11 September attacks

The 11t September attacks, aften cried 9-11 juist, wis attacks on the Unitit States bi Islamic terrorists on 11t September 2001. Twa hijackit aeroplanes wis flewn intae the World Trade Center, collapsin its twa touers an causin the daiths o aboot 2500 fowk, forby the fowk on the aeroplanes thairsels, aboot five hunner mair. Anither aeroplane wis flewn intae the Pentagon, killin 125 fowk. A fowert plane wis on coorse for the White Hoose in Washington D.C. Houaniver, the passengers in thon plane attackit the hijackers, causin the plane tae crash-laund afore it reached its intendit tairget.

September 11 attacks
  • Tap row: The Twin Touers o the
    World Trade Center burnin
  • 2nt row, left tae richt: Collapsed section o
    the Pentagon; Flicht 175 crashes intae 2 WTC;
  • 3rd row, left tae richt: A firefichter requests
    assistance at World Trade Center steid;
    Ground Zero; An engine
    from Flicht 93 is recovered
  • Bottom row: Flicht 77's collision wi the
    Pentagon as capturt bi three
    consecutive CCTV frames.

  • Manhattan, New York, New York;
  • Arlington Coonty, Virginie;
  • vicinity o Shanksville, Pennsylvanie
DateSeptember 11, 2001; 22 years ago (2001-09-11)
8:46 a.m. – 10:28 a.m. (EDT)
Attack teep
Daiths2,996  (2,977 victims + 19 hijackers)
Non-fatal injures
al-Qaeda[1] (see an aa responsibility an hijackers)

Acause o thir attacks, Preses George W. Bush decidit tae hae Americae lench a warld wide war agin terrorism. At the time al-Qaeda, the fowk ahint the attacks, wis operatin oot o Afghanistan that wis unner the owerins o the Taliban. George Bush invadit Afghanistan for tae pit the branks on al-Qaeda an the Taliban.
