
We uise time for tae sequence events, for tae compare thair durations an the intervals atween thaim, an for tae quantifee the speed that objects muives at.

  • For tae meisur time, we can uise onything that repeats itsel raigular. Ae ensaumple is the dawin o a new day (as the Yird birls oabot its axis). Twa mair is the phases o the muin (as it birls arboot the Yird), an the saisons o the year (as the Yird birls aboot the Sun). E'en in auncient times, fowk developit calendars for tae keep track o the nummer o days in a year. Thay developit sundials that uised the muivin shaidaes cuist by the sun throu the day for tae meisur times smawer nor a day an aw. The day, gey an accurate knocks can meisur times less nor a billiont o a seicont. The study o time meisurment is horology.
  • The SI (Systeme Internationale) unit o time is ae seicont, written as s.
  • In Einsteinian physics, time an space can be jyned intae the ae concept. See space-time continuum.
  • Time is cawd "Temps" (pronouncit "[t̪ɑ]"in French), an it daes come frae Latin "tempus". It haes gien the English wird "tense" that means "grammatical time".

Units o time

  • 1 millennium = 1000 year
  • 1 century = 100 year
  • 1 decade = 10 year
  • 1 lustrum = 5 year
  • 1 year = 12 month ≈ 365 days (366 days in leap years)
  • 1 month ≈ 28 tae 31 days ≈ 4 week
  • 1 fortnicht = 14 days = 2 week
  • 1 week = 7 days
  • 1 day = 24 oor
  • 1 oor = 60 meenit
  • 1 meenit = 60 seicont
  • 1 seicont = SI base unit o time
  • 1 milliseicont = 1/1,000 seicont
  • 1 microseicont = 1/1,000,000 seicont
  • 1 nanoseicont = 1/1,000,000,000 seicont
  • 1 picoseicont = 1/1,000,000,000,000 o a seicont
  • 1 femtoseicont = 1/1,000,000,000,000,000 o a seicont
  • 1 attoseicont = 1/1,000,000,000,000,000,000 o a seicont

Things tae meisur time

Time o day