Regions o Finland

The Regions o Finland are the first level admeenistrative an poleetical subdiveesions o Finland.

Sax regional state admeenistrative agencies (Etelä-Suomi, Itä-Suomi, Lounais-Suomi, Länsi- ja Sisä-Suomi, Pohjois-Suomi, Lappi) wur creatit for Finland in 2010, ilk o thaim responsible for ane o the regions cried alue in Finnish an region in Swadish; in addition, Åland wis designatit a seivent region.

Thir lairger regions comprise ane or mair o 19 smawer regions cried maakunta in Finnish an landskap in Swadish. The regions is govrened bi regional cooncils, whilk ser as forums o cooperation for the municipalities o a region. The main tasks o the regions is regional plannin an development o enterprise an eddication. In addition, the public heal service is uisually organized on the basis o regions. Currently, the ae region whaur a popular election is held for the cooncil is Kainuu. Ither regional cooncils is elect bi municipal cooncils, ilka municipality sendin representatives in proportion tae its population.

In addition tae inter-municipal cooperation, whilk is the responsibility o regional cooncils, ilka region haes a state Employment an Economic Development Centre, that is responsible for the local admeenistration o labour, agricultur, fisheries, forestry an entrepreneurial affairs. The Finnish Defence Forces regional offices are responsible for the regional defence preparations an for the admeenistration o conscription athin the region.

Regions represent dialectal, cultural an economic variations better nor the umwhile provinces, whilk wur purely admeenistrative diveesions o the central govrenment. Historically, regions are diveesions o historical provinces o Finland, auries that represent dialects an cultur mair accurately.


Template:Subdiveesions o Finland

Coat o AirmsIn ScotsIn FinnishIn SwadishCaipitalMap
Northren OstrobothniePohjois-PohjanmaaNorra ÖsterbottenOulu
North KareliePohjois-KarjalaNorra KarelenJoensuu
Northren SavoniePohjois-SavoNorra SavolaxKuopio
Soothren SavonieEtelä-SavoSödra SavolaxMikkeli
Soothren OstrobothnieEtelä-PohjanmaaSödra ÖsterbottenSeinäjoki
Central OstrobothnieKeski-PohjanmaaMellersta ÖsterbottenKokkola
Central FinlandKeski-SuomiMellersta FinlandJyväskylä
Finland ProperVarsinais-SuomiEgentliga FinlandTurku
Sooth KarelieEtelä-KarjalaSödra KarelenLappeenranta
Päijänne TavastiePäijät-HämePäijänne TavastlandLahti
Tavastie ProperKanta-HämeEgentliga TavastlandHämeenlinna
Åland Islands[1]AhvenanmaaÅlandMariehamn

The region o Eastren Uusimaa wis consolidatit wi Uusimaa on Januar 1, 2011.[2]

See an aa

  • Regions o Eastren Finland
  • Regions o Oulu
  • Regions o Soothren Finland
  • Regions o Wastren Finland
  • Coonty Cooncils o Swaden
  • Hoosehauld pennants o Finland


Freemit airtins

Media relatit tae Regions of Finland at Wikimedia Commons

Template:Finland topics