Jesus College (Cambridge)

O Jesus College é um colégio da Universidade de Cambridge, Inglaterra. Seu nome completo é The College of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint John the Evangelist and the glorious Virgin Saint Radegund, near Cambridge.

Masters e Fellows do Jesus College

Richard Sterne, Arcebispo de Iorque e Master de 1634 a 1644
Henry Arthur Morgan foi Master de 1885 a 1912
Edmund Henry Morgan, antigo Fellow do College (publicado na Vanity Fair, 1889)
William Chubbes14971505
John Eccleston15051516
Thomas Alcock15161516
William Capon15161546
John Reston15461551
Edmund Pierpoint15511557
John Fuller15571558
Thomas Redman15591560
Edward Gascoyne15601562
John Lakin15621563
Thomas Ithell15631579
John Bell15791589
John Duport15901617
Roger Andrewes16181632Irmão do teólogo Lancelot Andrewes
William Beale16321634
Richard Sterne, Arcebispo de Iorque16341644
Thomas Young16441650
John Worthington16501660
Richard Sterne16601660
John Pearson16601662
Joseph Beaumont16621663
Edmund Boldero16631679
Humphrey Gower16791679
William Saywell16791701
Charles Ashton17011752
Philip Yonge17521758
Lynford Caryl17581781
Richard Beadon17811789
William Pearce17891820
William French18201849
George Elwes Corrie18491885
Henry Arthur Morgan18851912
Arthur Gray19121940
Wynfrid Laurence Henry Duckworth19401945
Eustace Mandeville Wetenhall Tillyard19451959
Denys Lionel Page19591973
Alan Cottrell19731986
Colin Renfrew19861996
David Crighton19972000
Robert Mair20012011
Ian White2011

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O Commons possui uma categoria com imagens e outros ficheiros sobre Jesus College (Cambridge)