Usuário(a):Leandro de Miranda da Silva/Testes

Predefinição:Galaxy Life

The Game

The video game Galaxy Life, previously available, until February 1, 2016, to play on Facebook by the computer version and by Google Play in the Galaxy Life: Pocket Adventures version, produced by Ubisoft, was a MMO strategy game, where the player must rebuild the Starling Empire, once destroyed by Firebit, the great villain of the whole plot. The reconstruction is done by the actions of the player that can consist of collecting coins, minerals and galaxy chips, these obtained passively, through compacted houses and mines, which are stored in banks and silos, or by means of war, against other players, after the destruction of the opponent’s base it is possible to obtain these same resources. The galaxy chips in turn are the connection of the game with the real world, where the player can, if desired, exchange real money for galaxy chips, which are credits within the game that allow the acceleration of progress.

The game was brought back by Phoenix Network, but had been rebuilt by fans through the Galaxy Life Reborn project started by GaLaXy1036 and later expanded by Marido, Unelegal, LifeCoder, Senne and Whirlwind. The project was discontinued because of backstage fights between Marido, the leader of Galaxy Life Reborn and Lifecoder, the leader of Phoenix Network, then the project followed only by Phoenix Network, leaving behind all the limitations that the Galaxy Life Reborn project presented. The game restored by Phoenix Network is considered legitimate and legal, as they bought the official brand of the game.


Starlings (Oranges)

They are small alien creatures that have intelligence, orange skin color, large eyeballs, square teeth, similar to those of herbivorous animals, prominent, short arms and legs and insect-like antennas. They are all born from the Tree of Life, which is responsible for bringing them to life through pods similar to those of beans that we find in real life, within the game this tree has characteristics similar to a group of plants called Mielindrocus, which do not exist in real life, because they also have pods with orange fruits, the color of the Starlings. The Tree was located on the Starlings’ home planet that came to be destroyed by Firebit’s attack. This event happens through a cutscene.

The Starlings, despite their remarkably cute appearance, have an aggressive behavior, they are part of a very warlike society. Proposal that the game brings to work the threshold between cuteness and violence, where it shows the small and cute characters in combat being dismantled in explosions and shots, but with a graphic softening in order not to exceed the indicative classification.

The daily life of the Starlings, leaving aside those who are training or building, consists of wandering around the demarcated territory around the Star Base, which in the real world can resemble a Headquarters or City Hall or, at a higher level, the Capital of a country. It is there that you find the compacted houses, the dwelling/home of each Starling, where they constantly access to collect tributes in the form of coins, and also the mines where they collect the minerals, after that, through bags, they transport to the Star Base, where it is distributed in banks and the use of silo for the storage of these resources. Others in turn interact with decorations and interactive objects. It is also mentioned that the Starlings, on some occasions, consume Star Coffee, which is a joke with the Starbucks brand.

It is also possible to identify the evolutionary history through some decorations that reveal the common ancestors of the Starlings, the decoration mentioned is named Ancestral. It is a beast that sleeps in a house built to fit it, it has a much larger size, large teeth, but still similar to the dental structure of a herbivorous animal, with an inclination out of the mouth, as we can see in the tusks of a wild boar, from real life, they have three stripes of darker orange tone, on the back and thighs, their posture is similar to that of a Tyrannosaurus, presenting short arms and powerful legs, their eyes are smaller as well as their antennas. It is not known how the two species can inhabit the same environment, knowing that one is the evolution of the other.

We can also see, in some decorations that indicate a possible religion not pre-established by the game, where a Starling, on top of the Skull Temple, swings a staff that emanates a blue light, which is possibly Mana, this is an energy that governs the universe of Galaxy Life, not only that but also the God of Focus, a statuette representing the head of a Starling, a strong indication of an ancestral religion.

What proves the existence of supernatural elements in this universe, if it is considered canonical, is the appearance, during the Halloween event, of the Evil Spirit of Halloween that falls on the planet, not the original one where the Tree of Life resided, but rather on the current planet where the player plays, which begins to bring, through waves, macabre enemies willing to completely destroy the player’s base, which must protect it, with the help of the Good Spirit of Halloween and if, by chance, come to survive , receives a reward at the end, the same goes for the Doomsday event, which occurs during December 12th of two thousand and twelve to December 25th , where the golem unit of the four elements arise with the objective of putting an end to the planet and the world.

Firebit (Purples)

He is the villain with the most presence in the work, evil and cold, Firebit is responsible for the complete destruction of the Starlings’ home planet and their progenitor, the Tree of Life. He constantly still pursues the remaining Starlings, who are led by Elderby, the old wise man, kidnapping them and taking them to his hot planet, where the mission Save the Starlings begins, which can be completed after using the Delta key, which releases the cages where they are imprisoned, after that the player has the right to attack, as many times as he wants, but having the notion that, the more he attacks, the more powerful Firebit’s base will become, in retaliation.

Firebit is a mutation of the Starling species, this is due to the maturation time in the Tree of Life, since the common and healthy thing is that the Starling comes to life after reaching the orange color, but with Firebit it was different, he remained there until the fruit that would give him life turned purple and rotten. It is not known if all the exuberant combat ability demonstrated by Firebit is a result of the maturation he received before coming to life, as it is a fact that he was able to decimate the Starlings by operating, initially alone.

His physical appearance is notorious, instead of antennas, he has what resembles demonic horns, yellow eyes with a feline pupil, sharp teeth like those of a carnivorous animal, like those of a shark, he wears a pair of pants with purple and black details and carries with him two pistols totally different from those already carried by normal Starlings. A curious detail is that he has nostrils, which Starlings do not have.

Firebit has a bizarre version of himself, if we consider the unused content, called Magmalot, popularly known as Firebit Nightmare, by fans, which is a project carried out by Firebit, doing the cloning process of himself, which eventually failed , giving rise to a crazy clone, who through his smooth talk, Firebit convinced him that they were brothers and that they should destroy the Starlings as ordered by The Dark One, who is the leader and responsible for the Doomsday event.

  • “Tremble little Starlings! I am the true master of this galaxy! My superior intellect will crush any army and no colony will be safe. Surrender and serve me once and for all!” - Unused dialogue from Firebit.
  • “Are you calling me crazy!? I’ll show you the true madness!” - Unused dialogue from Magmalot.
