
Fundamentalism is the demand for a strict adherence tae specific theological doctrines uisually unnerstuid as a reaction agin Modrenist theologie, mainly tae promote continuity an accuracy.[1] There Fundamentlism in Christianity and Islam for insample.

The term "Christian fundamentalism" wis oreeginally coined bi its supporters tae describe a specific package o theological beliefs that developit intae a muivement athin the Protestant commonty o the Unitit States in the early pairt o the 20t century, an that haed its ruits in the Fundamentalist–Modrenist Controversy o that time.[2] The term uisually haes a releegious connotation indicatin unwaverin attachment tae a set of irreducible beliefs.[3] "Fundamentalism" is whiles uised as a pejorative term, particeelar whan gangin thegither wi ither epithets (as in the phrase "richt-wing fundamentalists").[4][5]
