
То ли ещё будет. Были бы силы и время...


  • Большая энциклопедия открытий и изобретений. (Авторы: Артемова О.В., Балдина Н.А., Вологдина Е.В.).

2007. Издательство: РОСМЭН-ПРЕСС. ISBN: 978-5-353-03002-7

Хронология русских инноваций-1

Зал космических технологий в Государственный музей истории космонавтики имени К. Э. Циолковского, Калуга, Россия. Экспозиция включает модкли следующий российских инноваций:
первый спутник, Спутник 1 (a ball under the ceiling);
the first spacesuits (lower-left corner);
первый пилотируемый космический корабль, Восток 1 (center);
первый спутник типа Молния (upper right corner);
the first space rover, Луноход 1(lower right corner);
первая космическая станция, Салют 1(upper left).

Хронология российской технологии и инноваций охватывает историю технологии в России, начинающейся с Ранних Восточных славян и до современной Российской Федерации, с главным акцентом на российских изобретениях и технологиях.

Включает технологии, продукты и объекты, которые можно разделить на 3 категории:

  • Outright inventions, having worldwide significance (like arc welding, assault rifle, satellite);
  • Developments of the earlier technologies with strong local modifications and a great role in the Russian culture (like Russian vodka);
  • Products and objects with unique superlative characteristics and records associated with them (like Tsar Cannon, AK-47, Arktika class icebreaker).

This timeline includes products and technologies introduced by any citizens and peoples of Russia and her predecessor states, irregarding of ethnicity, and including inventions of naturalized immigrant citizens. Certain innovations, achieved by a multinational cooperation, also may be included into this timeline, in case Russian side played a major role in such projects. However, the inventions made abroad by Russian émigrés are not reflected here.

See also: List of Russian inventors and Category:Russian inventions.

540 m high Ostankino Tower in Moscow, the world's tallest free-standing structure in 1967-76. A unique design by Nikolai Nikitin based on the combination of prestressed concrete with wire ropes structure.
All-Russia exhibition 1896 in Nizhny Novgorod. Electric tram, an earlier invention by Fyodor Pirotsky, drives between the pavillions featuring breakthrough designs by Vladimir Shukhov: the world's first steel tensile structures, gridshells, thin-shells and the first hyperboloid steel tower. The exhibition also demonstrated the first lightning detector and early radio receiver of Alexander Popov, the first Russian automobile, and other technical achievements.
The wooden churches of Kizhi, built completely without nails and featuring such traditional elements of Russian architecture as tented roof, multiple onion domes and barrel roofs.
Файл:Baked milk.jpg
Baked milk.

Baked milk

  • ...
Russian Venus by Борис Кустодиев, shows a girl with birch twigs in a rural баня.


  • Banya is a tradional Russian wet steam bath, where the bathing is performed inside special rooms or standalone wooden houses, with steam being produced by splashing water upon heated rocks. Historically, banya developed simultaneously with its closest relative, the Finnish sauna, however modern saunas converted to dry steam, while banyas continue to use wet steam. Banya temperatures may exceed 110°C, and people often hit themselves or others with bunches of dried branches and leaves from white birch, oak or eucalyptus in order to improve the circulation. It is customary to cool off in the breeze outdoors or splash around in cold water or in a lake or river. In the winter, people may roll in the snow or jump into the ice holes. After two or three sessions of sweat and cooling off, the ritual ends with drinking beverages, playing games or relaxing in good company in an antechamber to the steam room. Banya provides a strong positive effect on health, reliefs a number of deseases and strengthens the immune system.[1][2]
The cooking of Russian blini.


  • Blini is a Russian variant of blintzes, the thin pancakes somewhat similar to a crêpe, but made with yeast. Blin comes from Old Slavic mlin, that means "to mill". Russian blini are made with yeasted batter, which is left to rise and then diluted with cold or boiling water or milk. Blini may have originated in the time of the Slavic unity, and they had a somewhat ritual significance for the early Slavs in pre-Christian times, since they were a symbol of the sun due to their round form. Blini were traditionally prepared at the end of the winter to honor the rebirth of the new sun (Butter Week, or Maslenitsa). This tradition was adopted by Orthodox church and is carried on to the present day.[3]
Gusli musicians by Viktor Vasnetsov.


