911491149Son of Izz al-Din Husayn
حسین علاؤالدین غوریملک?-116111491161Son of Izz al-Din Husayn
Sayf al-Din Muhammadملک?-116311611163Son of حسین علاؤالدین غوری
غیاث الدین محمد غوریSultan1139-120211631202Son of Baha al-Din Sam I
شہاب الدین غوری Sultan1149-120611731206Son of Baha al-Din Sam I
Ghiyath al-Din MahmudSultan?-121212061212Son of غیاث الدین محمد غوری
Baha al-Din Sam IIISultan?-121312121213Son of Ghiyath al-Din Mahmud
Ala al-Din AtsizSultan1159-121412131214Son of حسین علاؤالدین غوری
Ala al-Din AliSultan?-121512141215Son of Shuja al-Din Muhammad

Buyid Clan and their dynasty (934–1062)

Buyid Dynasty at its greatest extent.

The آل بویہ was divided into a number of separate emirates, of which the most important were صوبہ فارس, رے (شہر), and عراق. Generally, one of the emirs held a sort of primus inter pares supremacy over the rest, which would be marked by titles like Amir al-umara and شاہ.For more comprehensive lists of kings and sub-kings of this Era see:

  • Muslim dynasties of Iran
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
Buyids of Fars (933–1062)
عماد الدولہ دیلمیAbu'l-Hasan AliEmir, Amir al-umara891 – 949934949Son of BuyaAlso Senior Buyid Emir (934-949)
عضد الدولہFanna Khusraw Emir, Shahanshah936–983949983Son of Rukn al-Dawla and nephew of عماد الدولہ دیلمیSenior Buyid Emir (976-983) and Emir of Iraq (978-983)
Sharaf al-DawlaAbu'l-Fawaris ShirdilEmir, Amir al-umara962–989983989Son of عضد الدولہAlso Senior Buyid Emir and Emir of Iraq (987-989)
Samsam al-DawlaAbu Kalijar MarzubanEmir, King964–998989998son of عضد الدولہAlso Emir of Iraq and self-proclaimed Senior Buyid Emir (983-986)
Baha' al-DawlaAbu Nasr Firuz Emir, King, Shahanshah971–10129981012Son of عضد الدولہAlso Emir of Iraq (988-1012) and Senior Buyid Emir (997-1012)
Sultan al-DawlaAbu ShujaEmir992–102410121024Son of Baha' al-DawlaAlso Emir of Iraq and Senior Buyid Emir (1012-1021)
Abu KalijarMarzuban Emir, Shahanshah?1011 – 104810241048Son of Sultan al-DawlaAlso Emir of Kerman (1028-1048), Senior Buyid Emir (1037-1048) and Emir of Iraq (1044-1048)
Abu Mansur Fulad SutunEmir?–106210481054Son of Abu KalijarLost Fars to Abu Sa'd Khusrau Shah
Abu Sa'd Khusrau ShahEmir?–?10511054Son of Abu KalijarLost Fars to Abu Mansur Fulad Sutun
Abu Mansur Fulad SutunEmir?–106210541062Son of Abu KalijarKilled by the Shabankara tribal chief Fadluya
