John Mills

Sir John Mills CBE (22. februar 1908 – 23. april 2005) bio je engleski glumac, poznat po izuzetno dugoj i plodnoj karijeri, tokom koje je stekao veliki ugled tumačeći široki dijapazon uloga, te osvojio niz prestižnih nagrada, među kojima se ističe Oscar za najboljeg sporednog glumca za nastup u filmu Ryan's Daughter. Dvije Millsove kćeri - Juliet i Hayley Mills - su također postale glumice, a potonja je zajedno sa ocem nastupila u nekoliko filmova 1960-ih.

Sir John Mills
Biografske informacije
RođenjeLewis Ernest Watts Mills
(1908-02-22)22. 2. 1908.
North Elmham, Norfolk, Engleska, UK
Smrt23. 4. 2005. (dob: 97)
Denham, Buckinghamshire, Engleska, UK
SupružnikAileen Raymond
(vj. 1927–1941, razvod)
Mary Hayley Bell
(m. 1941–2005, njegova smrt) 3 djece
Profesionalne informacije
Djelatni period1932–2005


1932The MidshipmaidGolightly
1933Britannia of BillingsgateFred Bolton
The Ghost CameraErnest Elton
1934The River WolvesPeter Farrell
Blind JusticeRalph Summers
The LashArthur Haughton
A Political PartyTony Smithers
Doctor's OrdersRonnie Blake
Those Were the DaysBobby Poskett
1935Car of DreamsRobert Miller
Royal CavalcadeMladi regrut
Brown on ResolutionAlbert Brown(u UK također prikazan pod naslovom Forever England)
Charing Cross RoadTony
1936The First OffenceJohnnie Penrose
Tudor RoseLord Guilford Dudley
1937O.H.M.S.Kaplar Bert Dawson
The Green CockatooJim Connor
1939Goodbye, Mr. ChipsPeter Colley - kao mladić
1941Cottage to LetPoručnik Perry
Old Bill and SonMladi Bill Busby
1942The Big BlockadeTom
The Black Sheep of WhitehallBobby Jessop
The Young Mr PittWilliam Wilberforce
In Which We ServeMornar Blake
1943We Dive at DawnKap. Lt. Taylor, R.N.
1944This Happy BreedBilly Mitchell
1945Waterloo RoadJim Colter
The Way to the StarsPeter Penrose
1946Great ExpectationsPip
1947So Well RememberedGeorge Boswell
The October ManJim Ackland
1948Scott of the AntarcticKapetan Scott
Kapetan R.F. Scott R.N.
1949The History of Mr PollyAlfred Polly
The Rocking Horse WinnerBassett(također producent)
1950Morning DepartureKapetan fregate Armstrong
1952Mr. Denning Drives NorthTom Denning
The Gentle GunmanTerrence Sullivan
1953The Long MemoryPhillip Davidson
1954Hobson's ChoiceWillie Mossopnominacija-Nagrada BAFTA za glavnog glumca
1955EscapadeJohn Hampden
The Colditz StoryPat Reid
The End of the AffairAlbert Parkis
Above Us the WavesKapetan bojnog broda Fraser
1956The Baby and the BattleshipPuncher Roberts
War and PeacePlaton Karatajev
Around the World in Eighty DaysLondonski nosač
It's Great to Be YoungMr. Dingle
1957Town on TrialSupt. Mike Halloran
The Vicious CircleDr. Howard Latimer
1958Ice Cold in AlexKapetan Anson
I Was Monty's DoubleMajor Harvey(također pod naslovom Hell, Heaven or Hoboken)
1959Summer of the Seventeenth DollBarney(također pod naslovom Season of Passion)
Tiger BayKomesar Graham(zajedno sa kćerkom Hayley Mills)
1960Swiss Family RobinsonOtac Robinson
Tunes of GloryPotpuk. Basil Barrow (zapovjednik bataljona)Kup Volpi za najboljeg glumca
nominacija-nagrada BAFTA za najboljeg glumca
1961The Singer Not the SongOtac Michael Keogh
Flame in the StreetsJacko Palmer
1962Tiara TahitiPotpuk. Clifford Southey
The ValiantKapetan Morgan
1964The Chalk GardenMaitland(sa kćeri Hayley Mills)
1965The Truth About SpringTommy Tyler(sa kćeri Hayley Mills)
King RatSmedley - Taylor
Operation CrossbowGen. Boyd
1966The Family WayEzra Fitton(sa kčeri Hayley Mills)
Nagrada San Sebastián za najboljeg glumca (zajedno sa Mauriceom Ronetom u The Champagne Murders)
The Wrong BoxMasterman Finsbury
1967Africa Texas StylePukovnik Hayes
ChukaPukovnik Stuart Valois
1968A Black Veil for LisaInspektor Franz Bulon
Emma HamiltonLord William Hamilton
1969Oh! What a Lovely WarFeldmaršal Sir Douglas Haig
Run Wild, Run FreeČovjek iz močbare
1970Adam's WomanSir Phillip MacDonald
Ryan's DaughterMichael[Oscar za najboljeg sporednog glumca]]
Zlatni globus za najboljeg sporednog glumca u filmu
nominacija-Nagrada BAFTA za najboljeg sporednog glumca
1971DulcimaMr. Parker
1972Young WinstonGeneral Kitchener
1973Lady Caroline LambCanning
Oklahoma CrudeCleon Doyle
1975The Human FactorMike McAllister
1976Trial by CombatPukovnik Bertie Cook(također pod naslovom A Dirty Knight's Work)
1977The Devil's AdvocateBlaise Meredith
1978The Big SleepInspektor Jim Carson
The Thirty Nine StepsScudder
1979Zulu DawnSir Henry Bartle Frere
The Quatermass ConclusionProfesor Bernard Quatermass
1986When the Wind BlowsJim(voice)
1987Who's That GirlMontgomery Bell(naveden kao Sir John Mills)
1993The Big FreezeKicoš
1994Deadly AdviceJack the Ripper
1995The GrotesqueSir Edward Cleghorn(također naveden kao Gentleman Don't Eat Poets)
1996HamletOld Norway
1997BeanChairman(naveden kao Sir John Mills)
1998CatsGus - kazališni mačak
2003Bright Young ThingsDžentlemn
2004Lights2Skitnicadirektor fotografije: Jack Cardiff (sa kojim je radio na filmu Scott of The Antarctic)

izvor: „John Mills”. IMDb. Pristupljeno . II 2014. 


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