  • Gusli is the oldest Slavic and Russian multi-string plucked instrument. Preserved instruments discovered by archaeologists have between 5 and 9 strings with one example having 12 strings. Gusli may have derived from a Byzantine form of the Greek kythare and have a number of relative instruments, like Finnish kantele. The first mention of gusli dates back to 591AD to a treatise by the Greek historian Theophylact Simocatta which describes the instrument being used by Slavs from the area of the later Kievan Rus'. The gusli are thought to have been the instrument used by the legendary Boyan (a singer of tales) and other heroes of Russian mythology. In the later times gusli were widely used by the wandering Skomorokh musicians and entertainers.[4]
A typical Russian izba.


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Men's kosovorotka.


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A course of shchi, prepared with meat and saffron milk caps. Scallion, parsley and smetana have been added before serving.


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10-й век

A Russian girl wearing кокошник и сарафан.


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989 Multidomed church

989 Квас

997 Кисель

  • ...

11-й век

Birch-bark letter no. 202[5] contains spelling lessons and drawings made by a Novgorodian boy named Onfim; based on draftsmanship, experts estimate his age as between 6 and 7 at the time.

Birch bark document

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A 17th century koch in a museum in Krasnoyarsk


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Russian icon painting

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1048 Russian fist fighting

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12th century

Bear spear


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The onion domes on Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow.

Onion dome


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13th century

Preparation of pelmeni, with khokhloma handicraft seen on the background.


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Zvonnitsa of Transfiguration Cathedral in Vyazemy near Moscow.

14th century


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1376 Сарафан

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15th century

Streltsy with muskets and bardiches.


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Gorlatnaya hat


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Typical Russian oven in a peasant izba.

Russian oven

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c. 1430 Русская водка

  • by Isidore

Early 16th century

Кокошник (архитектура)

  • ...
The Church of Ascension in Kolomenskoye near Moscow, an early tented roof church.

1510s Tented roof masonry

  • ...

Late 16th century

Russian abacus.

Russian abacus

1552 Battery-tower

  • by Ivan Vyrodkov

1561 Saint Basil's Cathedral

  • by Postnik Yakovlev

1566 Great Abatis Line

A view of the Tsar Cannon, showing its massive bore and cannonballs, and the Lion's head cast into the carriage.

1586 Царь-пушка

  • by Andrey Chokhov (see also [5])

17th century

Barrel roof

A typical wooden Bird of Happiness.

Bird of Happiness

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Dymkovo toys.

Dymkovo toy

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Khokhloma tableware on a Soviet postage stamp.


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Русские горки

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A troika pulling a sleigh


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Russian Ornamental architecture

1684 Octagon-on-tetragon

1685 Tula gingerbread

  • ...

Early 18th century


  • ...
Classic 14-sides cut glass.

Cut glass

  • ...

Modern flamethrower

  • by Vasily Korchmin [7]
The Summer Palace of Peter the Great in St. Petersburg, one of the first buildings to incorporate the modern-type hydrologic central heating.

Hydrologic central heating

  • ...

1710 Decimal currency

  • ...

1714 Sounding weight probe

  • by Peter I (see [8])

1714 Кунсткамера

A typical balalaika.

1717 Балалайка

  • ...

1718 Mechanic slide rest

  • by Andrey Nartov [9]


1721 Peterhof


The Tsar Bell with humans for perspective.

1735 Царь-колокол

  • by Motorins


1740 Nail violin

  • by Johann Wilde

1741 Quick-firing battery

1744 Russian porcelain

  • by Dmitry Vinogradov and Mikhail Lomonosov

1745 Oil refinery

1745 Electrometer

The smalt mosaic portrait of Peter I by Mikhail Lomonosov.

1748 Russian smalt


1752 Self-running carriage

  • by Leonty Shamshurenkov, then by Ivan Kulibin. Quadrocycle.

1753 Machine boat

The coaxial rotor of the modern Kamov Ka-26, typical for Kamov helicopters.

