Генрі Гав

Генрі Гав (англ. Henry How; нар. 11 липня 1828, Лондон, Англія — пом. 28 вересня 1879, Віндзор, Нова Шотландія) — британський та канадський хімік, геолог і мінералог.

Генрі Гав
англ. Henry How
Лондон, Сполучене Королівство
Помер27 вересня 1879(1879-09-27)
Віндзор, Вест-Гантс, Гантс, Нова Шотландія, Канада
Країна Канада
Діяльністьхімік, геолог, мінералог

У 1864 році Генрі Гав виявив новий мінерал морденіт у Новій Шотландії[2] . 1868 року він виявив ще один новий мінерал, поблизу Віндзора, Нова Шотландія, який назвав силікоборокальцитом[3]. Згодом цей мінерал назвуть гавліт, на честь Генрі Гава. Нині гавліт зазвичай використовується для виготовлення декоративних предметів та прикрас.


  • (1857) On the Occurrence of Natro-Boro-Calcite with Glauber Salt in the Gypsum of Nova Scotia. The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, 6, 54-60.
  • (1858) Chemical Analysis of Faroelite and some other Zeolites occurring in Nova Scotia. American Journal of Science and Arts, Second Series, 26(77), 30-34.
  • (1861) On Natro-boro-calcite and another Borate occurring in the Gypsum of Nova Scotia. The American Journal of Science and Arts, Second Series, 32, 9-13.
  • (1864) On mordenite, a new mineral from the trap of Nova Scotia. Journal of the Chemical Society, 17, 100-104.
  • (1866) Contributions to the Mineralogy of Nova Scotia, Pt. I, Manganite, Pyrolusite, Wad. Philosophical Magazine, 165-170.
  • (1867) On the waters of the mineral springs of Wilmot, N.S. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 1(2), 26-33.
  • (1867) On magnesia-alum, or pickeringite, containing a little nickel and cobalt, occurring in slate in Hants Co.. Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 1, 85-87.
  • (1867) Notes on the economic minerology of Nova Scotia, Part 1. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 1(2), 78-86.
  • (1867) Notice of the occurrence of a trilobite in the lower carboniferous limestone of Hants. Co. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 1(1), 87-88.
  • (1867) Notes on the economic mineralogy of Nova Scotia, Part II: The ores of manganese and their uses. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 1(3), 128-138.
  • (1867) Notes on the economic mineralogy of Nova Scotia: Part III.; limestone and marble. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 1(4), 58-66.
  • (1867) Remarks on the minerals prepared for the Paris Exhibition. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 2(1), 25-35.
  • (1867) On some brine springs of Nova Scotia. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 1(3), 75-80.
  • (1868) II. Contributions to the mineralogy of Nova Scotia. III. Borates and other minerals in anhydrite and gypsum. Silicoborocalcite, a new mineral. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 35, 32-41.
  • (1868) Notes on the economic mineralogy of Nova Scotia. Part IV: Gypsum and anhydrite and the borates and other minerals they contain. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 2(2), 26-36.
  • (1969) The Mineralogy of Nova Scotia. A Report to the Provincial Government. Charles Annand (Publisher), Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  • (1869) Notes on the economic mineralogy of Nova Scotia: Part V., coals and allied minerals. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 2(3), 128-140.
  • (1870) Contributions to the Mineralogy of Nova Scotia, Part 5. Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, Fourth Series, 275-280.
  • (1872) Brief notes on the flora of Nova Scotia. Part I. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 3(2), 174-176.
  • (1875) On the analysis of two Spring Hill coals. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 4(1), 98-101.
  • (1877) Additions to the list of Nova Scotian plants. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, (4)3, 312-341.
  • (1878) The East Indian herbarium of King's College, Windsor. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 4(4), 369-379.
  • Contributions to the Mineralogy of Nova Scotia 1868-78


  • How, Henry (1863). On Mordenite, a New Mineral from the Trap of Nova Scotia (PDF). Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society: 100—104. Архів оригіналу (PDF) за 11 травня 2021. Процитовано 29 липня 2020.
  • How, Henry (1868). II. Contributions to the mineralogy of Nova Scotia. III. Borates and other minerals in anhydrite and gypsum. Silicoborocalcite, a new mineral (PDF). The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. 35: 32—41. Архів оригіналу (PDF) за 7 жовтня 2017. Процитовано 29 липня 2020.
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