ARHGEF2 (ингл. ) — аксымы, шул ук исемдәге ген тарафыннан кодлана торган югары молекуляр органик матдә.[12][13]

Нинди таксонда барH. sapiens[d][1]
Кодлаучы генARHGEF2[d][1]
Молекуляр функцияmicrotubule binding[d][2][3], zinc ion binding[d][4], transcription factor binding[d][2], связывание с ионом металла[d][2], связывание с белками плазмы[d][5][6][7][…], guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity[d][8][8][8] һәм guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity[d][2][2]
Күзәнәк компонентыцитоплазма[2][6], везикула[d][6], цитозоль[d][2], Гольджи аппараты[2], cell projection[d][2], мембрана[d][2], фокальные контакты[d][9], bicellular tight junction[d][2], веретено деления[d][2], күзәнәк мембранасы[d][2], dendritic shaft[d][2], ruffle membrane[d][2][5], межклеточные контакты[d][2], neuronal cell body[d][2], микротрубочка[d][2][3], цитоскелет[d][2][6], цитоплазматическая везикула[d][2], podosome[d][2], постсинаптическое уплотнение[d][2], фокальные контакты[d][10], protein-containing complex[d][6], glutamatergic synapse[d][2] һәм postsynaptic density, intracellular component[d][2]
Биологик процессintracellular signal transduction[d][2], negative regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to osmotic stress[d][2], negative regulation of necroptotic process[d][2], actin filament organization[d][3][2], immune system process[d][2], negative regulation of neurogenesis[d][2], cellular response to tumor necrosis factor[d][2], деление клетки[d][2], cellular response to muramyl dipeptide[d][6], cellular hyperosmotic response[d][2], negative regulation of microtubule depolymerization[d][4], regulation of cell population proliferation[d][3], positive regulation of NF-kappaB transcription factor activity[d][5][6], negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors[d][2], cell morphogenesis[d][4][2], establishment of mitotic spindle orientation[d][2], positive regulation of interleukin-6 production[d][6], positive regulation of tumor necrosis factor production[d][6], positive regulation of apoptotic process[d][2], positive regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation[d][6], клеточный цикл[d][2], regulation of Rho protein signal transduction[d][4][2][2], intracellular protein transport[d][3], врождённый иммунитет[d][2], regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction[d][2], положительная регуляция транскрипции РНК полимеразой II промотор[d][6], negative regulation of podosome assembly[d][2], G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway[d][2], positive regulation of neuron differentiation[d][2][11], asymmetric neuroblast division[d][2][11], positive regulation of neuron migration[d][2][2], multicellular organism development[d][2], нерв системасы үсеше[d][2] һәм дифференцировка клеток[d][2]


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  • Чыганаклар

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