1754 Coaxial rotor

1756 Night vision telescope

Early 19th century unicorne mortar.

1757 Unicorne mortar

  • ...


1760s Rostov finift

  • ...

1762 Off-axis reflecting telescope

1764 Эрмитаж

1766 Two-cylinder engine


The Transportation of the Thunder-stone in the Presence of Catherine II. Engraving by I.F.Schley of the drawing by Yury Felten. 1770.

1770 Thunder Stone

  • ...

1776 Orenburg shawl

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A typical samovar

1778 Самовар

  • In 1778 Lisitsyn brothers introduced their first samovar design, and the same year they registered the first samovar-making factory in Russia.

1779 Searchlight


1782 Vodokhod

1784 Achromatic microscope

  • by Franz Aepinus



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A seven-string Russian guitar

Russian guitar

  • by Andrei Sychra

Musical spoons

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1795 Fedoskino miniature

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1796 Peaked cap

  • The peaked cap has been worn by Russian Army officers (other ranks had the same cap without a peak) since 1796, as a new type of forage cap.


1800s Zhostovo painting

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Kuznetsov's musical carriage.

1801 Musical carriage

1802 Modern powdered milk

  • ...

1802 Гжель

  • ...
Electric arc.

1802 Arc lamp

  • by Vasily Vladimirovich Petrov

1803 Arc welding

  • by Vasily Vladimirovich Petrov


1811 Rostral Columns

  • ...

1811 Konovodka

Russian Navy's sailor cap.

1811 Sailor cap

1812 Electric mine

  • by Pavel Schilling

1814 Beehive frame

  • by Petro Prokopovych


1815 Fire retardant

  • by Semyon Vlasov, [21]


1820 Monorail

  • The so-called "Road on Pillars" near Moscow, with horse-drawn carriages, was built by Ivan Elmanov.

1826 Russian Revival architecture

  • ...

1826 Powder metallurgy

1829 Sunflower oil industry

  • by Daniil Bokarev


1831 Metallographic microscopy

  • by Pavel Anosov
Semen Korsakov's punched card, or linear homeoscope

1832 Unit record equipment

  • Semen Korsakov was reputedly the first to use the punched cards in informatics for information store and search. Korsakov announced his new method and machines in September 1832, and rather than seeking patents offered the machines for public use.

1832 Electromagnetic telegraph

  • by Pavel Schilling, also Shielded cable (? 1800s)
Components of a centrifugal fan.

1832 Centrifugal fan

  • by Alexander Sablukov

1837 Russian Railways

  • ...

1838 Electrotyping

  • by Boris Jacobi

1838 Bulat steel

  • by Pavel Anosov

1839 Electric boat

  • by Boris Jacobi


1843 Dry galvanic cell

  • by Peter Bagrationi

1847 Ballistic rocket pendulum

  • by Konstantin Konstantinov [23], see also Pendulum rocket fallacy

1848 Modern oil well


Palace Bridge, one of the drawbridges in Saint Petersburg.

1850 Modern bascule bridge

  • Blagoveshchensky Bridge

1851 Struve Geodetic Arc

  • by Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von Struve
A modern Russian stereo camera.

1854 Stereo camera

1855 Kubanka

  • ...

1855 Formaldehyde synthesis

An old-style household radiator.

1857 Radiator

  • by Franz San Galli

1859 Armour plate mill

1859 Pycnometer

  • by Dmitri Mendeleev [27]

1859 Aluminothermy

  • by Nikolay Beketov


Russian salad.

1860s Russian salad

Beef Stroganoff.

1861 Beef Stroganoff

  • ...

1861 Synthetic sugar

  • by Aleksandr Butlerov

1862 Spar torpedo

A depiction of icebreaker Pilot on a postage stamp.

1864 Ледокол

  • Pilot, built in 1864 by Mikhail Britnev, became the world's first metal-hull icebreaker.

1869 Периодическая таблица


1870 Apron conveyer

Baranovsky's quick-firing gun.

1872 Quick-firing gun

W. T. Odhner's arithmometer

1873 Odhner Arithmometer

1874 Тельняшка

  • ...