Buyids of Rey, Isfahan, and Hamadan (935–1038)
Rukn al-DawlaAbu Ali Hasan Emir, Amir al-umara898–976935976Son of BuyaAlso Senior Buyid Emir (949-976)
Fakhr al-Dawla
(First reign)
Abu'l-Hasan AliEmir952–997976980Son of Rukn al-Dawla
Mu'ayyad al-DawlaAbu Mansur Emir941–983976983Son of Rukn al-DawlaAlso Emir of Hamadan (976–983), Jibal (977–983), Tabaristan (980–983), and Gorgan (981–983)
Fakhr al-Dawla
(Second reign)
Abu'l-Hasan AliEmir, King, Shahanshah983–997976997Son of Rukn al-DawlaAlso Emir of Hamadan & Tabaristan (984-997) and Senior Buyid Emir (991-997)
Majd al-DawlaAbu Taleb Rostam Emir993–10299971029Son of Fakhr al-DawlaOnly in Rey, briefly self-proclaimed Senior Buyid Emir
Shams al-DawlaAbu Taher Emir?–10219971021Son of Fakhr al-DawlaOnly in Isfahan and Hamaedan, briefly self-proclaimed Senior Buyid Emir
Sama' al-DawlaAbu'l-Hasan AliEmir?–102310211023Son of Shams al-DawlaOnly in Hamadan, Deposed by آل کاکویہ
Buyids of Iraq and Khuzistan (945–1055)
معز الدولہAbu'l-Husayn AhmadEmir, Amir al-umara915–966945966Son of Buya
Izz al-DawlaAbu Mansur BakhtiyarEmir, Amir al-umara943–979966979Son of معز الدولہSelf-proclaimed Senior Buyid Emir (976-978)
عضد الدولہFanna Khusraw Emir, Shahanshah937–983977983Son of Rukn al-DawlaAlso Emir of Fars (949-983) and Senior Buyid Emir (976-983)
Samsam al-DawlaAbu Kalijar MarzbanEmir, King964–998983987Son of عضد الدولہAlso self-proclaimed Senior Buyid Emir (983-986) and Emir of Fars & Kerman (989-998)
Sharaf al-DawlaAbu'l-Fawaris ShirdilEmir, Amir al-umara962–989987989Son of عضد الدولہAlso Emir of Fars (983-989) and Senior Buyid Emir (987-989)
Baha' al-DawlaAbu Nasr Firuz Emir970–10129891012Son of عضد الدولہAlso Senior Buyid Emir (997-1012) and Emir of Fars (999-1012)
Sultan al-DawlaAbu ShujaEmir992–102410121021Son of Baha' al-DawlaAlso Senior Buyid Emir (1012-1021) and Emir of Fars (1012-1024)
Musharrif al-DawlaAbu 'AliEmir, Shahanshah, King1002–102510211025Son of Baha' al-DawlaClosest thing to Senior Buyid Emir (1024-1025)
Jalal al-DawlaAbu Tahir Jalal al-DawlaEmir994–104310271043Son of Baha' al-Dawla
Abu KalijarMarzuban Emir, Shahanshah?1011 – 104810431048Son of Sultan al-DawlaAlso Emir of Fars (1024-1048), Emir of Kerman (1028-1048) and Senior Buyid Emir (1037-1048)
Al-Malik al-RahimAbu Nasr Khusrau FiruzEmir?–105810481055Son of Abu KalijarAlso Senior Buyid Emir (1051-1055). Deposed by طغرل بیگ of the سلجوقی سلطنت

