Peter Wishart

Peter Wishart (born 9 Mairch 1962) is a Scots politeecian, that wis a member o the Unitit Kinrick pairlament at Wastmeenster, representin the Scots National Pairty. He representit the Pairth an North Pairthshire consteetuency in the Hoose o Commons, and wis ane o the langest servin Scots MPs.[1] He wis defeatit in the 2024 Unitit Kinrick general walin.

Peter Wishart

In Januar 2015, he led a debate oan the abolition o the Hoose o Lairds.[2] The same year he becam chair o the Scottish Affairs Select Committee.[3]

In 2015, he suggestit the Palace o Wastmeenster should becam a tourist attraction an the pairlament move tae a modren buildin.[4] He wis active in the debate on Brexit an wis banned frae the Commons fur uising a placard wi 'nul points' tae show the Prime Meenister Theresa May his score oot o ten.[5][6] He exponed that independence wis the 'settled will' o the Scots fowk.[7]

He cam frae Dunfaurlin an wis eddicatit at Queen Anne School Dunfaurlin an Moray Hoose College,[8] an wis a community worker. He wis a director o chairity Fast Forward,[9] promotin weal livin fur young fowk. Afore staundin for election, he wis in the baunds Big Country an Runrig, wi his brither Alan.[10] Wishart is the ae member o pairlament that haes been on the televeesion shaw Top of the Pops.