1875 Mobile photographic studio

  • by Vyacheslav Sreznyovsky

1875 Electric tram

  • by Fyodor Pirotsky. The first Railway electrification system

1876 Yablochkov candle

  • Invented in 1876 by Pavel Yablochkov, the Yablochkov candle was the first commercially viable electric carbon arc lamp.

1876 Alternating current transformer

  • by Pavel Yablochkov

1876 Roll camera

1877 Torpedo boat tender

  • by Stepan Makarov

1877 Tracked wagon

  • by Fyodor Blinov (see [32])

1878 Wide-angle lens

  • by I. V. Boldyrev (Short lens) [33]

1878 Minesweeper

The world's first major elevated oil pipeline, designed by Vladimir Shukhov.

1878 Modern elevated oil pipeline

  • by Vladimir Shukhov
An old cylindric oil depot.

1878 Cylindric oil depot

  • by Vladimir Shukhov

1879 Modern oil tanker

  • by Ludvig Nobel


Benardos' patent for the first arc welding method, Elektrogefest ("Electric Hephaestus").

1881 Carbon arc welding

  • the first arc welding method was introduced by Nikolay Bernardos and later patented in 1887.

1882 Photographic film

  • by I. V. Boldyrev [34]

1882 Instant focal-plane shutter

The Memory of Azov Egg.

1885 Fabergé egg

1886 Aerial camera

  • by Vyacheslav Sreznevsky, also watertight marine camera

1886 Shelterbelt

  • Genko's Forest Belt, the first major windbreak system was being planted between 1886-1903 in what is now Russia's Ulyanovsk Oblast, under supervision of Nestor Genko.
The draft of Blinov's steam-powered continuous track tractor

1888 Caterpillar farm tractor

  • The first steam-powered tractor on continuous tracks was completed by Fyodor Blinov
Shielded metal arc welding.

1888 Shielded metal arc welding

1888 Photoelectric cell

  • by Aleksandr Stoletov [36]

1989 Three-Line Rifle

  • ...


The original matryoshka carved by Vasily Zvyozdochkin and painted by Sergey Malyutin.

1890 Matryoshka doll

  • by Sergey Malyutin and Vasily Zvyozdochkin
Factory of Shukhov cracking process, Baku, 1934.

1891 Thermal cracking

  • Shukhov cracking process by Vladimir Shukhov and Sergei Gavrilov was the first cracking method.

1892 Pyrocollodion

  • by Dmitri Mendeleev

1892 Makarov tip

  • by Stepan Makarov [6]

1894 Nephoscope

  • by Mikhail Pomortsev

1895 Lightning detector

  • by Alexander Stepanovich Popov

1896 Thin-shell structure

  • by Vladimir Shukhov
The world's first tensile steel Shell by Vladimir Shukhov (during construction), Nizhny Novgorod, 1895

1896 Tensile structure

  • by Vladimir Shukhov
The world's first hyperboloid lattice 37-meter water tower by Vladimir Shukhov, All-Russian Exposition, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 1896

1896 Hyperboloid structure

  • by Vladimir Shukhov, see also Shukhov Tower

1897 Gridshell

  • by Vladimir Shukhov

1898 Field kitchen

  • ...

1898 Polar class ship

  • Icebreaker Yermak, the first true icebreaker able to ride over and crush pack ice, was built in England between 1897-1898 after Stepan Makarov's design and under his supervision.

1898 Minelayer

1899 Diesel-powered vehicle


1900s Chicken Kiev

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Система Станиславского

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1900 Гимнастёрка

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1901 Хроматография

1902 Electric bus

  • by Ippolit Romanov (also by Pyotr Freze)

1903 Аэросани

  • Also the first successful snowmobile

1903 Diesel-electric transmission

  • The first Motor ship
A modern foam fire extinguisher.

1904 Foam extinguisher

  • by Aleksandr Loran, also foam fire extinguisher, see [40], [41]

1904 Modern mortar

  • by Leonid Gobyato
Aneroid sphygmomanometer with stethoscope, used for auscultatory blood pressure measurement.