Ziyarid dynasty (928–1043)

شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش-وفاتقلدان سنبھالاقلدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
آل زیاریان, 928–1043 AD
1MardavijAbolhajjaj, Emir?–934928934son of Ziyar
2VoshmgirAbutaher?–967934967son of Ziyar
3BisotoonZahir od-Dowleh?–976967–976son of Voshmgir
4QabusShams ol-Ma'ali, Abolhasan9761012son of Voshmgir
5ManuchehrFalak ol-Ma'ali10121031son of Qabus
6AnushiravanSharaf ol-Ma'ali10311043son of Manuchehr
7KeykavousOnsor ol-Ma'alison of Eskandar son of Qabus
8Gilanshahson of Keykavous

Great Seljuqs and their Empire (1029–1194)

A map showing the Great Seljuk Empire at its height, upon the death of Malik Shah I in 1092.

For more comprehensive lists of kings and sub-kings of this Era see:

  • Muslim dynasties of Iran
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
House of Seljuq (1029–1191)
Rukn ad-Dunya wa'd-Dinطغرل بیگ Abu Talib MohammadBeg, Sultan995–106310291063Son of Mikha'il son of Seljuq
ʿAdud ad-Dawlaالپ ارسلان Abu Shujaʿ Mohammad Sultan1039–107210631072Son of Chaghri Beg Dawud brother of طغرل بیگ
Jalal ad-Dawla wa'd-Dinملک شاہ اول Abu'l-Fath Hasan Sultan1055–109210721092Son of الپ ارسلانKilled by حشاشین
Nasir ad-Dawla wa'd-DinAbu'l-Qasim Mahmud ISultan1086–109410921094Son of ملک شاہ اول
Rukn ad-Dunya wa'd-DinAbu'l-Muzaffar برکیاروقSultan1080–110510941105Son of ملک شاہ اول
Ghiyath ad-Dunya wa'd-DinAbu Shuja Muhammad I TaparSultan1082–111811051118Son of ملک شاہ اول
Muglith ad-Dunya wa'd-DinMahmud IISultan1104–113111181131Son of Muhammad IDominated by his uncle Sanjar and killed in a rebellion against him.
Rukn ad-Dunya wa'd-DinAbu Talib Toghrul IISultan1109–113411321134Son of Muhammad IRuled only in Iraq, dominated by his uncle احمد سنجر
As-Salatin Muʿizz ad-Dunyā wa'd-DīnAbu'l-Harith احمد سنجرSultan1087–115710971157Son of ملک شاہ اولRuled in Khorasan, dominating a series of nephews in Iraq.
Ghiyath ad-Dawla wa'd-DinAbu'l-Fath Mas'udSultan1109–115211341152Son of Muhammad IRuled over the western portion of the empire. Preoccupations in the east meant Sanjar was unable to dominate him.
Mugith ad-Dunya wa'd-Din
(First reign)
Malik Shah IISultan1128–116011521153Son of Mahmud IIDeposed by Khass Bey
Ghiyath ad-Dunya wa'd-DinAbu Shuja Muhammad IISultan1128–116011531160Son of Mahmud IIRule contested with his uncle Sulayman Shah (1153-1155)
Mu'izz ad-Dunya wa'd-Din
(First reign)
Abu'l-Harith Sulayman ShahSultan1118–116211531155Son of Muhammad IRule contested with his nephew Muhammad II
Mugith ad-Dunya wa'd-Din
(Second reign)
Malik Shah IISultan1128–116011601160Son of Mahmud IIDeposed by the people of Isfahan after 16 days.
Mu'izz ad-Dunya wa'd-Din
(Second reign)
Abu'l-Harith Sulayman ShahSultan1118–116211601161Son of Muhammad IDeposed by Inanj, Lord of Reyy and the court officials
Rukn ad-Dunya wa'd-DinArslanSultan1134–117611611176Son of Toghrul IIDe facto power in the hands of Ildeniz (1160-1174) and his son Pahlavan (1174-1176)
Rukn ad-Dunya wa'd-Din
(First reign)
Abu Talib Toghrul IIISultan?–119411761194Son of ArslanDe facto power in the hands of Pahlavan (1176-1186) and Qizil Arslan (1186-1188). Deposed by Qizil Arslan in 1191.
Sanjar IISultan11891191Son of Sulayman ShahDe facto power in the hands of Qizil Arslan (1189-1191). Deposed by Qizil Arslan in 1191.
Eldiguzids (1191)
Qizil ArslanSultan?–119111911191Son of IldenizHeld de facto power (1186-1188). Deposed Qizil Arslan in 1191, declared himself Sultan and died an hour before his coronation.
House of Seljuq (1191–1194)
Rukn ad-Dunya wa'd-Din
(Second reign)
Abu Talib Toghrul IIISultan?–119411761194Son of ArslanKilled by خوارزم شاہی سلطنت Tekish
Khwarazmian Empire at its greatest extent.

An empire built from خوارزم, covering part of Iran and neighbouring Central Asia.For more comprehensive lists of kings and sub-kings of this Era see:

  • Muslim dynasties of Iran
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
خوارزم شاہی سلطنت (1153–1231)
Ala ad-Dunya wa ad-Din Abul-MuzaffarAtsizSultan1097/1105–115611531156son of Muhammad I of KhwarazmRuling in Khwārazm from 1127
Taj ad-Dunya wa ad-Din Abul-FathIl-ArslanSultan?–117111561172son of Atsiz
Ala ad-Dunya wa ad-Din Abul-MuzaffarTekishSultan?–120011721200son of Il-ArslanWith opposition from Sultan shah
Ala ad-Dunya wa ad-Din Abul-FathMuhammad Sanjar Shah?–122012001220son of TekishEliminated by the Mongols
Jalal ad-Dunya wa ad-Din Abul-MuzaffarMingburnuJalal od-Din, Sultan?–123112201231son of MuhammadReign largely guerilla warfare against the Mongol conquerors
Mongol Empire at its greatest extent.
Ilkhanate at its greatest extent.

