Нобелевская премия мира 2022 года

Нобелевская премия мира 2022 года была присуждена одному человеку и двум организациям, выступающим за права человека и гражданские свободы. Лауреатами стали белорусский активист Алесь Беляцкий, российская правозащитная организация «Мемориал» и украинская правозащитная организация «Центр гражданских свобод»[1][2]. В пресс-релизе, выпущенном Норвежским Нобелевским комитетом, было сказано:

Лауреаты премии представляют гражданское общество в своих странах. На протяжении многих лет они отстаивали право критиковать власть и защищать основные права граждан. Они приложили беспрецедентные усилия для документирования военных преступлений, нарушений прав человека и злоупотребления властью. Вместе они демонстрируют значение гражданского общества для мира и демократии.


По данным Нобелевского комитета, на соискание Нобелевской премии мира 2022 года было выдвинуто 343 кандидата, что по количеству уступает лишь количеству номинантов Нобелевской премии мира 2016 года, составившему 376 кандидатов. Из 343 кандидатов 251 являлись физическими лицами, а 92 — организациями[3].

Номинации, официально подтверждённые различными информационными агентствами
Аттенборо, Дэвид (род. 1926)Великобритания"for their efforts to inform about, and protect, Earths natural diversity, a prerequisite for sustainable and peaceful societies"Une Aina Bastholm, leader of the Norwegian Green Party[4]
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) (founded in 2012) ООН
Папа Римский Франциск "for his efforts to help solve the climate crisis as well as his work towards peace and reconciliation"Dag Inge Ulstein, Minister of International Development[4][5]
Simon Kofe (b. 1984) "for his work in highlighting climate change issues"Guri Melby, leader of the Norwegian Liberal Party[6]
Масих Алинеджад (род. 1976) "for her advocacy for women's rights in Iran"Erlend Wiborg, member of the Norwegian Progress Party[7]
National Unity Government of Myanmar (formed in 2021) "for its non-violent struggle for democracy and strong opposition to military oppression"Ola Elvestuen, member of the Norwegian Liberal Party[8]
Светлана Тихановская Belarus"for her brave, tireless and peaceful work for democracy and freedom in her home country"
  • Hårek Elvenes, member of the Norwegian Conservative Party
  • Olaug Bollestad, member of the Norwegian Christian Democratic Party
Джулиан Ассанж "for their countless examples of courage exposing governments' illegal actions that caused millions of deaths – putting their own freedom and lives on the line"
Chelsea Manning (b. 1987)
Эдвард Сноуден
Black Lives Matter (founded in 2013) "for their struggle against racism and racially motivated violence"Petter Eide, member of the Norwegian Socialist Left Party[12][9]
United World Colleges (founded in 1962) "in recognition of its mission to ‘unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future"Alfred Bjørlo, member of the Norwegian Liberal Party[13]
Алексей Навальный "for his campaign against the Kremlin"Peter Christian Frølich and Mathilde Tybring-Gjedde, members of the Norwegian Conservative Party[14]
Arctic Council (founded in 1996) "for its exceptional cooperation in international politics and for demonstrating the need for cooperation and trust between countries in a time where peace is threatened around Ukraine and other regions."
  • Bård Ludvig Thorheim, member of the Norwegian Conservative Party
  • Willfred Nordlund, member of the Norwegian Centre Party
  • Marianne Sivertsen Næss, member of the Norwegian Labour Party
  • Øystein Mathisen, member of the Norwegian Labour Party
НАТО "for its actions to prevent further tensions from flaring between the West and Russia over Ukraine"Erlend Wiborg, member of the Norwegian Progress Party[9]
Грета Тунберг "for her tireless work to make politicians open their eyes to global climate crisis"Rasmus Hansson, member of the Norwegian Green Party[16]
Enes Kanter Freedom (b. 1992) "for his work defending human rights, including his criticism of Chinese atrocities against the Uyghur and Tibetan peoples."[17]
Keith J. Krach (b. 1957) "for developing the 'Trust Principle' doctrine as a peaceful alternative to authoritarian's 'power principle'"[18][19]
Opal Lee (b. 1926) "in recognition of her work to establish Juneteenth as a national holiday and bring awareness to the contributions and struggles of African Americans in the United States, as well as her mission to create a more equitable society for humanity"34 members of the United States Congress[20]
Владимир Зеленский "За сопротивление российской вооружённой агрессии против Украины"Guy Verhofstadt, member of the European Parliament
Andrus Ansip, member of the European Parliament
33 members of the European Parliament