1905 Auscultatory blood pressure measurement

  • by Nikolai Korotkov

1905 Insubmersibility

  • by Alexey Krylov and Stepan Makarov

1906 Tungsten filament

  • by Alexander Lodygin

1906 Electric seismometer

  • by Boris Borisovich Galitzine

1907 Баян (аккордеон)

1907 Pulse jet engine

A modern cathode ray tube.

1907 CRT television

  • by Boris Rosing


c. 1910 Classical conditioning

  • by Ivan Pavlov[7]

1910 Абстрактное искуство

1910 Polybutadiene synthetic rubber

  • by Sergei Vasiljevich Lebedev
A scene from Starevich's cartoon The Cameraman's Revenge (1911), with insects as protagonists.

1910 Puppet animation

  • by Ladislas Starevich
A tilted helicopter swashplate, giving cyclic pitch blade control.

1910 Helicopter swashplate

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1911 Knapsack parachute

  • by Gleb Kotelnikov

1911 Semi-automatic aerial camera

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1912 Modern high mass air well

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1913 Plasmapheresis

  • by Vadim Yurevich (see [44])

1913 Half-track

1913 Aerobatics

  • by Pyotr Nesterov
Sikorsky Ilya Muromets, showcasing a deck above the saloon, where the passengers could walk during the flight.

1913 Airliner

Shilovsky's gyrocar in 1914, presented in London.

1914 Gyrocar

  • by Pyotr Shilovsky

1914 Тачанка

1914 Стратегический бомбардировщик

1914 Aerial ramming

  • by Pyotr Nesterov

1915 Submarine minelayer

  • Russian submarine Krab (1912)

1915 Vezdekhod

  • The first prototype tank, or tankette, and the first continuous track amphibious ATV was invented by Aleksandr Porokhovschikov in 1915. The word Vezdekhod means: "He who goes anywhere" or "all-terrain vehicle". It did not however progress further than a pre-production model, due to problems in the design.

1915 Tsar Tank

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The marker for kilometre 9,288, at the end of the Trans-Siberian Railway in Vladivostok

1916 Trans-Siberian Railway

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1916 Assault rifle

  • Fedorov Avtomat, the first self-loading battle rifle, was invented by Vladimir Fyodorov in 1916.

Late 1910s

1918 Будёновка

  • by Viktor Vasnetsov

1918 Ушанка

  • ...

1919 Конструктивизм

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Lydia Kavina playing theremin.

1919 Theremin

  • by Léon Theremin


1920s Chapayev

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1920s Montage

  • by Lev Kuleshov

1921 Planned economy

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1922 Kolchugaluminium

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1923 Palekh miniature

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1924 Turbodrill

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1924 Optophonic Piano

  • by Vladimir Baranov-Rossine

1925 Piezoelectric microphone

1925 Color television

  • by Hovannes Adamian

1925 Tupolev TB-1

  • ...

1927 Light-emitting diode

  • by Oleg Losev
Polikarpov Po-2 Kukuruznik.

1927 По-2

  • ...

1928 Rabbage

  • Rabbage, or Raphanobrassica, was the first ever non-sterile hybrid obtained through the crossbreeding, which was an important step in biotechnology. It was produced by Georgii Karpechenko in 1928.

1928 Ultrasonic testing

1929 Cadaveric blood transfusion

  • by Sergei Yudin
Soviet TT-26 teletank, the first military robot.

1929 Teletank

  • ...


Spring-loaded camming device

  • by Vitaly Abalakov

Abalakov thread

  • by Vitaly Abalakov

Air ionizer

  • by Alexander Chizhevsky (Chizhevsky's chandelier)

Electric propulsion

  • by Valentin Glushko


  • ...

1930 Variophone

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1930 Radiosonde

  • by Pavel Molchanov

1931 Pressure suit

  • by Yevgeny Chertovsky

1931 Hypergolic propellant

  • by Valentyn Glushko

1931 Zveno project

  • ...

1932 Социалистический реализм

  • ...

1932 Children's railway

  • ...
A modern underwater welding.

1932 Underwater welding

  • by Konstantin Khrenov

1933 Underwater movie camera

  • by Fyodor Leontovich, see [46]

1933 Stalinist architecture

  • ...

