Guayas Province

Guayas is a coastal province in Ecuador. It is bordered tae the wast bi Manabí, Santa Elena, an the Paceefic Ocean (as the Gulf o Guayaquil); tae the east bi Los Ríos, Bolívar, Chimborazo, Cañar, an Azuay; tae the north bi Los Ríos an Bolívar; an tae the sooth bi El Oro an the Paceefic Ocean.

Province o Guayas
Banner o Guayas
Location o Guayas in Ecuador.
Location o Guayas in Ecuador.
Cantons o Guayas Province
Cantons o Guayas Province
CantonsLeet o Cantons
 • Provincial PrefectJimmy Jairala
 • Total16803 km2 (6,488 sq mi)
 • Total3,645,483
 • Density220/km2 (560/sq mi)

Wi a population o ower 3 million fowk, it is the maist populous province in Ecuador. It is the fowert lairgest province in the kintra in terms o aurie. The lairgest ceety o Ecuador, Guayaquil, is locatit athin the province.


Guayas' natural terrain is vera diverse. The province haes nae elevations, except for the Coastal Range, which stairts in Guayaquil an goes tae Manabí. The auries wast o the Coastal Range are desertic, wi an average temperatur o 23 °C. The auries east o the range belang tae the Guayas Watershed. They are quite humid an fertile, especially in the north o the province, wi an average temperatur o 30 °C in the humid saison (December–Mey) an 25 °C in the dry saison (Juin–November).


The maist important river in the province is the Daule River, which flows frae the north tae join the Babahoyo River tae form the Guayas river. The province is pairt o the lairgest river basin in Sooth Americae wast o the Andes Muntains.


Guayas haes its awn seestem for numberin roads. Housomeivver, this seestem is unkent for maist residents, so it is no regularly uised.

The inter-provincial roads are an aa numbered wi the naitional seestem. Even routes travel north-sooth; odd routes travel east-wast. The inter-provincial roads that cross the province are the follaein:

  • Ecuador Heich-gate 15 (Vía del Pacífico; Paceefic Wey)
  • Ecuador Heich-gate 25 (Troncal de la Costa; Coastal Main Wey)
  • Ecuador Heich-gate 40 (Transversal Austral; Austral Crossin Wey)


Pre-Hispanic culturs

The native cultur livin in Guayas is the Huancavilca Cultur. Exactly afore the European discovery o Americae, the Huancavilca Cultur wis livin in the province. They are the ancestors o a lairge pairt o the population o the province.

Spaingie conquest an unthirldom

Guayaquil wis foondit on August 14, 1534 (its foundation is celebrated on Julie 25). Durin the Spaingie conquest, Guayaquil became ane o the maist important ports in Sooth Americae. The ceety became free on October 9, 1820, an the Guayaquil Depairtment (ane o the oreeginal subdiveesions o Ecuador) wis foondit suin efterwards. It consistit on the Manabí Province, an the Guayaquil Province, which wis later renamed Guayas. The Guayaquil Province includit the territory o what nou is Peruvian Tumbes, an the day's Los Ríos an El Oro. The provinces wur separatit frae Guayas in 1860 an 1884, respectively.


In recent decades, there haes been a massive exit frae landwart auries tae the main ceeties (especially Guayaquil). This haes creatit a problem in Guayaquil, as maist o the migrants muive tae municipal auries, creatin shantytouns, wi nae services like water or electricity.


Guayas is the maist populous province in the kintra. The estimatit population o the province in 2003 wis aboot 3,360,000 fowk. A lairge percentage o the population are mestizos, i.e. descendants o baith Spaingie an indigenous fowks, there are an aa big commonties o fowk that descend frae Italians, Lebanese an German fowk.

Poleetical diveesions

The province is dividit intae 25 cantons. The follaein table leets each wi its population as o the 2001 census, its aurie in square kilometres (km²), an the name o the canton seat or caipital.[1]

CantonPop. (2001)Aurie (km²)Seat/Caipital
Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno (Jujan)19,982216Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno (a.k.a. Jujan)
Balzar (San Jacinto de Balzar)48,4701,173Balzar
Coronel Marcelino Maridueña11,054255Coronel Marcelino Maridueña
El Empalme64,789711El Empalme (a.k.a. Velasco Ibarra
El Triunfo34,117389El Triunfo
General Antonio Elizalde (Bucay)8,696152General Antonio Elizalde (a.k.a. Bucay)
Isidro Ayora8,226492Isidro Ayora
Lomas de Sargentillo14,19467Lomas de Sargentillo
Nobol14,753128Nobol (a.k.a. Narcisa de Jesús)
Pedro Carbo36,711927Pedro Carbo
Playas (General Villamil Playas)30,045269Playas (a.k.a. General Villamil Playas)
Salitre (was Urbina Jado)50,379390El Salitre
Santa Lucía33,868348Santa Lucía
Simón Bolívar20,385289Simón Bolívar
Yaguachi47,630512Yaguachi (San Jacinto de Yaguachi)

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Freemit airtins

79°58′00″W / 2.2°S 79.9667°W / -2.2; -79.9667