Heroes of Might and Magic

Heroes of Might and Magic-serien er ei rekkje dataspel innanfor sjangeren tur-basert strategispel. Som ein del av Might and Magic-serien, forandra HoMM eigarskap då skaparen New World Computing vart kjøpt av 3DO og igjen då 3DO gjekk konkurs og selde rettane til Ubisoft.

Heroes of Might and Magic
Utviklar(ar)New World Computing, Nival Interactive, Black Hole Entertainment
Utgjevar(ar)The 3DO Company, Ubisoft
DistributørUbisoft Store
Design(ar)Jon Van Caneghem
Plattform(er)personleg datamaskin, DOS, Apple Macintosh, Linux, Game Boy Color, iOS, Android, Microsoft Windows
Sjangerturbasert strategispel, fantasyspill

Spela i serien

  • Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest (1995)
  • Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars (1996)
    • Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Price of Loyalty (1997)
  • Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia (1999)
    • Heroes of Might and Magic III: Armageddon's Blade (1999)
    • Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Shadow of Death (2000)
  • Heroes of Might and Magic IV (2002)
    • Heroes of Might and Magic IV: The Gathering Storm (2002)
    • Heroes of Might and Magic IV: The Winds of War (2003)
  • Heroes of Might and Magic V (2006)
    • Heroes of Might and Magic V: Hammers of Fate (2006)
    • Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East (2007)
  • Heroes of Might and Magic Kingdoms (webbasert) (2008)
