Leet o kintras bi population

Wikimedia leet airticle

This is a leet o independent kintras an inhabitit dependent territories—based on the ISO staundart ISO 3166-1—bi population. An aa gien in percent is each kintra's population compared tae the population o the warld, which accordin tae the Unitit States Census Bureau population clock is estimatit at 7.104 billion.[1]

A cairt o warld population.

Accordin tae a separate estimate bi the Unitit Nations, warld population exceedit 7 billion in October 2011.[2][3][4] Auries that form integral pairts o sovereign states, sic as the kintras o the Unitit Kinrick, are coontit as pairt o the sovereign states concerned. Nae included are ither entities, sic as the European Union,[5] that are nae sovereign states, an dependent territories that dae nae hae permanent populations, sic as various kintras' claims tae Antarctica.n1

Figures uised in this chart are based on the maist up tae date estimate or projections[6] bi the naitional census authority whaur available, an are uisually roondit aff. Whaur updatit naitional data are nae available, figurs are based on the 2013 estimates bi the Population Diveesion o the Unitit Naitions Depairtment o Economic an Social Affairs.[7] Acause the compiled figurs are nae collectit at the same time in every kintra, or at the same level o accuracy, the resultin numerical comparisons mey creaut misleadin conclusions. Furthermair, the addeetion o figures frae aw kintras mey nae equal the warld tot.

For a graphical version o this leet, see leet o kintras bi population (graphical). See an aa Leet o sovereign states an dependent territories bi population density an the leet o regional organisations bi population.


Note: Aw dependent territories are shawn in italics.

