
Tangshan (Cheenese: 唐山; pinyin: Tángshān shì) is a lairgely industrial prefectur-level ceety in Hebei province, Fowkrepublic o Cheenae. It haes acome kent for the 1976 Tangshan yirdquauk which measured 7.5 on the Richter scale an killed at least 255,000 residents. The ceety haes syne been rebuilt an haes acome a tourist attraction.

Location in Hebei


Tangshan is locatit in the central section o the circum-Bohai Sea Gulf region, facin the Bohai Sea tae the sooth. Tangshan is adjacent tae Yanshan muntains tae the north, borders the Luan River an Qinhuangdao tae the east, an tae the wast adjoins wi Beijing an Tianjin. It is a strategic aurie an a corridor linkin twa major regions o North Cheenae an Northeast Cheenae.

Tangshan is pairt o the North Cheenae Plain, wi Yanshan Muntains lyin tae the north. The lairgest river in Tangshan is the Luan.


The prefecture-level ceety o Tangshan administers 14 coonty-level diveesions includin 6 districts, 6 coonties an 2 coonty-level ceeties.

#NameHanziHanyu PinyinPopulation (2004 est.)Aurie (km²)Density (/km²)
1Lubei District路北区Lùběi Qū620,0001135,487
2Lunan District路南区Lùnán Qū240,000653,692
3Guye District古冶区Gǔyě Qū360,0002631,369
4Kaiping District开平区Kāipíng Qū330,0002531,304
5Fengrun District丰润区Fēngrùn Qū890,0001,334667
6Fengnan District丰南区Fēngnán Qū520,0001,568332
7Zunhua Ceety遵化市Zūnhuà Shì690,0001,521454
8Qian'an Ceety迁安市Qiān'ān Shì680,0001,208563
9Luan Coonty滦县Luán Xiàn540,000999541
10Luannan Coonty滦南县Luánnán Xiàn570,0001,270449
11Leting Coonty乐亭县Làoting Xiàn490,0001,308375
12Qianxi Coonty迁西县Qiānxī Xiàn360,0001,439250
13Yutian Coonty玉田县Yùtián Xiàn660,0001,165567
14Tanghai Coonty唐海县Tánghǎi Xiàn140,000700200


Tangshan ceety haes a history o ower ane hunder years. Its name derives frae Dachengshan Muntain in the urban ceety.

Tangshan suffered an yirdquauk o moment magnitude 8.2 (7.8 frae offeecial report) at 3:42 a.m. on Julie 28, 1976, the Tangshan yirdquauk, which resultit in mony casualties. The offeecial daith toll wis 255,000, but mony experts believe that the actual nummer o fatalities wis twa tae three times that nummer, makin it the maist destructive yirdquauk in modren history. As a result o the yirdquauk, maist o the toun haed tae be rebuilt.

Internaitional relations

Twin touns — Sister ceeties

Tangshan is twinned wi:


118°10′26″E / 39.6294°N 118.1739°E / 39.6294; 118.1739