
ဟတ်ကာလူမျိုး (တရုတ်: 客家; အင်္ဂလိပ်: Hakka)[၁][၄] သည် ဟန်တရုတ် အုပ်စုဝင် ဖြစ်သည်။ ဟတ်ကာတို့သည် တရုတ်ပြည်မကြီး (အင်္ဂလိပ်: Mainland China)၏ အောက်ဖော်ပြပါဒေသတွင် အများစု နေထိုင်ကြသည် -

  1. ကွမ်တုန်း ပြည်နယ် - Guangdong (广东) ၊
  2. ဖူကျန့် ပြည်နယ် - Fujian (福建) ၊
  3. ကျန်းစီ ပြည်နယ် - Jiangxi (江西) ၊
  4. ကွမ်စီ ပြည်နယ် Guangxi - (广西) ၊
  5. စစ်ချွမ်း ပြည်နယ် - Sichuan (四川) ၊
  6. ဟူနန် ပြည်နယ် - Hunan (湖南) ၊
  7. ကျဲ့ကျန်း ပြည်နယ် - Zhejiang (浙江) ၊
  8. ကွေ့ကျိုး ပြည်နယ် - Guizhou (贵州) ၊
  9. ဟိုင်နန် ပြည်နယ် - Hainan (海南) ။
Hakka people
客家, Hak-kâ
A Hakka woman wearing a traditional hat.
လူဦးရေ စုစုပေါင်း
c. 80 million to 120 million worldwide[၂][၃]
အများစု နေထိုင်သည့် နေရာ
  • Primarily Mainland China
    • (Guangdong
    • Fujian
    • Jiangxi
    • Guangxi
    • Sichuan
    • Hunan
    • Zhejiang
    • Hainan
    • Guizhou)
  • Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan
  • Chinese diaspora
ဟတ်ကာဘာသာစကား (native)
Hokkien (Taiwanese Hakkas)
Cantonese (Hong Kong and Macau)
Mandarin Chinese (auxiliary)
Predominantly Chinese folk religions (Confucianism, Taoism, ancestral worship and others), Mahayana Buddhism, Christianity, non-religious and others
ဆက်စပ် တိုင်းရင်းသား အုပ်စုများ
Other Han Chinese groups
ဆိုလိုရင်း"Guest Families"


ဟတ်ကာ () ဆိုသည်မှာ ဧည့်သည်ဖြစ်သည်။[၅]ဟတ်ကာတို့သည် မျက်မှောက်ခေတ်ကာလတွင် ရှေးဘိုးဘွားများထက် အများအပြား တိုးတက်လာခဲ့သည်။ ဟတ်ကာလူမျိုးနှင့် ဟတ်ကာစကားတို့သည် ဟတ်ကာ၏ အမျိုးသားသင်္ကေတ ဖြစ်လာခဲ့သည်။

  • အထူးအားဖြင့် ဟတ်ကာတို့၏ မူလချက်မြှုပ်နှင့် ဆက်နွယ်နိုင်သည့် မြောက်ပိုင်းဒေသမှာ
    • ဟောနန် ပြည်နယ် - Henan (河南)
    • ဟူပေ ပြည်နယ် - Hubei (湖北) တို့မှ [၆]

လက်ရှိနေထိုင်လျက်ရှိသောတောင်ပိုင်းဒေသသို့ ရွေ့ပြောင်းခဲ့သည်။ ထို့မှတဖန် ကမ္ဘာ့တဝန်းသို့ ဆက်လက်ရွေ့ပြောင်းသွားကြသည်။ [၇]

ကမ္ဘာ့တဝန်းလုံး၌ တရုတ်ရွေ့ပြောင်းရပ်ဝန်းအုပ်စုဖြစ်ပေါ်လာခဲ့ရာ ဟတ်ကာရပ်ဝန်းအုပ်စုရှိ လူဦးရေသည် ခန့်မှန်းခြေ (၈၀) သန်း နှင့် (၁၂၀) သန်းကြား ရှိနိုင်သည်။ [၂][၈] တရုတ် အလယ်ပိုင်း မှ တောင်ပိုင်း သို့ ဟတ်ကာတို့ ရွှေ့ပြောင်းခဲ့ချိန် ထက်စော၍ ရောက်ရှိနေသော တခြားဟန်တရုတ်အုပ်စုဝင်တို့၏ ရိုးရာဓလေ့ထုံးတမ်းနှင့် စကားသည် ဟတ်ကာ၏ ရိုးရာဓလေ့ထုံးတမ်းများနှင့် စကားသည် အထူးခြားနားသည်။


၁၉၈၄ ခုနစ် မှစတင်၍ ခေတ်သစ် တရုတ်ပြည်သူသမ္မတနိုင်ငံပုံဖော်လာကြသော အစိုးရအဖွဲ့နှင့် တပ်မတော် တို့ကို ဦးဆောင်နေသူအများအပြားသည် ဟတ်ကာလူမျိုးစုဖြစ်သည်။ ထို့ပြင် ပေါ်လစ်ဗျူရို နှင့် အမြဲတမ်းအဖွဲ့ဝင်များ၏ ထက်ဝက်ကျော်ပါဝင်သည်။[၉]