RankKintra (or dependent territory)PopulationDate% o warld
-Warld8,116,100,000Julie 3, 2024100.00%USCB's warld population clock
1  Cheenae[8]1,433,520,000Julie 3, 202417.7%Chinese Official Population Clock Archived 2003-12-04 at the Wayback Machine
2  Indie1,400,310,000Julie 3, 202417.3%Indian Official Population Clock
3  Unitit States339,110,000Julie 3, 20244.18%Official population clock
4  Indonesie237,641,326Mey 1, 20102.93%2010 census result Archived 2014-10-14 at the Wayback Machine
5  Brazil193,946,886Julie 1, 20122.39%Official estimate
6  Pakistan220,294,000Julie 3, 20242.71%Official population clock Archived 2018-12-25 at the Wayback Machine
7  Nigerie173,615,000Julie 1, 20132.14%UN estimate
8  Bangladesh152,518,015Julie 16, 20121.88%Official estimate
9  Roushie143,400,000julie 1, 20191.77%Official estimate Archived 2014-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
10  Mexico126,577,691Julie 1, 20191.56%Official estimate Archived 2019-01-03 at the Wayback Machine
11  Japan126,200,000Mey 1, 20191.55%Monthly official estimate
12  Philippines117,607,000Julie 3, 20241.45%Official population clock Archived 2019-04-03 at the Wayback Machine
13  Vietnam88,780,000Julie 1, 20121.09%Official estimate
14  Ethiopie86,613,986Julie 1, 20131.07%Official estimate Archived 2015-09-23 at the Wayback Machine
15  Egyp83,661,000Januar 1, 20131.03%Official estimate Archived 2013-05-25 at the Wayback Machine
16  Germany80,493,000September 30, 20120.99%Quarterly official estimate Archived 2013-11-13 at the Wayback Machine
17  Iran86,883,000Julie 3, 20241.07%Official population clock
18  Turkey75,627,384December 31, 20120.93%Official estimateArchived 2013-08-29 at the Wayback Machine
19  Democratic Republic o the Congo67,514,000Julie 1, 20130.83%UN estimate
20  Thailand65,926,261September 1, 20100.81%2010 census result Archived 2015-09-25 at the Wayback Machine
21  Fraunce[9]65,707,000Julie 1, 20130.81%Monthly official estimate
22  Unitit Kinrick63,705,000Julie 1, 20120.78%Official estimate
23  Italy59,704,082Januar 31, 20130.74%Monthly official estimate Archived 2013-08-03 at the Wayback Machine
24  Myanmar53,259,000Julie 1, 20130.66%UN estimate
25  Sooth Africae52,981,991Julie 1, 20130.65%Official estimate
26  Sooth Korea50,219,669Julie 1, 20130.62%Official estimate Archived 2013-11-10 at the Wayback Machine
27  Colombie52,949,000Julie 3, 20240.65%Official population clock Archived 2012-01-14 at the Wayback Machine
28  Spain47,059,533Januar 1, 20130.58%Annual official estimate
29  Ukraine45,480,315Juin 1, 20130.56%Monthly official estimate
30  Tanzanie44,928,923August 26, 20120.55%2012 census result
31  Kenyae44,354,000Julie 1, 20130.55%UN estimate
32  Argentinae40,117,096October 27, 20100.49%Final 2010 census result Archived 2015-09-24 at the Wayback Machine
33  Poland38,533,299December 31, 20120.47%Official estimate
34  Sudan37,964,000Julie 1, 20130.47%UN estimate
35  Algerie37,900,000Januar 1, 20130.47%Official estimate Archived 2012-03-06 at the Wayback Machine
36  Iraq35,404,000August 1, 20130.41%Annual official estimate Archived 2012-10-29 at the Wayback Machine
37  Canadae35,141,542Aprile 1, 20130.43%Official estimate
38  Uganda34,131,400Julie 1, 20120.42%Annual official estimate Archived 2014-08-02 at the Wayback Machine
39  Morocco36,849,400Julie 3, 20240.45%Official population clock
40  Peru30,475,144Juin 30, 20130.38%Annual official estimate Archived 2012-06-01 at the Wayback Machine
41  Malaysie30,133,000Julie 3, 20240.04%Official population clock Archived 2013-12-05 at the Wayback Machine
