Mtaguso wa Yerusalemu

Mtaguso wa Yerusalemu au Mtaguso wa mitume ni jina linalotumika kwa mkutano uliofanyika mwaka 49 au 50 ili kuondoa tofauti za misimamo kati ya Wakristo kuhusu wajibu wa kutekeleza Torati kwa waongofu waliotokea upagani.

Ni kwamba Mtume Paulo na Mtume Barnaba waliporudi Antiokia kutoka safari yao ya kwanza ya kimisionari walipaswa kupambana na Wakristo wa Kiyahudi kuhusu uwezekano wa mataifa kuokoka pasipo kutahiriwa.

Hatimaye suala likapelekwa Yerusalemu kwa Kanisa mama. Baada ya majadiliano marefu Mtume Petro akatoa neno la mwisho kwamba Wapagani wanaomuamini Yesu Kristo wasitwishwe mzigo usiobebeka wa kufuata sheria za Kiyahudi (Mdo 15:1-12).

Katika Gal 2:1-10 Paulo pia ametuachia kumbukumbu ya mtaguso huo akisisitiza kuwa mitume waliokuwepo (Yakobo Mdogo, Petro na Yohane) walitambua rasmi karama ya kimisionari ya kwake na ya Barnaba na uhalali wake, wakiwaomba tu wachangishe pesa kati ya Wakristo wa mbali kwa ajili ya wenzao wa Yerusalemu wenye hali ngumu. Hiyo ilikuwa namna mpya ya kutekeleza upendo wa kidugu na kudumisha umoja wa Kanisa baada ya uenezi wake.



  • Badenas, Robert. Christ the End of the Law, Romans 10.4 in Pauline Perspective, 1985 ISBN 0-905774-93-0
  • Brown, Raymond E. An Introduction to the New Testament. Anchor Bible Series, 1997. ISBN 0-385-24767-2.
  • Bruce, Frederick Fyvie. Peter, Stephen, James and John: Studies in Early Non-Pauline Christianity
  • Bruce, Frederick Fyvie. Men and movements in the primitive church: Studies in early non-Pauline Christianity
  • Clark, A.C. The Acts of the Apostles
  • Dunn, James D.G. "The Incident at Antioch (Kigezo:Bibleref)," JSNT 18, 1983, pg 95–122
  • Dunn, James D.G. Jesus, Paul and the Law, ISBN 0-664-25095-5
  • Dunn, James D.G. The Theology of Paul's Letter to the Galatians 1993 ISBN 0-521-35953-8
  • Dunn, James D.G. The Theology of Paul the Apostle Eerdmans 1997 ISBN 0-8028-3844-8
  • Ehrman, Bart D. Lost Christianities: The Battle for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew 2003
  • Eisenman, Robert, 1997. James the Brother of Jesus: The Key to Unlocking the Secrets of Early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls. ISBN 0-670-86932-5 A cultural historian's dissenting view based on contemporary texts.
  • Elsner, Jas. Imperial Rome and Christian Triumph: Oxford History of Early Non-Pauline Christianity 1998 ISBN 0-19-284201-3
  • Gaus, Andy. The Unvarnished New Testament 1991 ISBN 0-933999-99-2
  • Kim, Seyoon Paul and the New Perspective: Second Thoughts on the Origin of Paul's Gospel 2001 ISBN 0-8028-4974-1
  • Maccoby, Hyam. The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity. New York: Harper & Row, 1986. ISBN 0-06-015582-5.
  • MacDonald, Dennis Ronald, 1983. The Legend and the Apostle: The Battle for Paul in Story and Canon Philadelphia: Westminster Press.
  • Metzger, Bruce M. A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament 1975 ISBN 3-438-06010-8
  • Mount, Christopher N. Pauline Christianity: Luke-Acts and the Legacy of Paul 2001
  • Ropes, J.H., The Text of Acts, Vol. III; The Beginnings of Christianity: Part I: The Acts of the Apostles, London: MacMillan & Co., Ltd., 1926
  • Sanders, E.P. Paul and Palestinian Judaism: A Comparison of Patterns of Religion 1977 ISBN 0-8006-1899-8
  • Sanders, E.P. Paul the Law and the Jewish People 1983
  • Sanders, E.P. Jesus and Judaism, Fortress Press, 1987, ISBN 0-8006-2061-5
  • Simon, Marcel. The Apostolic Decree and its Setting in the Ancient Church. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, LII (1969–70), pp. 437–460
  • Telfer, W. The Didache and the Apostolic Synod of Antioch The Journal of Theological Studies, 1939, pp. 133–146, 258–271
  • Westerholm, Stephen. Perspectives Old and New on Paul: The "Lutheran" Paul and His Critics 2003 ISBN 0-8028-4809-5
  • Wright, N.T. What Saint Paul Really Said: Was Paul of Tarsus the Real Founder of Christianity? 1997 ISBN 0-8028-4445-6

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