For more comprehensive lists of kings and sub-kings of this Era see:

  • Muslim dynasties of Iran
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
خاقانs (1221–1256)
چنگیز خانTemujin Khan1162–122712211227Son of یسوخئی بہادرRuling in Mongolia from 1206
تولی خان Khan1192–123225 August 122713 September 1229Son of چنگیز خانRegent
اوکتائی خان Khanت 1186 – 11 December 124113 September 122911 December 1241Son of چنگیز خان
Töregene Khatun?–?12421246Wife of اوکتائی خانRegent
گیوک خان Khanت 1206–124812461248Son of اوکتائی خان and Töregene
Oghul QaimishKhatun?–125112481251Wife of گیوک خانRegent
MöngkeKhan10 January 1209 – 11 August 12591 July 125111 August 1259Son of تولی خان
ایل خانی (1256–1357)
ہلاکو خان Khan, Ilkhanت 1217 – 8 February 126512568 February 1265Son of تولی خان
اباقا خان Khan, Ilkhan1234–128212651 April 1282Son of ہلاکو خان
AhmadNicholas احمد تکودار Khan, Ilkhan, Sultan?–128412821284Son of ہلاکو خانKilled by Arghun
ارغون خان Khan, Ilkhan, Sultanت 1258 – 7 March 129112847 March 1291Son of اباقا خان
Gaykhatu Khan, Ilkhan, Sultan?–129512911295Son of اباقا خانKilled by general Taghachar
بیدو خان Khan, Ilkhan, Sultan?–129512951295Son of Taraqai son of ہلاکو خانExecuted by غازان خان
Mahmudغازان خان Khan, Ilkhan, Sultan5 November 1271– 11 May 130412951304Son of ارغون خان
Muhammad Khodabandehمحمد خدابندہ اولجایتو Khan, Ilkhan, Sultan,1280 – 16 December 1316130416 December 1316Son of ارغون خان
Abu Sa'idAla' ad-Din Bahadur Khan, Ilkhan, Sultan2 June 1305 – 1 December 133513161 December 1335Son of محمد خدابندہ اولجایتو
Arpa Ke'unMu'izz ad-Din MahmudKhan, Ilkhan, Sultan?–1336133510 April 1336Son of Suseh son of Munkqan son of Malik-Temur son of اریق بوقا son of تولی خانKilled in battle by Ali Padshah
Nasir ad-DinMusaKhan, Ilkhan, Sultan?–133712 April 13361337Son of Ali son of بیدو خانPuppet of Ali Padshah, fled after being defeated by the جلائر Hasan Buzurg
Togha TemürKhan, Ilkhan, Sultan?–135313351353Son of Sudi son of Bababahathor son of Abokan son of Amakan son of Tur son of Jujiqisar son of یسوخئی بہادرIn opposition to جلائر and Chupanid candidates, killed by the Sarbadar Yahya Karawi
Muzaffar ad-DinMuhammadKhan, Ilkhan, Sultan,?–133813361338Son of Yul Qotloq son of Il Temur son of Ambarji son of Mengu Temur son of ہلاکو خانPuppet of Hasan Buzurg, executed by the Chupanid Hasan Kucek
Sati begKhatunت 1300 – after 134513381339Daughter of محمد خدابندہ اولجایتوPuppet of Hasan Kucek, who deposed her.
Izz ad-DinJahan TemürKhan, Ilkhan, Sultan,?–?13391340Son of Ala-Fireng son of GaykhatuPuppet of Hasan Buzurg, who deposed him for Togha Temür.
SuleimanKhan, Ilkhan, Sultan?–?May 13391345Husband of Sati beg and son of Yusef Shah son of Soga son of Yeshmut son of ہلاکو خانPuppet of Hasan Kucek, fled to دیار باقر in the disorder after his death.
AnushirwanKhan, Ilkhan, Sultan?–?13441356?Puppet of the Chupanid Malek Ashraf
LuqmanKhan, Ilkhan, Sultan?–?13531388Son of Togha TemürPuppet of امیر تیمور
Ghazan IIKhan, Ilkhan, Sultan?–?13561357?Puppet of Malek Ashraf

Rival dynasties (1332–1501)

For more comprehensive lists of kings and sub-kings of this Era see:

  • Muslim dynasties of Iran

Sarbadars (1332–1386)