42  Uzbekistan29,559,100Januar 1, 20120.36%Official estimate Archived 2013-08-09 at the Wayback Machine
43  Saudi Arabie29,195,895Julie 1, 20120.36%Official estimate Archived 2012-09-19 at the Wayback Machine
44  Venezuela28,946,101October 30, 20110.36%Preliminary 2011 census result Archived 2013-10-02 at the Wayback Machine
45  Nepal26,494,504Juin 22, 20110.33%Final 2011 census result Archived 2013-07-17 at the Wayback Machine
46  Afghanistan25,500,100Januar 1, 20130.31%Official estimate Archived 2012-09-18 at the Wayback Machine
47  North Korea24,895,000Julie 1, 20130.31%UN estimate
48  Ghana24,658,823September 26, 20100.3%Final 2010 census result Archived 2015-09-24 at the Wayback Machine
49  Yemen24,527,000Julie 1, 20120.3%Official estimate Archived 2015-09-23 at the Wayback Machine
50  Mozambique23,700,715Julie 1, 20120.29%Official estimate
51  Taiwan[10]23,344,213Juin 30, 20130.29%Monthly official estimate
52  Ivory Coast23,202,000Julie 1, 20120.29%Official estimate
53  Australie27,255,987Julie 3, 20240.34%Official population clock
54  Sirie21,377,000December 31, 20110.26%Official estimate
55  Madagascar20,696,070Julie 1, 20110.26%Annual official estimate Archived 2011-05-20 at the Wayback Machine
56  Angolae20,609,294Julie 1, 20120.25%Official estimate
57  Cameroon20,386,799Julie 1, 20120.25%Annual official estimate Archived 2018-05-17 at the Wayback Machine
58  Sri Lanka20,277,597Mairch 21, 20120.25%Preliminary 2012 census result Archived 2013-12-06 at the Wayback Machine
59  Romanie20,121,641October 20, 20110.25%Final 2011 census result Archived 2013-07-17 at the Wayback Machine
60  Burkina Faso17,322,796Julie 1, 20130.21%Official estimate Archived 2012-08-14 at the Wayback Machine
61  Niger17,129,076December 10, 20120.21%Preliminary 2012 census result
62  Kazakhstan17,028,000Julie 1, 20130.21%Monthly official estimate Archived 2014-01-17 at the Wayback Machine
63  Netherlands17,268,800Julie 3, 20240.21%Official population clock
64  Chile16,634,603Aprile 9, 20120.2%Final 2012 census result[deid airtin]
65  Ecuador18,313,100Julie 3, 20240.23%Official population clock Archived 2013-01-21 at the Wayback Machine
66  Guatemala15,438,384Juin 30, 20130.19%Annual official estimate Archived 2011-10-07 at the Wayback Machine
67  Mali15,302,000Julie 1, 20130.19%UN estimate
68  Cambodie15,135,000Julie 1, 20130.19%UN estimate
69  Malawi14,388,600Julie 1, 20110.18%Official estimate
70  Senegal13,567,338Julie 1, 20130.17%Official estimate Archived 2012-01-17 at the Wayback Machine
71  Zambie13,092,666October 16, 20100.16%Final 2010 census result
72  Zimbabwe12,973,808August 17, 20120.16%Preliminary 2012 census result Archived 2013-09-03 at the Wayback Machine
73  Chad12,825,000Julie 1, 20130.16%UN estimate
74  Sooth Sudan11,296,000Julie 1, 20130.14%UN estimate
75  Cuba11,163,934September 15, 20120.14%Preliminary 2012 census result Archived 2013-07-18 at the Wayback Machine
76  Belgium11,156,136Juin 1, 20130.14%Monthly official estimate
77  Guinea10,824,200Julie 1, 20100.13%Official estimate Archived 2012-07-12 at the Wayback Machine
78  Greece10,815,197Mey 24, 20110.13%Final 2011 census result Archived 2014-08-17 at the Wayback Machine
79  Tunisie10,777,500Julie 1, 20120.13%Official estimate Archived 2015-09-04 at the Wayback Machine
80  Portugal10,562,178Mairch 21, 20110.13%Final 2011 census result
81  Rwanda10,537,222August 15, 20120.13%Preliminary 2012 census result Archived 2013-10-19 at the Wayback Machine
82  Czech Republic10,512,800Mairch 31, 20130.13%Official estimate