1934 Tupolev ANT-20

  • ...

1934 Cherenkov detector

  • Cherenkov radiation was discovered in 1934 by Pavel Cherenkov

1934 Amphibious hovercraft

Kirza boots.

1935 Kirza

1935 Automatic grenade launcher

  • by Yakov Taubin

1935 Московское метро

  • ...

1937 Manned drifting ice station

  • ...

1937 Fire-fighting sport

  • ...

1938 Sambo

  • Sambo is modern martial art, combat sport and self-defense system developed in the Soviet Union and recognized as an official sport by the USSR All-Union Sports Committee in 1938, presented by Anatoly Kharlampiev.
Mayakovskaya (Moscow Metro), the first deep column station.

1938 Deep column station

  • Mayakovskaya (Moscow Metro) by Alexey Dushkin

1939 Kirlian photography

  • by Semyon Kirlian

1939 Self-propelled multiple rocket launcher

  • Katyusha rocket launcher

1939 Ilyushin Il-2

  • ...


T-34, the most successful tank design of World War II.

1940 T-34

  • by Mikhail Koshkin

1940 Reflex klystron

  • ...

1941 Competitive rhythmic gymnastics

  • ...

1941 Maksutov telescope

  • by Dmitri Dmitrievich Maksutov

1941 Degaussing

  • by Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov

1941 ZiS-3

  • by Vasily Grabin
Antonov A-40 winged tank.

1942 Winged tank

  • Antonov A-40 by Oleg Antonov

1942 Gramicidin S

  • ...

1945 T-54/55

  • ...

1945 Passive resonant cavity bug

  • by Léon Theremin

1947 MiG-15

  • ...

1947 AK-47

  • The AK-47 (other names include Avtomat Kalashnikova, Kalashnikov, or AK) is a selective fire, gas operated 7.62mm assault rifle, developed in the Soviet Union by Михаил Калашников. The AK-47 was one of the first true assault rifles. It has been manufactured in many countries and has seen service with regular armed forces as well as irregular, revolutionary and terrorist organizations worldwide. Even after six decades, due to its durability, low production cost and ease of use, the original AK-47 and its numerous variants are the most widely used and popular assault rifles in the world; more AK-type rifles have been produced than all other assault rifles combined.[8]

1948 Acoustic microscope

1949 Soviet atomic bomb

  • ...


c. 1950 Berkovich tip

  • ...
Stick tubes beside an Euro coin.

1950s Stick tube

1951 Explosively pumped flux compression generator

  • ...
An Ilizarov apparatus treating a fractured tibia and fibula.

1952 Ilizarov apparatus

  • by Gavril Ilizarov

1954 Nuclear power plant

  • Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant by Igor Kurchatov

1955 МиГ-21

  • ...

1955 Ballistic missile submarine

  • R-11 Zemlya submarine-launched ballistic missile by Victor Makeev, Project 611 ballistic missile submarine
Tokamak magnetic field and plasma current.

1955 Токамак

  • Tokamak T-4 was tested in 1968 in Novosibirsk, conducting the first ever quasistationary thermonuclear fusion reaction. The first actual experimental tokamak was built in 1955.

1955 Saint Petersburg Metro

  • ...

1956 TRIZ

  • "The Theory of Solving Inventor's Problems", developed by Genrich Altshuller since 1946, was published in 1956.

1957 ANS synthesizer

  • ...

1957 Синхрофазотрон

  • ...

1957 S-75 Dvina

  • ...
Baikonur Cosmodrome's "Gagarin's Start" Soyuz launch pad prior to the rollout of Soyuz TMA-13, October 10, 2008.

1957 Космодром

R-7 Semyorka, the first ICBM and the first orbital rocket.

1957 Intercontinental ballistic missile

  • The world's first successful intercontinental ballistic missile, R-7 Semyorka, was developed under supervision of Sergey Korolev between 1953-1957.

1957 Orbital space rocket

  • The world's first successful intercontinental ballistic missile, as well as a first space rocket and expendable launch system, R-7 Semyorka, was developed under supervision of Sergey Korolev between 1953-1957.
Sputnik 1 replica.