Sarbadars in 1345
نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
Sarbadars (1332 - 1386)
Abd al-Razzaq ibn FazlullahAmir??-133813371338Revolted against Togha Temür, stabbed to death by his brother
Wajih ad-Din Masud ibn FazlullahAmir??-134413381344brother of Abd al-RazzaqCaptured by the Paduspanids and executed.
Muhammad Aytimur (1343–1346)Amir??-134613441346Unrelated to predecessorsOverthrown and executed
Kulu IsfendiyarAmir??-ت 13471346ت 1347Unrelated to predecessors
Shams al-Din ibn Fazl AllahAmir??-??ت 13471347brother of Abd al-RazzaqForced to abdicate by successor
Khwaja Shams al-Din 'AliAmir??-1351/135213471351/1352Unrelated to predecessorsAssassinated by a disgruntled official
Yahya KarawiAmir??-1355/13561351/13521355/1356Unrelated to predecessorsEliminated Togha Temür, assassinated.
Zahir al-Din KarawiAmir??-1355/13561355/13561355/1356Nephew of Yahya KarawiDeposed by vizier
Haidar QassabAmir??-13561355/13561356Unrelated to predecessorsAssassinated by a Turkish slave
Lutf AllahAmir??-1357/1358 or 136113561357/1358 or 1361Son of Wajih ad-Din MasudDeposed and executed by his vizier
Hasan al-DamghaniAmir??-1361/13621357/1358 or 13611361/1362Unrelated to predecessorsOverthrown by درویش rebels
Khwaja 'Ali-yi Mu'ayyad ibn MasudAmir??-??1361/13621376/1377Unrelated to predecessors
Rukn ad-DinAmir1376/13771376/1377Unrelated to predecessorsInstalled by درویش rebels.
Khwaja 'Ali-yi Mu'ayyad ibn MasudAmir??-??1376/13771381Unrelated to predecessorsRestored, became vassal of امیر تیمور in 1381

Chupanids (1335–1357)

Chupanids (blue)
نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
Chupanids (1335–1357)
Hassan KuchakAmirت 1319–December 15, 1343July 16, 1338December 15, 1343Son of Timurtash son of ChupanRuled on behalf of his Il-Khanate puppets Sati Beg and Suleiman Khan.
Yagi BastiAmir?-134413431344Son of ChupanAssassinated by his co-ruler Malek Ashraf.
SurganAmirت 1320-?13431345Son of Chupan and Sati BegDriven out by his co-ruler Malek Ashraf.
Malek AshrafAmir?-135713431357Brother of Hassan KuchakRuled on behalf of his Il-Khanate puppets Anushirwan. Hung by جانی بیگ of the اردوئے زریں.
TemürtasAmir?-136013601360Son of Malek AshrafShort-lived puppet of the اردوئے زریں.

جلائر (1335–1432)

Jalayirids at its greatest extent
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
جلائر (1335–1432)
Taj-ud-DinHasan BuzurgUlus Beg?-135613361356Son-in-law of ChupanRuled through Ilkhanate puppets Muhammad Khan and Jahan Temür.
Mu'izz-ud-dunya wa'd-DinShaikh UvaisBahadur Khanت 1337-137413561374Son of Hasan Buzurg
HasanShaikh?-137413741374Son of Shaikh UvaisKilled by the Amirs
Jalal-ud-DinHusain I (1374–1382)Shaikh?-138213741382Son of Shaikh UvaisExecuted by his rebellious brother Ahmed
BayazidShaikh?-?13821384Son of Shaikh UvaisIn opposition to Husain and Ahmed
Ghiyath ud-DinAhmadSultan?-141013831410Son of Shaikh UvaisIn exile 1393-4, 1400-2, 1403-5. Killed in battle by Qara Yusuf
Ala ud-DunyaShah WaladSultan?-141114101411Son of Ali, son of Uvais
MahmudSultan?-142514111411Son of Shah WaladUnder regency of Tandu Khatun
UvaisSultan?-142114151421Son of Shah Walad
MuhammadSultan?-142114211421Son of Shah Walad
MahmudSultan?-142514211425Son of Shah WaladSecond reign
Hussain?-143214251432Son of Ala-ud-Dawlah, son of AhmedDefeated by قرہ قویونلو

Injuids (1335–1357)

