Theodore von Kármán

Theodore von Kármán
Date personale
Nume la naștereKármán Tivadar Mihály Modificați la Wikidata
Născut[12][13][14][15] Modificați la Wikidata
Budapesta, Austro-Ungaria[13][16] Modificați la Wikidata
Decedat (81 de ani)[17][13][1][14] Modificați la Wikidata
Aachen, RFG[13][1][16] Modificați la Wikidata
ÎnmormântatHollywood Forever Cemetery[*][[Hollywood Forever Cemetery (cemetery in Los Angeles, California)|​]] Modificați la Wikidata
PărințiKármán Mór[*][[Kármán Mór (Hungarian philosopher, father of Theodore von Kármán)|​]][1]
Helene Konn[*][[Helene Konn (mother of Theodore von Kármán)|​]][1] Modificați la Wikidata
Frați și suroriPipö von Kármán[*][[Pipö von Kármán (sister of Theodore von Kármán)|​]][1]
Kármán Elemér[*][[Kármán Elemér (Hungarian lawyer, criminologist (1876-1927))|​]] Modificați la Wikidata
Cetățenie Regatul Ungariei
 Imperiul German
 Republica de la Weimar
 Statele Unite ale Americii (–)
 Ungaria Modificați la Wikidata
flight engineer[*][[flight engineer (aircraft crew member)|​]]
cadru didactic universitar[*]
Idist[*][[Idist (person speaking or using the international language Ido)|​]]
om de știință Modificați la Wikidata
Locul desfășurării activitățiiAachen Modificați la Wikidata
Limbi vorbiteIdo
limba engleză[18][19]
limba maghiară[19]
limba germană[20] Modificați la Wikidata
Alma materUniversitatea de Tehnologie și Economie din Budapesta[1]
Universitatea Georg-August din Göttingen[1][2]  Modificați la Wikidata
RWTH Aachen[*][[RWTH Aachen (university in Aachen, Germany)|​]]
California Institute of Technology
Universitatea Georg-August din Göttingen  Modificați la Wikidata
PremiiPreședinte de onoare[*][1]
Președinte de onoare[*][1]
Doctor of Engineering (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Engineering (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Engineering (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Engineering (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Medalia Prezidențială de Merit[*] ()[1]
Medalia John Fritz[*] ()[1]
Franklin Medal[*][[Franklin Medal (science award by the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia)|​]] ()[1]
Kelvin Gold Medal[*][[Kelvin Gold Medal (British engineering prize)|​]] ()[1]
Gold Medal of the Royal Aeronautical Society[*][[Gold Medal of the Royal Aeronautical Society |​]] ()[1]
Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy[*][[Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy (award to a living American for significant public service of enduring value to aviation in the United States)|​]] ()[1]
Medalia Daniel Guggenheim[*] ()[1]
Department of the Air Force Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service[*][[Department of the Air Force Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service |​]] ()[1]
Medal of Freedom[*][[Medal of Freedom (civil decoration awarded 1945–1961, superceded by Presidential Medal of Freedom)|​]] ()[1]
Ludwig-Prandtl-Ring[*][[Ludwig-Prandtl-Ring (aerospace engineering award)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Science (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Science (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Goddard Gold Medal[*][[Goddard Gold Medal (award given in honor of Robert H. Goddard, authorized by the US Congress in 1959)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Science (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Science (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Engineering (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Engineering (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Engineering (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Engineering (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Engineering (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Engineering (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Engineering (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Engineering (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Science (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Science (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Law (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Law (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Engineering (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Engineering (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Engineering (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Engineering (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Science (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Science (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Science (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Science (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Science (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Science (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Science (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Science (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Science (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Science (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