83  Somalie[11]10,496,000Julie 1, 20130.13%UN estimate
84  Haiti10,413,211Julie 1, 20120.13%Official estimate Archived 2011-07-21 at the Wayback Machine
85  Benin10,323,000Julie 1, 20130.13%UN estimate
86  Burundi10,163,000Julie 1, 20130.13%UN estimate
87  Bolivie10,027,254November 21, 20120.12%2012 census result
88  Hungary9,906,000Januar 1, 20130.12%Annual official estimate
89  Swaden9,588,569Mey 31, 20130.12%Monthly official estimate
90  Belaroushie9,459,800Julie 1, 20130.12%Monthly official estimate
91  Dominican Republic9,445,281December 1, 20100.12%Final 2010 census result Archived 2013-04-04 at the Wayback Machine
92  Azerbaijan9,235,100Januar 1, 20120.11%Official estimate Archived 2012-02-07 at the Wayback Machine
93  Austrick8,464,554Aprile 1, 20130.1%Official estimate
94  Honduras8,385,072Julie 1, 20120.1%Annual official estimate Archived 2010-10-17 at the Wayback Machine
95  Unitit Arab Emirates8,264,070Julie 1, 20100.1%Official estimate Archived 2013-10-08 at the Wayback Machine
96   Swisserland8,058,100Mairch 31, 20130.1%Quarterly official estimate
97  Israel8,051,200Juin 30, 20130.1%Monthly official estimate Archived 2013-10-02 at the Wayback Machine
98  Tajikistan8,000,000Aprile 1, 20130.1%Official estimate Archived 2012-03-06 at the Wayback Machine
99  Bulgarie7,282,041December 31, 20120.09%Official estimate Archived 2012-11-13 at the Wayback Machine
100  Serbie[12]7,241,295Januar 1, 20120.09%Official estimate Archived 2015-12-25 at the Wayback Machine
101  Hong Kong[13]7,173,900December 31, 20120.09%Official estimateArchived 2007-06-09 at the Wayback Machine
102  Papua New Guinea7,059,653Julie 10, 20110.087%2011 census result
103  Paraguay6,672,631Julie 1, 20120.082%Official estimate
104  Laos6,580,800Julie 1, 20130.081%Annual official estimate Archived 2012-05-17 at the Wayback Machine
105  Jordan7,994,000Julie 3, 20240.1%Official population clock Archived 2012-01-17 at the Wayback Machine
106  Eritrea6,333,000Julie 1, 20130.078%UN estimate
107  Libie6,202,000Julie 1, 20130.076%UN estimate
108  Togo6,191,155November 6, 20100.076%Final 2010 census result
109  Sierra Leone6,190,28020130.076%Official estimate Archived 2013-07-30 at the Wayback Machine
110  El Salvador6,183,000Juin 30, 20100.076%Official estimate
111  Nicaragua6,071,045Juin 30, 20120.075%Official estimate Archived 2013-05-02 at the Wayback Machine
112  Denmark5,605,836Aprile 1, 20130.069%Quarterly official estimate
113  Kyrgyzstan5,551,900Julie 1, 20120.068%Annual official estimate Archived 2015-09-09 at the Wayback Machine
114  Finland5,434,357Mey 31, 20130.067%Monthly official estimate
115  Slovakie5,410,728Mairch 31, 20130.067%Official estimate Archived 2017-02-02 at the Wayback Machine
116  Singapore5,310,000Julie 1, 20120.065%Official estimate
117  Turkmenistan5,240,000Julie 1, 20130.065%UN estimate
118  Norawa5,063,709Mairch 31, 20130.062%Quarterly official estimate
119  Lebanon4,822,000Julie 1, 20130.059%UN estimate
120  Costa Rica4,667,096Julie 1, 20130.058%Official estimate Archived 2012-03-27 at the Wayback Machine
121  Central African Republic4,616,000Julie 1, 20130.057%UN estimate
122  Ireland4,585,400Aprile 1, 20120.056%Annual official estimate
123  Georgie[14]4,483,800Januar 1, 20130.055%Annual official estimate
124  New Zealand4,723,130Julie 3, 20240.058%Official population clock Archived 2010-06-04 at the Wayback Machine
125  Republic o the Congo4,448,000Julie 1, 20130.055%UN estimate
126  Palestine[15]4,420,549Julie 1, 20130.054%Official estimate Archived 2015-06-10 at the Wayback Machine
