Philippine eagle

The Philippine eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi), an aa kent aes the monkey-eatin eagle or great Philippine eagle, is an eagle o the faimily Accipitridae endemic tae forests in the Philippines. It haes broun an white-coloured plumage, an a shaggy crest, an generally measures 86 tae 102 cm (2.82 tae 3.35 ft) in lenth an wechts 4.7 tae 8.0 kg (10.4 tae 17.6 lb). It is conseedert the lairgest o the extant eagles in the warld in terms o lenth an weeng surface, wi Steller's sea eagle an the harpy eagle bein lairger in terms o wecht an bulk.[2][3] Amang the rarest an maist pouerfu birds in the warld, it haes been declarit the Philippine naitional bird.[4] It is creetically endangered, mainly due tae massive loss o habitat resultin frae deforestation in maist o its range. Killin a Philippine eagle is punishable unner Philippine law up tae 12 years in prison an hivy fines.[5]

Philippine eagle
A Philippine eagle in captivity
Conservation status

Creetically Endangered  (IUCN 3.1)[1]
Scientific classification edit
Ogilvie-Grant, 1896
Species:P. jefferyi
Binomial name
Pithecophaga jefferyi
Ogilvie-Grant, 1897
Range in blue

Freemit Airtins