
Botswana (offeecially the Republic o Botswana (Tswana: Lefatshe la Botswana), is a laundlocked kintra locatit in Soothren Africae. Umwhile the Breetish pertectorate o Bechuanaland, Botswana adoptit its new name efter acomin independent within the Commonweel on 30 September 1966.[7] Syne then, it haes mainteened a strang tradeetion o stable representative democracy, wi a consistent record o uninterruptit democratic elections an the best perceived corruption rankin in Africae syne at least 1998.[8]

Republic o Botswana

Lefatshe la Botswana  (Tswana)
Banner o Botswana
Coat o airms o Botswana
Coat o airms
Motto: "Pula" (Tswana)
AnthemFatshe leno la rona  (Tswana)
This Laund o Oors
Location o  Botswana  (daurk blue) in the African Union  (licht blue)
Location o  Botswana  (daurk blue)

in the African Union  (licht blue)

and largest city
24°39.5′S 25°54.5′E / 24.6583°S 25.9083°E / -24.6583; 25.9083
Offeecial leidsInglis
Ethnic groups
  • 79% Tswana
  • 11% Kalanga
  • 3% Basarwa
  • 3% Kgalagadi
  • 3% White
  • 1% ithers
  • Batswana (plural)
  • Motswana (singular)
GovrenmentPairlamentar republic
• Preses
Mokgweetsi Masisi[1]
• Vice-Preses
Slumber Tsogwane
LegislaturNaitional Assembly
• Established (Constitution)
30 September 1966
• Total
581,730 km2 (224,610 sq mi) (48t)
• Water (%)
• 2016 estimate
2,250,260[2] (145t)
• 2011 census
• Density
3.7/km2 (9.6/sq mi) (231st)
GDP (PPP)2019 estimate
• Total
$44.3 billion[4]
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2019 estimate
• Tot
$19.651 billion[4]
• Per capita
Gini (2015)positive decrease 53.3[5]
HDI (2017)Increase 0.717[6]
heich · 101st
CurrencyPula (BWP)
Time zoneUTC+2 (Central Africae Time)
Date formatDD/MM/YYYY
Drivin sidecaur
Cawin code+267
ISO 3166 codeBW
Territorial Organization

Botswana is topografically flat, wi up tae 70 percent o its territory bein the Kalahari Desert. It is mairchit bi Sooth Africae tae the sooth an sootheast, Namibie tae the wast an north, an Zimbabwe tae the northeast. Its mairch wi Zambie tae the north near Kazungula is puirly defined but is, at maist, a few hunder metres lang.[9]

A mid-sized kintra o juist ower 2 million fowk, Botswana is ane o the maist sparsely populatit kintras in the warld. Aroond 10 percent o the population lives in the caipital an lairgest ceety, Gaborone. Umwhile ane o the puirest kintras in the warld—wi a GDP per capita o aboot US$70 per year in the late 1960s—Botswana haes syne transformed itsel intae ane o the warld's festest-growin economies. The economy is dominated by minin, kye, an tourism. Botswana blowsts a GDP (purchasin pouer parity) per capita o aboot $18,825 per year as o 2015, that is ane o the heichest in Africae.[10] Its heich gross naitional income (bi some estimates the fowert-lairgest in Africae) gies the kintra a relatively heich staundart o leevin an the heichest Human Development Index o continental Sub-Saharan Africae.[11]

Botswana is a member o the African Union, the Soothren African Development Commonty, the Commonweel o Naitions, an the Unitit Naitions. The kintra haes been amang the haurdest hit bi the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Despite the success in programmes tae mak treatments available tae thae infectit, an tae eddicate the populace in general aboot hou tae stap the spread o HIV/AIDS, the nummer o fowk wi AIDS rose frae 290,000 in 2005 tae 320,000 in 2013.[12]:A20 As o 2014, Botswana haes the third-heichest prevalence rate for HIV/AIDS, wi reuchly 20% o the adult population bein infectit.[13]