127  Liberie4,294,000Julie 1, 20130.053%UN estimate
128  Croatie4,290,612Mairch 31, 20110.053%2011 census result
129  Bosnie an Herzegovinae3,839,737Juin 30, 20110.047%Official estimate Archived 2015-09-23 at the Wayback Machine
130  Oman3,831,553Februar 28, 20130.047%Monthly official estimate Archived 2013-05-02 at the Wayback Machine
131  Puerto Rico[16]3,667,084Julie 1, 20120.045%Official estimate
132  Kuwait3,582,054December 31, 20100.044%Official estimate
133  Moldovae[17]3,559,500Januar 1, 20120.044%Official estimate
134  Mauritanie3,461,041Julie 1, 20130.043%Annual official estimate Archived 2015-09-25 at the Wayback Machine
135  Panama3,405,813Mey 16, 20100.042%Final 2010 census result Archived 2011-03-07 at the Wayback Machine
136  Uruguay3,286,314September 30, 20110.04%Final 2011 census result Archived 2012-01-12 at the Wayback Machine
137  Armenie3,024,100Julie 1, 20120.037%Annual official estimate
138  Lithuanie2,955,986Julie 1, 20130.036%Monthly official estimate Archived 2010-08-19 at the Wayback Machine
139  Albanie2,821,977October 1, 20110.035%2011 census result Archived 2017-06-30 at the Wayback Machine
140  Mongolie2,754,685November 11, 20100.034%2010 census result[deid airtin]
141  Jamaica2,711,476December 31, 20120.033%Annual official estimate
142  Namibie2,113,077August 28, 20110.026%Final 2011 census result
143  Lesotho2,074,000Julie 1, 20130.026%UN estimate
144  Slovenie2,092,429Julie 3, 20240.026%Official population clock Archived 2009-06-18 at the Wayback Machine
145  North Macedonie2,059,794December 31, 20110.025%Official estimate
146  Botswana2,024,904August 22, 20110.025%Final 2011 census result Archived 2013-05-25 at the Wayback Machine
147  Latvie2,013,400Juin 1, 20130.025%Monthly official estimate Archived 2013-06-28 at the Wayback Machine
148  Qatar1,916,426Juin 30, 20130.024%Monthly official estimate Archived 2012-11-30 at the Wayback Machine
149  Gambie1,849,000Julie 1, 20130.023%UN estimate
150  Guinea-Bissau1,704,000Julie 1, 20130.021%UN estimate
151  Gabon1,672,000Julie 1, 20130.021%UN estimate
152  Equatorial Guinea1,622,000Julie 1, 20100.02%Annual official estimate Archived 2019-01-07 at the Wayback Machine
153  Trinidad an Tobago1,328,019Januar 9, 20110.016%2011 census result
154  Estonie1,286,540Januar 1, 20130.016%Official estimate Archived 2012-11-23 at the Wayback Machine
155  Mauritius1,257,900Julie 3, 20110.015%2011 census result Archived 2013-05-02 at the Wayback Machine
156  Swaziland1,250,000Julie 1, 20130.015%UN estimate
157  Bahrain1,234,571Aprile 27, 20100.015%Final 2010 census result Archived 2013-05-02 at the Wayback Machine
158  Timor-Leste1,066,409Julie 11, 20100.013%Final 2010 census result Archived 2012-08-16 at the Wayback Machine
159  Djibouti864,618Julie 1, 20110.011%Annual official estimate Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine
160  Cyprus[18]862,000December 31, 20110.011%Official estimate
161  Fiji858,038Julie 1, 20120.011%Annual official estimate
162  Réunion (France)821,136Januar 1, 20100.01%Official estimate
163  Guyana784,894Julie 1, 20100.01%Annual official estimate Archived 2017-02-02 at the Wayback Machine
164  Bhutan880,600Julie 3, 20240.01%Official population clock[deid airtin]
165  Comoros724,300Julie 1, 20120.009%Official estimate
166  Montenegro620,029Aprile 1, 20110.0076%Final 2011 census result
167  Macau[19]582,000December 31, 20120.0072%Official estimate
168  Wastren Sahara[20]567,000Julie 1, 20130.007%UN estimate
169  Solomon Islands561,000Julie 1, 20130.0069%UN estimate
