Afrikaans leid

(Reguidit frae Afrikaans)

Afrikaans is a Wast Germanic leid, mainly spoken in Sooth Africae and Namibie. It is a dochter leid o Dutch, oreeginatin in its 17t century dialects, collectively referred tae as Cape Dutch.[n 1] Awtho Afrikaans borraed frae leids sic as Malay, Portuguese, the Bantu leids or the Khoisan leids, an estimatit 90 tae 95 percent o Afrikaans vocabulary is o Dutch origin.[n 2]

Native taeSooth Africae, Namibie
EthnicityAfrikaners, Cape Coloured
Native speakers
7.2 million (2016)[1]
10.3 million L2 speakers in Sooth Africae (2002)[2]
  • Latin using Afrikaans alphabet
  • Afrikaans Braille
Signed forms
Signed Afrikaans[3]
Offeecial status
Offeecial leid in
 Sooth Africae
Recognised minority
leid in
Regulatit biDie Taalkommissie
Leid codes
ISO 639-1af
ISO 639-2afr
ISO 639-3afr
Regions shadit daurk blue represent auries o concentratit Afrikaans-speakin commonties
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Wi aboot 6 million native speakers in Sooth Africae, or 13.3 percent o the population, it is the third maist spoken mither tongue in the kintra.[5][6] It haes the widest geographical an racial distribution o aw offeecial leids, an is widely spoken an unnerstood as a seicont or third leid.[n 3] It is the majority leid o the wastren hauf o Sooth Africae—the provinces o the Northren Cape an Wastren Cape—an the primary leid o the coloured an white communities.[n 4] In neebourin Namibie, Afrikaans is spoken in 11 percent o hoosehaulds, mainly concentratit in the caipital Windhoek an the soothren regions o Hardap an Karas.[n 5] Widely spoken as a seicont leid, it is a lingua franca o Namibie.[n 6]

While the tot nummer o speakers o Afrikaans is unkent, estimates range atween 17.5 an 23 million.[n 7]


In the grammar o Afrikaans, thare's nae sindry atween the infinitive an praisent forms o verbs, wi the exception o the verbs 'to be' and 'to have':

infinitive formpresent indicative formDutchScotsGerman
weesiszijn (imperative: wees)besein

An aw, verbs dinna conjugate differently depending on the subject. For ensaumple,

ek isik benA amich bin
jy/u isjij/u bentyou/ye are (sing.)du bist (informal sing.)
hy/sy/dit ishij/zij/het ishe/she/it iser/sie/es ist
ons iswij zijnwe arewir sind
julle isjullie zijnyou/ye are (plur.)ihr seid (informal pl.)
hulle iszij zijnthay areSie (formal sing. & pl.)/sie sind
