
Umay (kent as Umai or Mai an aw; in Auld Turkic: ) is the goddess o fertility an virginity in Turkic meethologie an Tengriism an is fur that raison relate tae weemen, mithers an childer. Umay resembles yird-mither goddesses foond in various ither warld releegions. Literally in the Mongolie leid, "eje" or "eej" means "mither," an in Auld Turkic, the seemilar wird eçe means 'mither'. In Mongolie "Umai" means wame. The yird wis considered a "mither" seembolically.

Fertility an Virginity
Personal Information
ParentsGök Tanrı an Yer Tanrı
Ay Tanrı

The Turkic ruit umāy oreeginally meant 'placenta, efterbirth', an this wird wis uised as the name for the goddess whase function wis tae tak tent o weemen an childer, possibly acause the placenta wis thocht tae hae cantrip qualities.[1] The name appeared in the 8t-century inscription o Kül Tigin in the phrase Umay teg ögüm katun kutıŋa 'unner the auspices o ma mither wha is lik the goddess Umay'.

Umay is a protector o weemen an childer. The auldest evidence is seen in the Orkhon monuments. Frae this, it is unnerstuid that Umay wis accept as a mither an a guide. An aw, Khagans war thocht tae represent Kök Tengri. Khagan wifes, katuns or hatuns, wis considered Umays, an aw. Wi the help o the Umay, Katuns haed babies an these babies wur the guarantee o the empire. Accordin tae Divanü Lügat’it-Türk, whan weemen worship Umay, thay hae male babies. Turkic weemen tie strings attached wi sma cradles tae will a baby frae Umay. This belief can be seen wi the Tungusic fowks in Soothren Siberie an the Altay fowk. Umay is ayes depictit thegither wi a bairn. Thare anerlie rare exceptions tae this. It is believit that whan Umay leaves a bairn for a lang time, the bairn gets ill an shamans are involvit tae caw Umay back. The smilin o a sleepin baby shaws Umay is near it an greetin means that Umay haes left.

In the view o the Kyrgyz fowk, Umay no anerlie protects childer, but Turkic commonties aroond the warld an aw. At the same time, Umay helps fowk tae obtain mair fuid an guids an gies thaim luck.

As Umay is associatit wi the sun, she is cried Sarı Kız an yellae is her colour an seembol. She is depict as haein saxty gowden tresses that leuk lik the rays o the sun. She is thocht tae hae ance been identical wi Ot o the Mongols. Umay an Eje (Ece) is uised as female names in the Republic o Turkey an aw.



See an aw

  • Tengriism