170  Luxembourg537,000December 31, 20120.0066%Annual official estimate
171  Suriname534,189August 13, 20120.0066%Preliminary 2012 census result
172  Cape Verde491,875Juin 16, 20100.0061%Final 2010 census result Archived 2012-10-03 at the Wayback Machine
173  Maltae416,055November 20, 20110.0051%Preliminary 2011 census result Archived 2013-11-13 at the Wayback Machine
174  Guadeloupe (France)403,355Januar 1, 20100.005%Official estimate
175  Martinique (France)394,173Januar 1, 20100.0049%Official estimate
176  Brunei393,162Juin 20, 20110.0048%Preliminary 2011 census result Archived 2012-10-10 at the Wayback Machine
177  Bahamas351,461Mey 3, 20100.0043%Final 2010 census result[deid airtin]
178  Iceland323,810Julie 1, 20130.004%Official estimate
179  Maldives317,280Julie 1, 20100.0039%Official estimate Archived 2016-03-03 at the Wayback Machine
180  Belize312,971Mey 12, 20100.0039%Preliminary 2010 census result
181  Barbados274,200Julie 1, 20100.0034%Official estimate
182  French Polynesie (France)268,270August 22, 20120.0033%Preliminary 2012 census result Archived 2014-02-21 at the Wayback Machine
183  Vanuatu264,652Julie 1, 20130.0033%Annual official estimate
184  New Caledon (France)258,958Julie 1, 20130.0032%Annual official estimate
185  French Guiana (France)229,040Januar 1, 20100.0028%Official estimate
186  Mayotte (France)212,600August 21, 20120.0026%2012 census result
187  Samoa187,820November 7, 20110.0023%Final 2011 census result
188  São Tomé an Príncipe187,356Mey 13, 20120.0023%2012 census result
189  Saunt Lucia166,526Mey 10, 20100.0021%Preliminary 2010 census result
190  Guam (USA)159,358Aprile 1, 20100.002%Final 2010 census result
191  Curaçao (Netherlands)150,563Mairch 26, 20110.0019%2011 census result
192  Saunt Vincent an the Grenadines109,000Julie 1, 20130.0013%UN estimate
193  Kiribati106,461Julie 1, 20130.0013%Annual official estimate
194  Unitit States Virgin Islands (USA)106,405Aprile 1, 20100.0013%Final 2010 census result
195  Grenada103,328Mey 12, 20110.0013%2011 census result Archived 2012-06-14 at the Wayback Machine
196  Tonga103,036November 30, 20110.0013%2011 census result Archived 2013-05-02 at the Wayback Machine
197  Aruba (Netherlands)101,484September 29, 20100.0013%2010 census result Archived 2012-11-13 at the Wayback Machine
198  Federatit States o Micronesie101,351Julie 1, 20130.0012%Annual official estimate
199  Jersey (UK)97,857Mairch 27, 20110.0012%2011 census result Archived 2012-09-18 at the Wayback Machine
200  Seychelles90,945August 26, 20100.0011%Final 2010 census result Archived 2012-02-21 at the Wayback Machine
201  Antigua an Barbuda86,295Mey 27, 20110.0011%Preliminary 2011 census result
202  Isle o Man (UK)84,497Mairch 27, 20110.001%2011 census result
203  Andorrae76,246Julie 1, 20120.0009%Annual official estimate Archived 2017-11-13 at the Wayback Machine
204  Dominica71,293Mey 14, 20110.0009%Preliminary 2011 census result Archived 2019-06-08 at the Wayback Machine
205  Bermuda (UK)64,237Mey 20, 20100.00079%Final 2010 census result Archived 2013-05-20 at the Wayback Machine
206  Guernsey (UK)62,431Mairch 31, 20100.00077%Annual official estimate
207  Greenland (Denmark)56,370Januar 1, 20130.00069%Annual official estimate
208  Marshall Islands56,086Julie 1, 20130.00069%Annual official estimate
209  American Samoa (USA)55,519Aprile 1, 20100.00068%Final 2010 census result
210  Cayman Islands (UK)55,456October 10, 20100.00068%Final 2010 census result Archived 2013-09-21 at the Wayback Machine