Revolutionary, political and military leaders

China – Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Hong Xiuquan
(Fung Siew Chen)
洪秀全1812–1864Huaxian, GuangdongMeixian, GuangdongHeavenly King (天王), 1851; Leader, Taiping Rebellion; The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (太平天国), 1851–1864, established by Hong had, at one stage, occupied one-third of China, and almost toppled the Qing dynasty
en:Feng Yunshan
(Fung Yun San)
1815–1852Huaxian, GuangdongLongchuan, GuangdongSouth King (南王), 1851; Strategist of the Taiping Rebellion; Administrator of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom during its early years
en:Yang Xiuqing
(Yong Siew Tshin)
1821–1856Guiping, GuangxiMeixian, GuangdongEast King (东王), 1851; Commander-in-chief, Taiping Army
en:Shi Dakai
(Sak Tat Hoi)
1831–1863Guixian, GuangxiHeping, GuangdongWing King (翼王), 1851; The youngest of the six top leaders of Taiping at the age of 19; Shi's heroics as an outstanding general were later to inspire his fellow Hakka clansman, Zhu De, who founded the Red Army (红军), later known as the People's Liberation Army (人民解放军)[၁၀] His mother was of Zhuang origin.
en:Li Xiucheng
(Lee Siew Sin)
李秀成1823–1864Tengxian, GuangxiFengle, GuangdongLoyal King (忠王), 1858; One of the key leaders at the later stages of the Kingdom
Chen Yucheng
(Chin Nyuk Sin)
1837–1862Tengxian, GuangxiWengyuan, GuangdongHeroic King (英王), 1859; One of the key leaders at the later stages of the Kingdom
Hong Rengan
(Fung Yin Kon)
洪仁玕1822–1864Huaxian, GuangdongMeixian, GuangdongShield King (干王), 1859; Premier of the Kingdom; First person in China to advocate modern-style government and opening-up reforms

