Oh baby...
fr-0 Cet utilisateur ne comprend pas le français (ou ne le comprend pas sans grande difficulté).

"But philosophy wasn't the answer. There really isn't anything to philosophy. Did you ever eat that cotton candy they sell at fairs? Well, philosophy is like that - it looks as if it were really something, and it's awfully pretty, and it tastes sweet, but when you go to bite it you can't get your teeth into it, and when you try to swallow, there isn't anything there. Philosophy is word-chasing, as significant as a puppy chasing its tail. "

"Theology is never any help; it is searching in a dark cellar at midnight for a black cat that isn't there. Theologians can persuade themselves of anything."

"Quid, Me Anxius Sum?"


En Apperson 1916 års modell
Alto, Alto!
Jump, little rabbit...
En mutant
Pluralformen av kanin
I should have taken that left toin at Albuqoique...
Make love, not rabbithate
Da Bomb
Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits.
Lapin Agile av A. Gill
En röd hare i det gröna.
Oh my, look at the time...
Grönt. Harar.
Grönt. Mums.
Kanin? Kanon? Fläckvist grön.
Kanin i olja.
White rabbit
Hare Krishna?
Surt sa hunden om druvorna...
Då ska vi se...
Bite me!
Hjälp, en mördarsnigel!
Grön hare, grön herre
I'm game!
Ständigt denna hermelin...