211  Saunt Kitts an Nevis54,000Julie 1, 20130.00067%UN estimate
212  Northren Mariana Islands (USA)53,883Aprile 1, 20100.00066%Final 2010 census result
213  Faroe Islands (Denmark)48,244Aprile 1, 20130.00059%Monthly official estimate
214  Sint Maarten (Netherlands)37,429Januar 1, 20100.00046%Official estimate
215  Saunt Martin (France)36,979Januar 1, 20100.00046%Official estimate
216  Liechtenstein36,842December 31, 20120.00045%Annual official estimate Archived 2014-03-31 at the Wayback Machine
217  Monaco36,136December 31, 20120.00045%Annual official estimate
218  San Marino32,382Mey 31, 20130.0004%Monthly official estimate Archived 2012-12-28 at the Wayback Machine
219  Turks an Caicos Islands (UK)31,458Januar 25, 20120.00039%2012 census result
220  Gibraltar (UK)29,752Julie 1, 20110.00037%Annual official estimate Archived 2018-09-28 at the Wayback Machine
221  Breetish Virgin Islands (UK)29,537Julie 1, 20100.00036%Annual official estimate Archived 2002-05-25 at the Wayback Machine
222  Åland Islands (Finland)28,502December 31, 20120.00035%Official estimate Archived 2016-11-15 at the Wayback Machine
223  Caribbean Netherlands (Netherlands)21,133Januar 1, 20110.00026%Official estimate
224  Palau20,901Julie 1, 20130.00026%Annual official estimate
225  Cook Islands (NZ)14,974December 1, 20110.00018%Final 2011 census result Archived 2013-05-02 at the Wayback Machine
226  Anguilla (UK)13,452Mey 11, 20110.00017%Preliminary 2011 census result
227  Wallis an Futuna (France)13,135Julie 1, 20130.00016%Annual official estimate
228  Tuvalu11,323Julie 1, 20130.00014%Annual official estimate
229  Nauru9,945October 30, 20110.00012%2011 census result
230  Saunt Barthélemy (France)8,938Januar 1, 20100.00011%Official estimate
231  Saunt Pierre an Miquelon (France)6,081Januar 1, 20100.00006%Official estimate
232  Montserrat (UK)4,922Mey 12, 20110.00005%2011 census result Archived 2019-04-03 at the Wayback Machine
233  Saunt Helena, Ascension an Tristan da Cunha (UK)4,000Julie 1, 20130.00004%UN estimate
234  Svalbard an Jan Mayen (Norawa)2,655September 1, 20120.00003%Official estimate
235  Falkland Islands (UK)2,563Aprile 15, 20120.00003%2012 census result
236  Norfolk Island (Australia)2,302August 9, 20110.00002%2011 census result Archived 2016-03-03 at the Wayback Machine
237  Christmas Island (Australia)2,072August 9, 20110.00002%2011 census result
238  Niue (NZ)1,613September 10, 20110.00002%Final 2011 census result
239  Tokelau (NZ)1,411October 18, 20110.00001%Final 2011 census result Archived 2012-08-15 at the Wayback Machine
240  Vatican Ceety800Julie 1, 20120.00001%Official estimate Archived 2017-02-02 at the Wayback Machine
241  Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Australia)550August 9, 20110.000001%2011 census result
242  Pitcairn Islands (UK)66Julie 1, 20080.0000000%2008 census result

See an aa


  • Leet o kintras bi population in 1900
  • Leet o kintras bi population in 1907
  • Leet o kintras bi population in 2000
  • Leet o kintras bi population in 2005
  • Leet o kintras bi population in 2010
  • Leet o kintras bi past an futur population (1950–2050)


  • Leets o kintras bi population
    • Continental
      • Africae
      • Asie
      • Europe
      • North Americae
      • Oceanie
      • Sooth Americae
    • Intercontinental
      • Eurasie
      • Americas
      • Arab states
      • Commonweel o Naitions
      • Latin Americae
      • Middle East
    • Subcontinental
      • Caribbean islands
      • European Union member states

References an notes

Freemit airtins