Injuids at its greatest extent.
نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
Injuids (1335–1357)
Sharaf ad-Din Mahmud Shah?-132513041335Highly autonomous master of the Ilkhanate royal estates (the injü), removed by Abu Sa'id, executed by Arpa Ke'un.
Ghiyath ad-Din Kai-KhusrauAmir?-1338/913351338/9Son of Mahmud Shah
Jalal ad-Din Mas'ud ShahAmir?-134213381342Son of Mahmud ShahIn opposition to Kai-Khusrau. جلائر partisan. Assassinated by Chupanids.
Shams ad-Din MuhammadAmir?-1339/401339/401339/40Son of Mahmud ShahIn opposition to Mas'ud Shah. Murdered by his Chupanid supporter.
Shaikh Abu IshaqAmir?-?13431357Son of Mahmud ShahDefeated & executed by the آل مظفر

آل مظفر (1314–1393)

Muzaffarids at its greatest extent.
نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
آل مظفر (1335–1357)
Mubariz ad-Din Muhammad ibn al-MuzaffarEmir1301-136813141358Founder of the Muzaffarid dynasty
Shah ShujaEmir?-138413581384
Zain al-AbidinEmir?-138713841387
Shah YahyaEmir?-139113871391Only ruled in Shiraz
Shah MansurEmir?-139313911393

قرہ قویونلو (1375–1468)

Kara Koyunlu at its greatest extent.
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
قرہ قویونلو (1375-1468)
Qara MuhammadQara Muhammad Turmush ibn Bairam KhwajaBey?–138813781388First Bey of Kara Koynulu
Qara YusufAbu Nasr Qara Yusuf Nuyan ibn MuhammadBey?–142013881420Reign ended by Timurid invasion
Qara IskanderQara Iskander ibn YusufBey?-143614201436killed
Jahan ShahMuzaffar al-Din Jahan Shah ibn YusufBey1397-11 November 1467143811 November 1467Son of Qara YusufKilled by Uzun Hasan of the Ak Koyunlu
Hasan AliHasan Ali ibn Jahan ShahBey?-146811 November 14671468Son of Jahan ShahKilled by Uzun Hasan of the Ak Koyunlu

آق قویونلو (1378–1497)

Aq Qoyunlu empire at the year of Uzun Hasan's death, 1478.
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
آق قویونلو[17][18] (1378-1497)
Qara OsmanQara Yuluk (Nickname)Bey?–143513781435For aiding Timur, he was given Diyarbakir in 1402
AliNur al-Din Ali ibn Qara YülükBey?-143814351438Son of Qara Osman
JahangirM‘uizz al-Din Jahangir ibn Ali ibn Qara YülükBey?-145314441453Son of Qara Osman
Uzun HassanUzun Hassan ibn Jahangir Bey?-14781453January 6, 1478Son of Jahangir
KhalilKhalil ibn Uzun HasanBey?-147914781479Son of Uzun Hasan
YaqubYaqub ibn Uzun HasanBey?-149014791490Son of Uzun Hasan
BaysongurBaysongur ibn YaqubBey?-149114901491Son of Yaqub
RostamRostam inb MaqsudBey?-149614911497Son of Maqsud
Ahmad GovdeAhmad Govde inb MuhammadBey?-149714971497Son of Muhammad
Locator map of the Timurid Empire, c. 1400.
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتآغاز دوراختتام دورخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
تیموری سلطنت (1370–1449)
امیر تیمورTarmashirin Khan Barlas امیر, بیگ, خان (لقب), میرزا, Gurkani9 April 1336 – 18 February 1405137018 February 1405Son of Muhammad Taraghai
Pir MuhammadPir Muhammad Khan bin JahangirEmir, Khanت 1374 – 22 February 140718 February 140522 February 1407Grandson of Timur
خلیل سلطانKhalil Sultan bin Miran Shah Emir, سلطان, شاہت 1384 – 4 November 141118 February 140513 May 1409Grandson of Timur
شاہ رخ تیموریShahrukh Mirza Mirza30 August 1377 – 12 March 144718 February 140512 March 1447Son of Timur
الغ بیگMirza Muhammad TāraghayMirza, Sultan22 March 1394 – 27 October 144912 March 144727 October 1449Son of Shahrukh MirzaDeposed and murdered by his successor
Rulers in ما وراء النہر (1449-1469):
عبداللطیف مرزاPadarkushMirza, Sultanت 1429 - 9 May 145027 October 14499 May 1450Son of Ulugh BegMurdered by Amirs
'AbdullahMirzaت 1410 - June 14519 May 1450June 1451Grandson of Shah RukhDeposed and executed by his successor
ابو سعید میرزا Mirza1424 - 1469June 145117 February 1469Nephew of Ulugh Beg and great-grandson of TimurConquered خراسان in 1459, realm disintegrates at his death.
Rulers in خراسان (1449-1459, 1459-1507):
Abul-Qasim BaburMirza?-145714491457Grandson of Shah Rukh
Shah MahmudMirzaت 1446 - 1460s14571457Son of BaburExpelled by successor
IbrahimMirza? - March 14591457March 1459Nephew of BaburDied at Battle of Sarakhs
Interregnum (1459-1469)
سلطان حسین مرزا بایقرا Mirza, SultanJune/July 1438 - 4 May 150624 March 14694 May 1506Great-grandson of Timur
Badi' al-ZamanMirza? - 15174 May 15061507Son of HusaynDriven out by Uzbeks
Uzbeks (1507-1510)
محمد شیبانی خانAbul Fath Muhammad Khanت 1451 - 2 December 151015072 December 1510Died at the Battle of Marv

