Admeenistrative diveesions o Sooth Korea

Sooth Korea is dividit intae 8 provinces (do), 1 special autonomous province (teukbyeol jachido), 6 metropolitan ceties (gwangyeoksi), an 1 special ceety (teukbyeolsi). These are further subdividit intae a variety o smawer entities, includin ceeties (si), coonties (gun), destricts (gu), touns (eup), tounships (myeon), neighborhuids (dong) an veelages (ri).

Admeenistrative diveesions o the Sooth Korea.

Note on translation: awtho the terms "Special Ceety", "Metropolitan Ceety", "Province", an "Ceety" are commonly uised on Inglis-leid govrenment wabsteids, the ither translations — "coonty", "toun", "destrict", etc. — are nae offeecial translations, an are anerlie intendit tae serve as uiseful illustrations o ilka entity's meanin. The northwastren islands o Yeonpyeong Island, Baengnyeong Island, Daecheong Island, an the muckle smawer Socheong Island are pairt o Ongjin.

Provincial level diveesions

Do (Province)

A "do" (도, ) is equivalent tae a province an ane o the primary diveesions o the kintra, alang wi "teukbyeolsi" (특별시) an "gwangyeoksi (광역시)". Sooth Korea haes 8 provinces an ane special sel-govrenin province (teukbyeol jachido; 특별 자치도; 特別自治道).

Ilka province is subdividit intae ceeties ("si") an coonties ("gun").

Gwangyeoksi (Metropolitan Ceety)

Gwangyeoksi (광역시; 廣域市), or "metropolitan cities", are major ceeties that are no pairt o ony province, but exist independently an are sel-govrened. Thay are comparable tae Cheenae's direct-controlled municipalities or even Breetish metropolitan coonties. Sooth Korea haes 6 metropolitan ceeties wi provincial status.

Ilka Metropolitan Ceety are dividit intae wards ("gu") an ootlyin coonties ("gun") comparable tae Breetish non-metropolitan coonties.

Teukbyeolsi (Special Ceety)

A "teukbyeolsi" (특별시; 特別市) is ane o the primary diveesions o the kintra, alang wi gwangyeoksi an do. Sooth Korea haes anerlie ane special ceety. Seoul is dividit intae destricts ("gu").

Leet o Province level diveesions

1Seoul서울시(首爾)市4Special Ceety(Jung-gu, Seoul)Sudogwon10,421,782605.2517,219KR-11
2Busan부산시釜山市Metropolitan Ceety(Yeonje-gu, Busan)Yeongnam3,635,389763.464,762KR-26
3Incheon인천시仁川市Metropolitan Ceety(Namdong-gu, Incheon)Sudogwon2,628,000964.532,724.6KR-28
4Daegu대구시大邱市Metropolitan Ceety(Jung-gu, Daegu)Yeongnam2,512,604884.152,842KR-27
5Gwangju광주시光州市Metropolitan Ceety(Seo-gu, Gwangju)Honam1,415,953501.362,824KR-29
6Daejeon대전시大田市Metropolitan Ceety(Seo-gu, Daejeon)Hoseo1,442,857539.842,673KR-30
7Ulsan울산시蔚山市Metropolitan Ceety(Nam-gu, Ulsan)Yeongnam1,087,9581,056.41,030KR-31
16Jeju제주도濟州道Special Sel-govrenin ProvinceJeju CeetyJejudo560,0001,845.55303KR-49

Notes: 1 as o 2000; 2 km²; 3 per km²; 4see Names o Seoul; 5 Daejeon excludit; 6 Daegu excludit 7 currently bein planned


Awtho the details o local admeenistration hae chynged dramatically ower time, the basic ootline o the current three-tiered seestem wis implementit unner the reign o Gojong in 1895. A seemilar seestem an aa remains in uise in North Korea.

See an aa


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Template:Regions an admeenistrative diveesions o the Republic o Korea