China – Qing dynasty

(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
Lai Enjue [၁၁]
(Lai En Cheok)
赖恩爵1795–1848ShenzhenZijin, GuangdongAdmiral (水师提督), Guangdong Navy, 1843–1848; Commander, Battle of Kowloon, First Opium War, 1839; Just before Lai died due to illness, he told his family clan that his wish was to see the return of Hong Kong to China; Ten days before the return of Hong Kong on 1 July 1997, more than a hundred of the Lai clan descendants from different parts of the world returned to their ancestral home to mark the event
Yan Botao [၁၂]颜伯焘1792–1855Lianping, GuangdongLianping, GuangdongViceroy (总督), Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces, 1841–1842; Commander, Battle of Amoy, First Opium War, 1841
Feng Zicai
(Fung Tse Choi)
1818–1903Qinzhou, GuangxiBobai, GuangxiCommander-in-chief, Provincial Army (提督), 1862-; Commanding general, Sino-French War, 1884–1885; Feng was instrumental in the defeat of the French at the Battle of Bang Bo which led to the French Retreat from Lạng Sơn and the conclusion of the war
Liu Yongfu
(Liew Yun Fook)
1837–1917Qinzhou, GuangxiBobai, GuangxiFounder and commander of the celebrated Black Flag Army (黑旗军), 1857–1885; President, Republic of Formosa, 1895
Qiu Fengjia
(Hiew Fung Kap)
丘逢甲1864–1912Miaoli, TaiwanJiaoling, GuangdongCommander, Taiwanese militia forces, Japanese invasion of Taiwan, 1895; Revolutionary leader, Xinhai Revolution; Guangdong Representative for the Republic of China Provisional Presidential Election, 1911; Feng Chia University in Taiwan is named in honour of Qiu
Liu Guangdi
(Liew Kong Tee)
1859–1898Fushun, SichuanWuping, FujianOne of the "Six Gentlemen of the Hundred Days' Reform (戊戌六君子) – a group of six intellectuals executed by Empress Dowager Cixi for their attempts to help Guangxu Emperor implement the "Hundred Days' Reform" (戊戌变法)
Wen Shengcai[၁၃]
(Voon Sang Choi)
溫生才1869–1911Meixian, GuangdongMeixian, GuangdongOne of the Four Martyrs of Honghuagang (红花岗四烈士); Wen assassinated the Manchu general, Fu Qi, in 1911; All of the four martyrs of Honghuagang are Hakkas
(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
Sun Yat-sen[၁၄][၁၅]
(Soon Tsung San)
1866–1925Xiangshan, GuangdongZijin, GuangdongFounding father of modern China; First President, Provisional Government of the Republic of China, 1912
Yao Yuping[၁၆]姚雨平1882–1974Pingyuan, GuangdongPingyuan, GuangdongGeneral, 1912-; Commander-in-chief, Guangdong Northern Expeditionary Army (广东北伐军), Xinhai Revolution, 1911–1912; Yao's successive victories against the Qing Army were vital in the successful defence of the Provisional Government in Nanjing and the early abdication of Xuan Tong Emperor
Liao Zhongkai
(Liao Tshung Koi)
廖仲愷1877–1925San Francisco, USAHuiyang, GuangdongSun Yat-sen's main advisor on financial matters; Liao was one of the three most powerful figures in Kuomintang when Sun died
Eugene Chen陈友仁1878–1944San Fernando, Trinidad and TobagoMeixian, GuangdongOutstanding Foreign Minister in the 1920s known for his success in promoting Sun Yat-sen's anti-imperialist foreign policies; Chen's father is a former Taiping
Huang Shaohong黃紹竑1895–1966Rong County, GuangxiRong County, GuangxiGeneral; Warlord of the New Guangxi clique which controlled Guangxi and much of Guangdong, Hunan, and Hubei, 1924–1929
Chen Jitang
(Chin Tsi Thong)
1890–1954Fangcheng, GuangxiBobai, GuangxiGeneral First-class (four-star general), 1935-; Chen was a warlord known as the "Southern Heavenly King" (南天王) as he wielded absolute control of the government and army of autonomous Guangdong, 1929–1936
Chen Mingshu陈铭枢1889–1965Bepu, GuangxiBepu, GuangxiActing Premier of the Republic of China, 1931–1932; General, 1947-; Commander-in-Chief, 19th Route Army (十九路军), Battle of Shanghai, 1931–1932; The 19th Route Army, which started off as a Regiment unit under the command of Chen in the First Division of the Guangdong Army, was one of Nationalist China best fighting forces
Deng Yanda鄧演達
1895–1931Huiyang, GuangdongHuiyang, GuangdongLeftist Nationalist politician who, in 1930, founded the Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, one of the eight non-communist, legally recognised political parties in the People's Republic of China today; Deng was a military commander in the elite First Division of the Guangdong Army
Sun Ke
(Soon Kho)
1895–1973Xiangshan, GuangdongZijin, GuangdongPremier of the Republic of China, 1932, 1948–1949
Xue Yue[၁၇]
(Siet Ngok)
薛岳1896–1998Lechang, GuangdongRucheng, HunanGeneral First-class (four-star general), 1952-; Commander-in-chief, 9th War Zone, Second Sino-Japanese War, 1938–1945; Called "Patton of Asia" by the West and the "God of War" (战神) by the Chinese, Xue was China most outstanding general during the war against the Japanese
Zhang Fakui
(Tshong Fat Khui)
1896–1980Shixing, GuangdongShixing, GuangdongGeneral, 1936-; Commander-in-chief, National Revolutionary Army ground forces, 1949; Commander-in-chief, 4th War Zone, Second Sino-Japanese War, 1939–1944; As Honorary President of the "Hong Kong Tsung Tsin Association" (香港崇正总会), the umbrella body for Hakkas in Hong Kong, Zhang initiated and organized the first World Hakka Congress in 1971
Huang Qixiang黃琪翔1898–1970Meixian, GuangdongMeixian, GuangdongGeneral, 1946-; Leftist Nationalist; Deputy Commander-in-chief, 5th War Zone (later 6th War Zone), Second Sino-Japanese War, 1938; Led the Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party, 1931–1938, after Deng Yanda's death; One of the two most outstanding generals (the other being fellow Hakka Ye Ting) during the First Expedition of the Northern Expedition, 1926, and was promoted to Commander, Fourth Army, for the Second Expedition, 1927, at the age of 28
Luo Zhuoying羅卓英
1896–1961Dabu, GuangdongDabu, GuangdongGeneral, 1946-; Commander-in-chief, 1st Route Expeditionary Forces, Burma (China first participation of a war overseas), 1942; Deputy Commander-in-chief, 9th War Zone, Second Sino-Japanese War, 1941
Huang Baitao黄百韬1900–1948TianjinMeixian, GuangdongGeneral, 1948; Commander-in-chief, 7th Army Group; Twice recipient of the Order of Blue Sky and White Sun (the highest honour for a military commander); Huang committed suicide rather than surrendering after he was defeated at the Huaihai Campaign, the most decisive battle of the Chinese Civil War, in 1948
Fan Hanjie范漢傑
1896–1976Dabu, GuangdongDabu, GuangdongLieutenant General, 1945-; Deputy Commander-in-chief, National Revolutionary Army ground forces, 1948; Deputy Commander-in-chief, Dongbei (Manchuria) Force, Chinese Civil War, 1948; Deputy Commander-in-chief, 1st War Zone, Second Sino-Japanese War, 1945; Fan was one of the favourite generals of Chiang Kaishek
Wu Qiwei吳奇偉
1890–1953Dabu, GuangdongDabu, GuangdongLieutenant General, 1935-; Governor of Hunan, 1945–1946; Commander-in-chief, Changjiang (Yangtze River) Defence Force, Second Sino-Japanese War, 1942–1944; Deputy Commander-in-chief, 4th War Zone (later 6th War Zone), Second Sino-Japanese War, 1939; Wu defected to the Communists in 1949
Miao Peinan缪培南1890–1970Wuhua, GuangdongWuhua, GuangdongLieutenant General, 1936-; Commander-in-chief, 9th Army Group, Second Sino-Japanese War, 1940; Miao represented the Chinese government to accept the Japanese surrender in Guangdong, 1945
Xie Jinyuan
(Tsia Tshin Ngian)
1905–1941Jiaoling, GuangdongJiaoling, GuangdongMajor General, 1941; Commander, Defence of Sihang Warehouse, Shanghai, 1937; The heroism of Xie and the defenders of the warehouse which lifted flagging Chinese morale was made into films in 1938 and 1976 named "Eight Hundred Heroes" (八百壯士)
Yao Ziqing姚子青1909–1937Pingyuan, GuangdongPingyuan, GuangdongGeneral; Commander during the Defence of Baoshan, part of the Battle of Shanghai, 1937; The heroism of Yao and the defenders of the Baoshan where all 600 soldiers but one lost their lives to defend the county was made into film named "Defenders" (捍衛者)