1957 Спутник

  • Sputnik 1, the first Earth-orbiting artificial satellite. It was launched into an elliptical low earth orbit by the Soviet Union on 4 October 1957, and was the first in a series of satellites collectively known as the Sputnik program.

1957 Space capsule

  • Sputnik 2

1957 Raketa hydrofoil

  • by Rostislav Alexeyev

1958 Modern ternary computer

  • Setun, by Nikolay Brusentsov

1959 Space probe

  • Luna 1, also the first escape velocity spacecraft

1959 Vorobyovy Gory (Metro)

  • ...
Lenin, the first nuclear icebreaker

1959 Nuclear icebreaker

  • Lenin icebreaker was launched in 1957 and completed in 1959.
A Komar class missile boat launching a missile.

1959 Missile boat

  • Komar class missile boat

1959 Tupolev Tu-28

  • ...

1959 Staged combustion cycle

  • ...

1959 Plesetsk Cosmodrome

  • ...


Rocket boots

  • ...

1960 Reentry capsule

  • Sputnik 5

1961 RPG-7

  • ...

1961 Anti-ballistic missile

Russian space food.

1961 Space food

Файл:Gagarin space suite.jpg
Yury Gagarin in his spacesuit, the first human in space.

1961 Spacesuit

  • ...
The model of Vostok spacecraft, the first human spaceflight module.

1961 Human spaceflight

  • Vostok 1 (рус. Восток-1, Orient 1 or East 1) was the first human spaceflight. The Vostok 3KA spacecraft was launched on April 12, 1961, taking into space Yuri Gagarin, a cosmonaut from the Soviet Union. The Vostok 1 mission was the first time anyone had journeyed into outer space and the first time anyone had entered into orbit. The Vostok 1 was launched by the Soviet space program and supervised by the Soviet rocket scientist Sergey Korolyov.

1961 Platform screen doors

  • Park Pobedy (Saint Petersburg Metro)

1961 Экраноплан

  • by Rostislav Alexeyev
Mil Mi-8, the world's most produced helicopter.

1961 Mil Mi-8

  • ...

1961 Tsar Bomb

  • ...

1961 Amphibious aerosan

1962 3D holography

  • by Yuri Denisyuk

1962 AVL tree

  • The AVL tree is named after its two inventors, G.M. Adelson-Velskii and E.M. Landis, who published it in their 1962 paper "An algorithm for the organization of information."[9]
Detonation nanodiamond.

1962 Detonation nanodiamond

1963 Automatic mobile radio telephone

1964 Superflywheel

  • ...

1964 МиГ-25

  • ...

1964 Druzhba pipeline

  • ...

1964 Plasma propulsion engine

  • Pulsed plasma thruster

1965 Mir (computer)

  • ...

1965 Extra-vehicular activity

  • ...
Molniya 1 satellite.

1965 Molniya orbit satellite

  • ...
Launch of a Proton rocket.

1965 Proton rocket

  • ...

1965 Air-augmented rocket

  • by Boris Shavyrin

1966 BMP-1

  • ...

1966 Electron cooling

  • Electron cooling was invented by Gersh Budker (INP, Novosibirsk) in 1966 as a way to increase luminosity of hadron colliders. It was first tested in 1974 with 68 MeV protons at NAP-M storage ring at INP.

1966 Lander spacecraft

  • Luna 9 by Georgy Babakin

1966 Caspian Sea Monster

  • by Rostislav Alexeyev

1966 Regional jet

  • Yakovlev Yak-40
Soyuz spacecraft (TMA version).

1966 Orbital module

  • Soyuz spacecraft

1966 Soyuz rocket

  • ...

1967 Ostankino Tower

  • ...

1967 The Motherland Calls

  • ...

1967 Venera 4

  • ...

1968 Fractional Orbital Bombardment System

  • R-36 (missile)
Mil Mi-12, the world's largest helicopter.

1968 Mil Mi-12

  • ...
Tupolev Tu-154 trijet airliner.

