Richter scale

measuring the strength ("size") of earthquakes
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The Richter scale is a scale of numbers used to tell the power (or magnitude) of earthquakes. Charles Richter developed the Richter Scale in 1935. His scale worked like a seismogram, measured by a particular type of seismometer at a distance of 100 kilometers (62 mi) from the earthquake.

Earthquakes 4.5 or higher on the Richter scale can be measured all over the world. An earthquake a size that scores 3.0 is ten times the amplitude of one that scores 2.0. The energy that is released increases by a factor of about 32.

Every increase of 1 on the Richter scale corresponds to an increase in amplitude by a factor of 10 so therefore, it is a logarithmic scale.

Richter Scale Magnitude
DescriptorRichter Magnitude numberDamage caused by the earthquakeFrequency of occurrence
MicroLess than 2.0Micro (very small) earthquakes, people cannot feel these.About 8,000 each day
Very minor2.0-2.9People do not feel these, but seismographs are able to detect them.About 1,000 per day
Minor3.0-3.9People often feel these, but they almost never cause damage.About 49,000 each year (About 134 per day)

Objects inside houses are disturbed, causing noise. Things are rarely damaged.

About 6,200 each year (About 17 per day)

Buildings that are not built well may be damaged. Light objects inside a house may be moved.

About 800 per year (About 2 per day)

Moderately powerful. May cause a lot of damage in a larger area.

About 120 per year
Major7.0-7.9Can damage things seriously over larger areas.About 18 per year
Great8.0-9.9Massive damage is caused. Heavy objects are thrown into the air and cracks appear on the ground, as well as visible shockwaves. Overhead highways may be destroyed, and buildings are toppled.About 1 per 20 years
Meteoric10.0+There are no records of anything of this size. The vibration is about the same as that of a 24 km (15 mi) meteor.Unknown

(Adapted from U.S. Geological Survey documents)

The earthquake with the biggest recorded magnitude was the Great Chilean Earthquake. It had a magnitude of 9.5 on the Richter scale and occurred in 1960. Around 6,000 people died because of the earthquake. No earthquake has ever hit 10+ on the Richter Scale.

More examples

Approximate Richter Magnitude numberSeismic energy equivalent: Amount of TNTExample event
0.55.6kgLarge hand grenade
1.5178kgBomb used in WWII
21 metric tonLarge Bomb used in WWII
2.55.6 metric tonsBlockbuster bomb (dropped from airplanes) in WWII
3.5178 metric tonsChernobyl accident, 1986
41 kilotonSmall atomic bomb
532 kilotonsNagasaki atomic bomb
Lincolnshire earthquake (UK), 2008
5.4150 kilotons[2008 Chino Hills earthquake] (Los Angeles, United States)
5.5178 kilotonsLittle Skull Mtn. earthquake (NV, USA), 1992
Alum Rock earthquake (CA, USA), 2007
6.01 megatonDouble Spring Flat earthquake (NV, USA), 1994
6.55.6 megatonsCaracas (Venezuela), 1967
Rhodes (Greece), 2008
Eureka Earthquake (Humboldt County CA, USA), 2010
6.716.2 megatonsNorthridge earthquake (CA, USA), 1994
6.926.8 megatonsSan Francisco Bay Area earthquake (CA, USA), 1989
7.032 megatonsJava earthquake (Indonesia), 2009, 2010 Haiti Earthquake
7.150 megatonsEnergy released is equivalent to that of Tsar Bomba, the largest thermonuclear weapon ever tested
1944 San Juan earthquake

2019 Ridgecrest, California earthquake

7.5178 megatonsKashmir earthquake (Pakistan), 2005
Antofagasta earthquake (Chile), 2007
7.8600 megatonsTangshan earthquake (China), 1976

North Canterbury (New Zealand) 2016

8.01 gigatonSan Francisco earthquake (CA, USA), 1906
Queen Charlotte earthquake (BC, Canada), 1949
México City earthquake (Mexico), 1985
Gujrat earthquake (India), 2001
Chincha Alta earthquake (Peru), 2007
Sichuan earthquake (China), 2008 (initial estimate: 7.8)
1894 San Juan earthquake
8.55.6 gigatonsToba eruption 75,000 years ago; the largest known volcanic event.[1]
Sumatra earthquake (Indonesia), 2007
9.032 gigatons2011 Sendai, Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, Lisbon Earthquake (Lisbon, Portugal), All Saints Day, 1755
9.167 gigatonsIndian Ocean earthquake, 2004 (40 ZJ in this case)
9.290.7 gigatonsAnchorage earthquake (AK, USA), 1964
9.5178 gigatonsValdivia earthquake (Chile), 1960
13.0108 megatons = 100 teratonsYucatán Peninsula impact (causing Chicxulub crater) 65 MYA ago.[2][3][4][5][6]


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