China – People's Republic

(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
Li Lisan李立三1899–1967Liling, HunanLiling, HunanTop leader of Chinese Communist Party, 1928–1930
Zhu De[၁၈][၁၉]朱德1886–1976Yilong, SichuanShaoguan, GuangdongChairman of the National People's Congress (Head of State), People's Republic of China, 1975–1976; Marshal, 1955-; Founder and Commander-in-chief of the Red Army (红军), later known as the People's Liberation Army (人民解放军)
Ye Ting葉挺
1896–1946Huiyang, GuangdongHuiyang, GuangdongCommander-In-chief, New Fourth Army, one of the two main Chinese communist forces fighting the Japanese Imperial Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War (the other main communist force, Eighth Route Army, was commanded by Zhu De)
Ye Jianying
(Yap Kiam Yin)
1897–1986Meixian, GuangdongMeixian, GuangdongChairman of the National People's Congress (Head of State), People's Republic of China, 1978–1983; Marshal, 1955-; Communist China first Governor of Guangdong, 1949–1953; Ye led the overthrow of the Gang of Four, which marked the end of the Cultural Revolution
Hu Yaobang[၂၀]
(Fu Yau Bong)
胡耀邦1915–1989Liuyang, HunanJi'an, Jiangxien:Chairman of the Communist Party of China, 1981–1982; en:General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, 1980–1987; Both positions during these periods made Hu the highest-ranked in the Communist Party of China and the second most powerful person in China after Deng Xiaoping; In 1989, the memorial service for his death sparked off a pro-democracy movement which led to the Tiananmen Square protests
en:Liao Chengzhi
(Liau Sin Chee)
廖承志1908–1983Tokyo, JapanHuiyang, GuangdongLiao died four days after he was nominated to be the Vice-President, People's Republic of China; First Director, Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, 1978–1983
en:Liu Yalou劉亞樓
1910–1965Wuping, FujianWuping, FujianGeneral, 1955-; First Commander-in-chief, People's Liberation Army Air Force, 1949–1965
en:Wang Shoudao王首道1906–1996Liuyang, HunanLiuyang, HunanVice-Chairman, en:Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (中国人民政治协商会议), 1978–1983; Governor of Hunan, 1950–1952
en:Yang Chengwu
(Yong Sin Woo)
1904–2004Changting, FujianChangting, FujianVice-Chairman, Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (中国人民政治协商会议), 1983–1988; General, 1955-; Acting Chief of General Staff, People's Liberation Army, 1965–1968
Xiao Hua肖华1916–1985Xingguo, JiangxiXingguo, JiangxiYoungest General at the age of 39, 1955; Vice-Chairman, Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (中国人民政治协商会议), 1983–1985; Chief Political Commissar, People's Liberation Army, 1964–1967
Yang Yong杨勇1913–1983Liuyang, HunanLiuyang, HunanMember, en:Secretariat of the Communist Party of China Central Committee (中国共产党中央书记处), 1982–1983; General, 1955-; Deputy Chief of General Staff, People's Liberation Army, 1959; Governor of Guizhou, 1950–1951
en:Lai Chuanzhu赖传珠1910–1965Ganxian, JiangxiGanxian, JiangxiGeneral, 1955-; Political Commissar, 15th Army Corps (later 13th Army Corps), Fourth Field Army, 1948–1950; Chief of Staff, New Fourth Army, 1941–1945; The life story of Lai was made into a television drama, "General Diary Complete" (将军日记), in 2011
en:Chen Qihan陈奇涵1910–1965Ganxian, JiangxiGanxian, JiangxiGeneral, 1955-; First President, Military Court, People's Liberation Army, 1954–1957; Commander-in-chief, Jiangxi Military Region, 1949
en:Li Tianyou李天佑1914–1970Lingui, GuangxiLingui, GuangxiGeneral, 1955-; Deputy Chief of Staff, People's Liberation Army, 1962–1970; A film, titled "Li Tianyou Jagged Siping" (李天佑血战四平), about how Li led the Communist first-ever attack and victory of a city, Battle of Siping, 1946, was made in 2009
Ding Sheng丁盛1913–1999Yudu, JiangxiYudu, JiangxiMajor General, 1955-; Governor of Guangdong, 1972–1974
en:Zhang Tingfa[၂၁]张廷发1918–2010Shaxian, FujianShaxian, FujianMajor General, 1955-; Commander-in-chief, People's Liberation Army Air Force, 1977–1985
en:Chen Pixian陳丕顯
1916–1995Shanghang, FujianShanghang, FujianMember, Secretariat of the Communist Party of China Central Committee (中国共产党中央书记处), 1982–1985; Governor of Hubei, 1978–1980
en:Ye Xuanping
(Yap Sen Phin)
1924-Meixian, GuangdongMeixian, GuangdongVice-Chairman, Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (中国人民政治协商会议), 1991–2003; Governor of Guangdong, 1985–1991
Xie Fei
(Chia Fui)
1932–1999Lufeng, GuangdongLufeng, GuangdongVice-Chairman, National People's Congress (全国人民代表大会), 1998–1999
Zhang Zhen[၂၂]张震1914–2015Pingjiang, HunanPingyuan, GuangdongGeneral, 1988-; Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, 1992–1997
Liao Hui廖暉
1942-Hong KongHuiyang, GuangdongVice-Chairman, Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (中国人民政治协商会议), 2003-; Director, Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, 1997–2010
en:Huang Huahua
(Wong Fah Fah)
1946-Xingning, GuangdongXingning, GuangdongGovernor of Guangdong, 2003–2011; The stepping down of Huang as governor in 2011 marked the end of the dominance of the provincial government by the "Hakka clique" (客家帮)[၂၃]
en:Wu Changde吴昌德1952-Dayu, JiangxiDayu, JiangxiGeneral, 2013-; Deputy Director, People's Liberation Army General Political Department, 2011-