1968 Trijet

  • Tupolev Tu-154

1968 Supersonic transport

  • Tupolev Tu-144


Radial keratotomy

  • by Svyatoslav Fyodorov

1970 Heterotransistor

  • by Zhores Alferov (see Timeline of solar cells)

1970 Space rover

  • Lunokhod 1, the first space exploration rover, reached the Moon surface on November 17, 1970.

1971 Space station

  • Salyut 1 (DOS-1) (рус. Салют-1; англ. Salute 1) was launched April 19, 1971. It was the first space station to orbit Earth. Developed under supervision of Vladimir Chelomey.

1972 Kaissa

  • ...
Hall effect thrusters.

1972 Hall effect thruster

  • ...

1973 Reflectron

  • by Boris Aleksandrovich Mamyrin

1974 Aquathlon

  • Between 1974–1982 Igor Ostrovsky, a coach of swimming and underwater sports at the Moscow Technological Institute created and developed Aquathlon.

1974 MTZ-80

  • The most produced tractor model in the world, produced by Minsk Tractor Works.[10]

1975 Underwater assault rifle

  • APS underwater assault rifle by Vladimir Simonov
NS Arktika, the first surface ship to reach the North Pole.

1975 Arktika class icebreaker

  • ...

1975 Androgynous Peripheral Attach System

  • by Vladimir Syromyatnikov
RT-2PM Topol, the first reliable mobile ICBM.

1976 Mobile ICBM

  • RT-21 Temp 2S by Alexander Nadiradze

1977 Kirov class battlecruiser

  • ...

1978 Unmanned resupply spacecraft

  • ...

1978 Active protection system

  • Drozd system

1979 Loop heat pipe

  • ...



  • ...


  • ...

Track membrane

  • Also track etched membrane, by Georgy Flyorov (see [50])
Typhoon class submarine, covered with ice.

1980 Typhoon class submarine

  • ...

1981 Tupolev Tu-160

  • ...

1982 Kamov Ka-50

  • ...
Tetris figures.

1984 Tetris

  • by Alexey Pazhitnov

1984 AN-94

  • by Gennady Nikonov
Mir space station.

1986 Modular space station

  • Mir space station

1986 Beriev A-40

  • ...
RT-23 in the St Petersburg railway museum

1987 Railcar-launched ICBM

  • RT-23 Molodets

1987 MIR submersible

  • ...

1987 RD-170 rocket engine

  • ...

1988 Buran

  • ...

1988 An-225

  • ...
A Su-27 performing the Cobra maneuver.

1989 Supermaneuverability

  • Sukhoi Su-27 and Pugachev's Cobra

1989 Kola Superdeep Borehole

  • ...

Early 1990s

1991 Thermoplan

  • ...

1991 Laptball

  • ...


ASM-DT Underwater Assault Rifle is effective both underwater and on land surface.

1990s Amphibious assault rifle

  • ASM-DT Underwater Assault Rifle

1992 Nuclotron

1993 RAR

  • by Eugene Roshal

1994 Kaspersky Anti-Virus

  • ...


  • ...
Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut is one of the few aircraft models capable of 3D thrust vectoring.

1996 3D thrust vectoring

1997 Two-level single-vault transfer station

  • Sportivnaya (Saint Petersburg Metro)

1998 Submarine-launched spacecraft

  • Russian submarine K-407 Novomoskovsk,

1999 Sea Launch

  • by Igor Spassky
Cybiko Classic with extended antenna.


2000 Cybiko

  • ...

2000 String transport

  • by Anatoly Unitsky

2001 Космический туризм

  • ...

2001 Mirny Mine

  • ...

2001 Light Tower

  • ...
Kamaz truck at Dakar Rally 2009.

2002 КамАЗ 4911

  • ...

2003 Park Pobedy (Moscow Metro)

2004 Laser digital pen

Ion trajectories in an Orbitrap mass spectrometer.

2005 Orbitrap

  • by Aleksandr Makarov

2007 Mobile genetic laboratory

  • ...

2007 Father of all bombs

  • ...

2009 Aerojeep


Sukhoi PAK FA isometric views.

2010 Sukhoi PAK FA

  • ...

2010 .рф

  • ...

2011 Floating nuclear power station

  • ...

2012 Russky Island Bridge

  • ...



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