Silvio Berlusconi

Silvio Berlusconi (Italian: [ˈsilvjo berluˈskoːni] ( listen); 29t Septemmer 1936 – 12t June 2023) wis a Italian media tycoon, politeecian, an billionaire wha serd as the prime meenister o Italy in fower guvernment fae 1994 til 1995, 2001 til 2006 an 2008 til 2011.[1] He wis a memmer o the Chaumer o Deputes fae 1994 til 2013; a memmer o the Senate o the Republic fae 2022 til his daith i 2023, an aforehaun fae Mairch til Nuvemmer 2013; an a memmer o the European Pairliament (MEP) fae 2019 til 2022, an aforehaun fae 1999 til 2001.[2] Wi a net wirth o 6.2 billion euro (5.3 billion pund), Berlusconi wis the thrid-wealthiest body i Italy at the time o his daith.[3]


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