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Lee Teng-hui[၂၄]李登辉1923-2020New Taipei, TaiwanYongding, Fujianen:President of the Republic of China, 1988–2000; First popularly elected President in Chinese history
en:Tsai Ing-wen
(Chai Yin Vun)
蔡英文1956-Pingtung, TaiwanPresident of the Republic of China, 2016–; First and only female President in Chinese history; First female without any political lineage to head a government in Asia
en:Li Yuan-tsu[၂၅]李元簇1923-Pingjiang, HunanPingjiang, HunanVice-President of the Republic of China, 1990–1996
en:Annette Lu[၂၆]呂秀蓮
1944-Taoyuan, TaiwanNanjing, FujianFirst and only female Vice-President of the Republic of China, 2000–2008
en:Hsu Fu-lin徐傅霖1878–1958Heping, GuangdongHeping, GuangdongLosing candidate in the Republic of China Presidential Election to Chiang Kai-shek, 1954; Leader, en:China Democratic Socialist Party, 1946–1958; Hsu was the Finance Minister in the Republic of China government in China, 1946-
Wang Sheng[၂၇]王昇
1915–2006Longan, JiangxiLongan, JiangxiGeneral, 1970-; Director, General Political Warfare Department (总政治作战部), which was responsible for secret military and intelligence operations, 1975–1983; Wang was the second most powerful person in Taiwan after President en:Chiang Ching-kuo as he led the "Liu Shaokang Office" (刘少康办公室) which was described as the inner court of the Kuomintang party headquarters, 1979–1983 and he was rumoured to be the successor to Chiang
en:Yu Shyi-kun[၂၈]游錫堃
1948-Yilan, TaiwanZhao'an, FujianPremier of the Republic of China, 2002–2005; Chairman, Democratic Progressive Party, 2006–2007
en:Jiang Yi-huah[၂၉]江宜樺
1960-Keelung, Taiwanen:Premier of the Republic of China, 2013–2014
en:Hsu Hsin-liang
(Hee Sin Leong)
1941-Taoyuan, TaiwanRaoping, GuangdongCo-founder and Chairman, en:Democratic Progressive Party, 1991–1994, 1996–1998; Presidential candidate, en:2000 Republic of China presidential election
en:Hsu Hsin-ying徐欣瑩1972-Hsinchu, TaiwanFounder and Chairman, Minkuotang, 2015-; Vice-Presidential candidate, 2016 Republic of China presidential election; Member of the Legislative Yuan, 2012–2015; Won by the highest majority among more than 100 legislative yuan seats in the 2012 Republic of China legislative election
en:Hsu Ching-chung徐慶鐘
1907–1996Taipei, TaiwanJiaoling, GuangdongVice-Premier, Republic of China, 1972–1981
Chiu Chuang-huan邱創煥
1925-Changhua, TaiwanRaoping, GuangdongVice-Premier, Republic of China, 1981–1984; en:Governor of Taiwan Province, 1984–1990
en:Liu Kwo-tsai刘阔才1911–1993Miaoli, TaiwanPingyuan, GuangdongPresident of the Legislative Yuan, 1988–1990
en:Yeh Chu-lan
(Yap Kiuk Lan)
1949-Miaoli, TaiwanVice-Premier, Republic of China, 2004–2005
en:Chiang Pin-kung[၃၀]江丙坤1932-Nantou, TaiwanPinghe, FujianActing Chairman, Kuomintang, 2007; Chairman, Straits Exchange Foundation (海峽交流基金会), 2008–2012
en:Wu Po-hsiung
(Ng Pak Hiung)
1939-Taoyuan, TaiwanYongding, FujianChairman, Kuomintang, 2007–2009; Mayor, Taipei, 1988–1990
en:Chen Ta-ching陳大慶
1904–1973Chongyi, JiangxiChongyi, JiangxiMinister of National Defense, 1972–1973; Governor of Taiwan Province, 1969–1972; General First-class (four-star general), 1973-; Commander-In-chief, en:Republic of China Army, 1967–1969
en:Tang Yao-ming湯曜明
1940-Taichung, TaiwanYunxiao, FujianFirst Local (non-Mainlander) Taiwanese Minister of National Defense, 2002–2004; General First-class (four-star general), 1999-; Chief of General Staff, en:Republic of China Armed Forces, 1999–2002