صفوی خاندان (1501–1736)

The maximum extent of the Safavid Empire under Shah Abbas I.
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
صفوی سلطنت (1501–1736)
اسماعیل صفوی Shah, Sultan, Kagan-i Suleyman shan, Turk-Tajdar1487–15247 November 150223 May 1524son of Sultan Heidar
طہماسپ اول Shah, Sahib-i-Qiran, Sultan bar Salatin, Kagan-i Suleyman shan1514–157623 May 152525 May 1576son of اسماعیل صفوی
Ismail II Shah1537–157725 May 157624 November 1577son of طہماسپ اولPoisoned (?)
Mohammad I Khodabandeh, Ashraf, Soltan1532–159625 May 15761 October 1587son of طہماسپ اولDeposed
عباس اول Shahanshah, Sultan, Great1571–16291 October 158719 January 1629son of Mohammad I
SafiSam Mirza Shah, Mirza1611–164219 January 162912 May 1642son of Mohammd Baqer (Safi) Mirza son of عباس اول
Abbas II Shah1632–166612 May 164226 October 1666son of Safi
Suleiman ISafi Mirza Shah, Hakem-ol Hokama1645–169426 October 166629 July 1694son of Abbas II
شاہ سلطان حسینی Shah, Sultan, Sadr-ol Hakem1668–172629 July 169411 September 1722son of Suleiman IDeposed & then killed by Ashraf Hotak
Afghan Rebellion
محمود ہوتکی Shah1697?–172523 October 172222 April 1725son-in-law of شاہ سلطان حسینی son of میر وایس ہوتکRecognised as Shah of Persia after the Siege of Isfahan
Ashraf Hotak Shah?–173022 April 17255 October 1729cousin of محمود ہوتکیRuled in opposition to Tahmasp II and lost control of Persia after the Battle of Damghan
Safavid restoration
Tahmasp II Shah1704–174011 September 172216 April 1732son of شاہ سلطان حسینیRuled in opposition to محمود ہوتکی, later deposed & then killed by نادر شاہ
شاہ عباس سوم Shah1730–173916 April 173222 January 1736son of Tahmasp IIUnder control of نادر شاہ. Deposed & then killed by نادر شاہ
Afsharid dynasty at its greatest extent.
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
خاندان افشار[19] (1736–1796)
نادر شاہNadhar Qoli Khan Shah, Sultan, Hakem-ol Hokama, Hazrat-e Ashraf1698–174722 January 173619 June 1747son of Imam Qoli Beig AfsharBefore crowning his title was Tahmasp Qoli Khan. Killed
Adil ShahAli Qoli BeigShah1719/20–174919 June 174729 July 1748son of Mohammad Ebrahim Khan brother of نادر شاہDeposed, blinded & then killed by Ebrahim
Ebrahim AfsharMohammd Ali BeigShah1724–174929 July 17483 September 1748son of Mohammad Ebrahim Khan brother of نادر شاہDeposed & then killed by Shahrukh Afshar
Shahrukh AfsharShah1734–17963 September 17481796son of Reza Qoli Mirza son of نادر شاہ. His mother was Fatemeh Soltan Beigom daughter of شاہ سلطان حسینی SafaviDeposed & blinded by Suleiman II (1749), restored (1750)
Brief صفوی سلطنت[20] (1749-1750)
شاہ سلیمان دؤمMir Sayyed Mohammad MarashiShah?-?17491750Pretender to the Safavid throneRemoved and blinded
خاندان افشار[21] (1750-1796)
Shahrukh Afsharفائل:Coin of Shahrukh Afshar.pngShah1734–17963 September 17481796son of Reza Qoli Mirza son of نادر شاہ. His mother was Fatemeh Soltan Beigom daughter of شاہ سلطان حسینی SafaviDeposed & blinded by Suleiman II (1749), restored (1750)

