Dutch fowk

The Dutch fowk (Dutch: Aboot this soondNederlanders ) are an ethnic group native tae the Netherlands.[14] Thay share a common cultur an speak the Dutch leid. Dutch fowk an thair stryndants are foond in migrant commonties warldwide, notably in Suriname, Chile, Brazil, Canadae,[15] Australie,[16] Sooth Africae,[17] New Zealand, an the Unitit States.[18]

Dutch fowk
1st row: Erasmus • William o Orange • Johan van Oldenbarnevelt • Maurice o Nassau • Piet Heyn
2nt row: Grotius • Frederick Henry o Orange • Jan Leeghwater • Rembrandt • Michiel de Ruyter
3rd row: Johan de Witt • SpinozaChristiaan HuygensWilliam III o Orange • Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
4t row: Belle van Zuylen • Thorbecke • Multatuli • Vincent van GoghJohannes van der Waals
5th row: Hendrik Lorentz • Aletta Jacobs • WilhelminaWillem DreesJohan Cruyff
Tot population
17.2 million (Blue → Dutch-born)
(Green → Reported ancestry))
Regions wi signeeficant populations
(Ethnic Dutch)
(Dutch Eurasies)
 Sooth Africae7,000,000 [2][3]
 USA5,087,191 (Dutch ancestry) [2]
 Surinameest. 210,000
 Unitit Kinrickest. 200,000
 Spainest. 180,000
 New Zealandest. 100,000[9]
 Chileest. 50,000
 Denmarkest. 30,000[10]
 Turkeyest. 20,000[11]
  Swisserlandest. 20,000[12]
 Norawaest. 13,000[13]
 Swadenest. 10,000[10]
 Portugalest. 9,000
Christianity (maistly Protestants wi Roman Catholic minority)


The Dutch society in the present can be seen as a vera multi-cultural society. Aboot 20% o the entire Dutch population is no o Dutch oreegin (thir fowk are cried allochtoon in Dutch). Even maist members o the Dutch Ryal faimily are allochtoon. This comes frae the fact that the Netherlands wur open tae ither naitionalities an ither releegions syne the Republic o the Netherlands (foondit in 1588). In the 17t century, it wis no odd for instance Muslims tae live in Amsterdam. Efter the Seicont Warld War, the Dutch hired mony wirkers frae Turkey an Morocco tae rebuilt the Netherlands. Mony o thir guest wirkers (gastarbeiders) stayed in the Netherlands. Therefore, The Netherlands hae a lairge Turkis an Moroccan commonty. Immigration frae especially Suriname an Indonesie lead tae the multi-cultural society o the present an aw. Recent events (lik the murther on Theo van Gogh bi a radical Muslim) hae led tae negative views on allochtonen bi some Dutch fowk.

The Dutch society is famous for its leeberal views an aw. The Netherlands wur the first kintra tae legalise same-sex marriage (the marriage o homosexuals). The Netherlands hae a strang gay-richts muivement. Abortion an euthanasie are legal in the Netherlands an aw. The Netherlands are the anerlie kintra in the warld whaur marijuana is "gedoogd" an aw. This means it is no legal but the laws against it are no actively enforcit.

The Netherlands are ane o the busiest kintras in the warld. Amaist 16.5 million fowk live in the little kintra. That's why no mony Dutch live in veelages. Maist Dutch fowk live in ceeties, wi a ceety bein a place wi at least 25,000 fowk livin thare. 8.7 million Dutch live in agglomerations (urban auries which are connectit tae ilk ither, a sort o metropolitan aurie).[19] That's aboot 54% o aw the Dutch fowk. Aboot 15% o the Dutch fowk live in ceeties which are no in an agglomeration. The ither 30% live in veelages (places wi less nor 25,000 fowk).


The 3-story heich bicycle lot in Amsterdam

The Netherlands are a kintra whaur bicycles are uised very much. Amaist 30% o aw traivel is done bi bicycle in the Netherlands.[20] Bicycles are uised sae hintle that throuoot the Netherlands, hunders o bicycle pairkin lots (fietsenstallingen) are biggit. In Amsterdam, thare even is 3-story heich bicycle pairkin lot. Train is uised vera hintle (unlik in for instance the US) an aw. The biggest railwey company (NS) haes 1.1 million travellers per day.[21] That's 7 percent o the entire Dutch population each day.