Hong Kong

(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Zeng Sheng[၃၁]曾生1910–1995Huiyang, GuangdongHuiyang, GuangdongLegendary Commander, Dong River Column guerrilla force (东江纵队), which was made up mainly of Hakkas; Noteworthy accomplishments of the guerrilla force included the aiding of British and Commonwealth prisoners of war to escape successfully from Japanese internment camps and the rescuing of twenty American pilots who parachuted into Hong Kong when they were shot down during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, 1941–1945
David Lan藍鴻震1940-Hong KongDabu, GuangdongSecretary for Home Affairs, 1997–2000
en:Martin Lee李柱銘
1938-Hong KongHuiyang, GuangdongFounding Chairman, Democratic Party, 1994–2002; Leading figure of Pan-democracy camp; Lee is hailed as the Father of democracy of Hong Kong
en:Lau Wong-fat[၃၂]劉皇發
1936-Hong KongHuiyang, GuangdongChairman, en:Heung Yee Kuk (乡议局), a powerful body representing 700 indigenous villages in New Territories, 1980–2015; Known as the "Land Emperor of the New Territories" (新界土皇帝), Lau is the political kingpin in the New Territories
en:Lee Wing Tat李永達
1955-Hong KongHuiyang, GuangdongChairman, Democratic Party, 2004–2006
en:Tam Yiu Chung
(Tham Yau Tsung)
1949-Hong KongHuiyang, GuangdongChairman, Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong, the largest pro-Beijing political party in Hong Kong, 2007-


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Elizabeth Choy蔡楊素梅
1910–2006Sabah, MalaysiaGuangdongWar heroine; First and only woman in the Legislative Council of Singapore, 1951–1955
en:Lee Kuan Yew
(Lee Kong Yau)
李光耀1923–2015SingaporeDabu, GuangdongFounding father of modern Singapore; First Prime Minister of Singapore, 1959–1990, mother was a Peranakan
en:Lee Hsien Loong
(Lee Sen Lung)
1952-SingaporeDabu, GuangdongPrime Minister of Singapore, 2004-; Youngest Brigadier General, Singapore Armed Forces, 1983–1984 He is a mix of Hakka, Perankan and mostly Hokkien Nyonya.
en:Yong Nyuk Lin楊玉麟
1918–2012Negri Sembilan, MalaysiaMeixian, GuangdongCabinet Minister, 1959–1976
en:Hon Sui Sen
(Hon Sui Sang)
1916–1983Penang, MalaysiaJiexi, GuangdongCabinet Minister, 1970–1983
en:Howe Yoon Chong
(Hiew Yoon Chong)
侯永昌1923–2007Meixian, GuangdongMeixian, GuangdongCabinet Minister, 1979–1984 (Minister of Defence, 1979–1982)
en:Richard Hu
(Foo Su Thau)
1926-SingaporeYongding, FujianCabinet Minister, 1985–2001