خاندان زند (1751–1794)

Map of the Zand dynasty at Lotf Ali Khan time.
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
خاندان زند[22] (1751–1794)
کریم خان زندMohammad Karim Khan, Vakil e-Ra'aayaa1705–177917516 March 1779son of Inaq Khan & Bay Agha
محمد علی خان زندKhan1760–17796 March 177919 June 1779son of کریم خان زند
Abol Fath KhanKhan1755–17876 March 177922 August 1779son of کریم خان زند
Zaki KhanKhan?–22 August 17796 March 177922 August 1779son of Budaq Khan & Bay Agha
Sadiq Khan ZandMohammad Sadeq Khan?–178222 August 177914 March 1781son of Inaq Khan & Bay Agha
علی مراد خان زند Khan1720–178514 March 178111 February 1785son of Allah Morad (Qeytas) Khan Zand Hazareh
Jafar Khan Khan?–178918 February 178523 January 1789son of Sadeq
Sayed Murad Khan Khan?–178923 January 178910 May 1789son of Khoda Morad Khan Zand Hazareh
Lotf Ali Khan Khan1769–179423 January 178920 March 1794son of Ja'farDeposed, blinded & then killed by محمد خان قاجار
Map of the Qajar dynasty at Mohammad Khan time.
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
قاجار خاندان[23] (1794–1925)
محمد خان قاجارAgha Mohammad Khan Khan, Shahanshah, Khaqan1742–179720 March 179417 June 1797son of Mohammad Hassan Khan QajarGelded prior to accession. Assassinated
فتح علی شاہ قاجارBaba Khan Shahanshah, Khaqan, Soltane Saheb Qaran1772–183417 June 179723 October 1834son of Hosein Qoli Khan Jahansuz brother of محمد خان قاجار
محمد شاہ قاجار Shahanshah, Khaqan1808–184823 October 18345 September 1848son of Abbas Mirza Nayeb os-Saltaneh son of Fat'h Ali
ناصر الدین شاہ قاجار Shahanshah, Khaqan, Soltane Saheb Qaran, Qebleye alam1831–18965 September 18481 May 1896son of Mohammad and Mahd-e OliaAssassinated at شاہ عبدالعظیم by Mirza Reza Kermani
مظفر الدین شاہ قاجار Shahanshah, Khaqan1853–19071 May 18963 January 1907son of ناصر الدین شاہ قاجار
محمد علی شاہ قاجار Shahanshah1872–19253 January 190716 July 1909son of Mozaffar ed-DinDeposed
احمد شاہ قاجار Shahanshah1898–193016 July 190915 December 1925son of محمد علی شاہ قاجارDeposed
Map of the Pahlavi dynasty.
شاہی ناماصل نامتصویرلقبپیدائش–وفاتقلمدان سنبھالاقلمدان چھوڑاخاندانی تعلقاتنوٹ
پہلوی خاندان (1925–1979)
رضا شاہ پہلوی Alahazrat, Homayoun, Shahanshah, Sardar Sepah1878–194415 December 192516 September 1941son of Abbas AliDeposed during the ایران پر اینگلو سوویت حملہ
محمد رضا شاہ پہلوی Alahazrat, Homayoun, Shahanshah, Ariamehr, Bozorg Arteshtaran, Khodaygan1919–198016 September 194111 February 1979son of Reza ShahDeposed during the انقلاب ایران

مزید دیکھیے

حوالہ جات