University of Liège Gold Medal[*][[University of Liège Gold Medal (award given by the University of Liège)|​]] ()[1]
ASME Medal[*][[ASME Medal (American award for engineering achievement)|​]] ()[1]
Meritorious Civilian Service Award[*][[Meritorious Civilian Service Award (second highest award and medal provided to civilian employees within agencies of the federal government of the United States)|​]] ()[1]
Doctor of Law (honorary)[*][[Doctor of Law (honorary) (honorary doctorate)|​]] ()[1]
Grand Médaille d'Honneur[*][[Grand Médaille d'Honneur (award presented by Association des Ingénieurs-Docteurs des France)|​]] ()[1]
Legiunea de Onoare în grad de Ofițer[*] ()[1]
ph.d.[*][[ph.d. (degree in Norway since 2003)|​]] ()[1]
docteur honoris causa de l'université libre de Bruxelles[*][[docteur honoris causa de l'université libre de Bruxelles |​]] ()[1]
doctorat honoris causa de l'université de Liège[*][[doctorat honoris causa de l'université de Liège (award)|​]] ()[1]
doctorat honoris causa d'Aix-Marseille Université[*][[doctorat honoris causa d'Aix-Marseille Université |​]] ()[1]
doctor honoris causa ()[1]
doctor honoris causa ()[1]
doctor honoris causa ()[1]
doctor honoris causa por la Universidad de Sevilla[*][[doctor honoris causa por la Universidad de Sevilla |​]] ()[1]
doctor honoris causa ()[1]
epitimos didaktor tou Ethnikoù kai Kapodistriakoù Panepistimiou Athinon[*][[epitimos didaktor tou Ethnikoù kai Kapodistriakoù Panepistimiou Athinon |​]] ()[1]
Medalia Națională pentru Știință a Statelor Unite[*] ()[3][1]
Ordinul de Merit al Republicii Federale Germania în grad de mare cruce[*]
Timoshenko Medal[*][[Timoshenko Medal (award in recognition of distinguished contributions to the field of applied mechanics)|​]] ()[4]
Gran Cruz de la Orden Civil de Alfonso X el Sabio[*][[Gran Cruz de la Orden Civil de Alfonso X el Sabio |​]] ()
Medalia Wilhelm Exner[*] ()[5]
Josiah Willard Gibbs Lectureship[*][[Josiah Willard Gibbs Lectureship |​]] ()
National Aviation Hall of Fame[*][[National Aviation Hall of Fame (aviation museum, annual awards ceremony, learning and research center)|​]]
National Inventors Hall of Fame[*][[National Inventors Hall of Fame (award)|​]] ()[6]
Medalia Carl Friedrich Gauss[*] ()
Fellow of the American Physical Society[*][[Fellow of the American Physical Society (fellowship of the American Physical Society)|​]]
Ordinul de Merit al Republicii Federale Germania în grad de mare cruce[*]
James Watt International Medal[*][[James Watt International Medal (British award for mechanical engineering)|​]] ()[7]
membru străin al Royal Society[*] ()[8]
International Space Hall of Fame[*][[International Space Hall of Fame (Hall of Fame at the New Mexico Museum of Space History)|​]] ()[9][10]
doctorat honoris causa de l'université de Paris[*][[doctorat honoris causa de l'université de Paris |​]] ()[11]  Modificați la Wikidata
Profesor pentruHu Ning[*][[Hu Ning (Chinese theoretical physicist)|​]], Qian Xuesen[*][[Qian Xuesen (Chinese rocket scientist (1911-2009))|​]]  Modificați la Wikidata

Theodore von Kármán (numele original maghiar: Szőllőskislaki Kármán Tódor) (11 mai 18817 mai 1963) a fost un inginer maghiaro-american și fizician, care a lucrat în domeniul aeronauticii și astronauticii.

Preşedintele Kennedy acordând un premiul lui Theodore von Kármán


  • ecuația Föppl–von Kármán
  • ecuația Falkowich-Kármán
  • constanta Kármán
  • linia Kármán
  • ogiva Kármán

Lucrări selectate

  • Aerodynamics - Selected Topics in the Light of their Historical Development, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1954
  • Collected Works, (4 Volumes), Von Karman Institute, Rhode St. Genese, 1975 (limited edition book); also Butterworth Scientific Publ., London 1956. Many papers from volumes 1 and 2 are in German.
  • From Low Speed Aerodynamics to Astronautics, Pergamon Press, London, 1961
  • The Wind and Beyond - Theodore von Kármán Pioneer in Aviation and Pathfinder in Space, Little Brown, 1967 (with L. Edson)
  • Mathematical Methods in Engineering, McGraw Hill, 1944 (with M. A. Biot)


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