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Yap Ah Loy葉亞來
1837–1885Huizhou, GuangdongHuizhou, GuangdongFounder, modern Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia; Kapitan Cina, Kuala Lumpur, 1868–1885
en:Chung Keng Quee
(Chang Kin Gui)
1827–1901Zengcheng, GuangdongZengcheng, GuangdongFounder, Taiping, Perak; Kapitan Cina, Perak, 1875–1900; Leader, Hai San Secret Society, Larut War, 1861–1874
en:Chin Ah Yam[၃၃]陳亞炎
-1899Dabu, GuangdongDabu, GuangdongKapitan Cina, Perak, 1875–1899; Leader, Ghee Hin Secret Society, Larut War, 1861–1874
en:Leong Fee梁輝
1857–1911Meixian, GuangdongMeixian, GuangdongFirst Chinese Member, Federal Legislative Council, 1909[၃၄]
en:Philip Lee Tau Sang李道生-1959Highly respected and leading Chinese politician who was greatly favoured by the British colonial rulers in North Borneo (now Sabah) in the 1950s
en:Lau Pak Khuan
(Liew Pak Khiun)
1894–1971Zengcheng, GuangdongZengcheng, GuangdongFirst Chinese to be conferred the "en:Datuk Seri" title; Led the unsuccessful bid for Chinese equal citizenship-rights and official language status during the drafting of the Malaysian Constitution
en:Omar Ong Yoke Lin翁毓麟1917–2010Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaHuizhou, GuangdongCabinet Minister, 1955–1973; First Chinese President, Malaysian Senate, 1973–1980; Mooted the idea to form the Alliance Party (Malaysia), predecessor of Barisan Nasional, the ruling coalition party of Malaysia since independence in 1952
en:Wong Pow Nee王保尼1911–2002Penang, MalaysiaXingning, GuangdongFirst Chief Minister of Penang, 1957–1969
en:Peter Lo Sui Yin羅思仁
1923–2020Sabah, MalaysiaLongchuan, GuangdongChief Minister of Sabah, 1965–67; Cabinet Minister, 1963–1965
James Wong Kim Min黄金明1922–2011Sarawak, MalaysiaGuangdongLeader of the Opposition of Malaysia, 1974; First Deputy Chief Minister, Sarawak, 1963–1966; President, Sarawak National Party, 1981–2003; Hold the record for being the longest serving Member of the Sarawak State Assembly for forty-six years, 1956–2001
en:Stephen Yong Kuet Tze楊國斯
1921–2001Sarawak, MalaysiaDabu, GuangdongCabinet Minister, 1982–1990; Co-founder, Sarawak United Peoples' Party, Sarawak's first political party, 1959 (President, 1983–1990); Yong is best remembered for giving the Chinese in Sarawak a political voice
en:Lee Kim Sai
(Lee Kim Sze)
李金狮1937-2019Selangor, MalaysiaCabinet Minister, 1986–1995
en:Yong Teck Lee楊德利
1958-Sabah, MalaysiaLongchuan, GuangdongChief Minister of Sabah, 1996–1998; Founder and President, Sabah Progressive Party, 1994-
en:Peter Chin Fah Kui陳華貴
1945-Sarawak, MalaysiaBao'an, GuangdongCabinet Minister, 2004–2013; President, Sarawak United Peoples' Party, 2011-
en:Chor Chee Heung
(Chau Chee Hiung)
曹智雄1955-Kedah, MalaysiaDabu, GuangdongCabinet Minister, 2010–2013
en:Liow Tiong Lai
(Liau Tsung Loi)
廖中莱1961Malacca, MalaysiaDabu, GuangdongCabinet Minister, 2008–2013, 2014-; President, Malaysian Chinese Association, 2013-
en:Wee Ka Siong
(Ngui Ka Seong)
魏家祥1968-Malacca, MalaysiaLufeng, GuangdongCabinet Minister, 2014-
en:Teresa Kok
(Kok Su Sim)
郭素沁1964-Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaHuizhou, GuangdongMember of Parliament, 1999-; Won by the highest majority among more than 200 constituency seats in the 2008 and 2013 Malaysian general elections; In the 2013 election, Kok won more than 85% of the total votes cast, a record in Malaysia history
en:Chong Hon Nyan
(Chong Hon Nyan)
1924-2020Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaMinister of Health (1978-1982) and Transport (1983-1986)


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
Lo Fong Bak羅芳伯
1738–1778Meixian, GuangdongMeixian, GuangdongFounder and President, Hakka Republic of Lanfang in West Kalimantan, 1777–1884; The republic lasted for 107 years and had ten presidents who are all Meixian Hakkas
en:Basuki Tjahaja Purnama
(Tjung Ban Hok)
1966-Bangka–Belitung Islands, IndonesiaMeixian, GuangdongFirst Chinese Governor, Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, which is considered to be the third most powerful position in Indonesia, 2014-;[၃၅][၃၆] Basuki is more popularly known by his Hakka name, "Ahok" (阿学)
en:Christiandy Sanjaya
(Wong Hon San)
黄汉山1964-West Kalimantan, IndonesiaJiexi, GuangdongDeputy Governor, West Kalimantan, 2008–2013; First elected Chinese Deputy Governor of Indonesia
en:Teddy Jusuf
(Hiung Tet Yie)
熊德怡1966-West Java, IndonesiaMeixian, GuangdongFirst and only Chinese to attain the rank of Brigadier General, Indonesian National Armed Forces, 1983


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Thaksin Shinawatra[၃၇][၃၈]
(Hiew Tat Sin)
1949-Chiang Mai, ThailandFengshun, GuangdongOnly Prime Minister of Thailand to be re-elected in Thailand history, 2001–2006; Parties linked to Thaksin had won all the five general elections in Thailand since 2001
en:Yingluck Shinawatra
(Hiew Yin Lok)
1967-Chiang Mai, ThailandFengshun, GuangdongFirst and only female Prime Minister of Thailand, 2011–2014
en:Supachai Panitchpakdi1946-Bangkok, ThailandDeputy Prime Minister, 1992–1995, 1997–2001; First and only Asian Director-General, World Trade Organization, 2002–2005
en:Sudarat Keyuraphan1961-Bangkok, ThailandCabinet Minister, 2002–2006
en:Chaiyasit Shinawatra1945-Chiang Mai, ThailandFengshun, GuangdongSupreme Commander, Royal Thai Armed Forces, 2004–2005; Commander-in-Chief, Royal Thai Army, 2003–2004


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Sok An[၃၉]
(Soo On)
索安1950-Takéo, CambodiaDeputy Prime Minister, Cambodia, 2004-


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
နေဝင်း奈温1910–2002Bago Region, MyanmarMeixian, GuangdongPresident of Myanmar, 1974–1981; Chairman, Union Revolutionary Council, 1962–1974; Prime Minister of Myanmar, 1958–1960, 1962–1974; Commander-in-chief (formerly known as Chief of Staff), en:Myanmar Armed Forces, 1949–1972; Ne Win was the paramount leader of Myanmar for three decades
စန်းယု[၄၀]山友1918–1996Bago Region, MyanmarPresident of Myanmar, 1981–1988; Commander-in-chief, Myanmar Armed Forces, 1972–1974
ခင်ညွှန့်[၄၁]钦纽1939-Yangon Region, MyanmarMeixian, GuangdongPrime Minister of Myanmar, 2003–2004; General, Myanmar Armed Forces, 2002–2003


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
Pedro Lay
(Lai Sze Fong)
黎事芳Timor-LesteMeixian, GuangdongFirst Chinese Cabinet Minister, 2007–2015
Francisco Kalbuadi Lay
(Lai Fatt Fong)
黎发芳1954-Timor-LesteMeixian, GuangdongCabinet Minister, 2012-; First Chinese to be elected to National Parliament, 2002–2005


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Penny Wong[၄၂]黃英賢
1968-Sabah, MalaysiaFirst Chinese and first Asian Cabinet Minister, 2007–2013; First female Leader of the Government in the Senate, 2013; First female Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, 2013-
en:Helen Sham-Ho何沈慧霞1943-Hong KongBao'an, GuangdongMember, New South Wales Legislative Council, 1988–2003; First Chinese to be elected to an Australian parliament
Peter Wong[၄၃]黄肇强1942-Zhaoqing, GuangdongZijin, GuangdongMember, New South Wales Legislative Council, 1999–2007; Leading anti-white nationalist politician; Founder, Unity Party, which was formed to oppose Pauline Hanson and her white supremacy One Nation party, 1997
en:Alfred Huang[၄၄]黃國鑫
1938-Chengdu, SichuanJiaoling, GuangdongLord Mayor, Adelaide, 2000–2003
en:Robert Chong[၄၅]
(Tsung Foo Hee)
1954-MalaysiaMeixian, GuangdongMayor, Whitehorse, Victoria, 2002–2005
en:Henry Tsang曾筱龍
1943-Nanchang, JiangxiWuhua, GuangdongDeputy Lord Mayor, Sydney, 1991–1999; Member, New South Wales Legislative Council, 1999–2009

French Polynesia

(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Gaston Tong Sang1949-Bora-bora, French PolynesiaGuangdongPresident, French Polynesia, 2006–2007, 2008–2011; Tong Sang is of mixed blood with Hakka Chinese ancestry on his paternal side


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Moilin Jean Ah-Chuen
(Chu Moi Lin)
朱梅麟1909–1991MauritiusMeixian, GuangdongFirst Chinese Cabinet Minister, 1967–1976; First Chinese Member, Legislative Council, 1949; Second Hakka after Sun Yat-sen to have his portrait printed on the bills of a country's currency[၄၆]
en:Joseph Tsang Mang Kin曾繁興
1938-MauritiusMeixian, GuangdongCabinet Minister, 1995–2000; As a poet, Tsang has written a number of poems on the Hakka culture


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
Li Huarong[၄၇]
(Lee Fah Yin)
李华荣SeychellesMeixian, GuangdongDeputy Minister

United Kingdom

(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Nat Wei, Baron Wei[၄၈][၄၉]韋鳴恩
1977-Hertfordshire, England, United KingdomZhuhai, GuangdongYoungest member at the age of 34 and first British-born person of Chinese origin in the House of Lords, 2011-


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
André Thien Ah Koon[၅၀]曾憲建
1940-Reunion Island, FranceMeixian, GuangdongFirst and only Chinese elected to the French National Assembly and the first Chinese elected to a parliament in Europe, 1986–2006; Mayor, Tampon, Reunion Island, 1983–2006, 2014–2020; First Chinese Mayor of Reunion Island and France


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Varina Tjon-A-Ten1952-Paramaribo, SurinameGuangdongFirst Chinese elected to the House of Representatives, 2003–2006; Tjon-A-Ten is of mixed blood with paternal Hakka Chinese grandfather who migrated from Guangdong to Suriname
en:Roy Ho Ten Soeng何天送1945-Paramaribo, SurinameGuangdongMayor, Venhuizen, North Holland, 2000–2006; First immigrant Mayor of Netherlands; First Chinese Mayor of Netherlands and Europe

United States

(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
David Chiu邱信福1970-Ohio, USAMember, California State Assembly, 2014-
en:Yiaway Yeh葉亞威
1978-San Francisco, USAMeixian, GuangdongFirst Chinese Mayor of Palo Alto, California, 2012


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Arthur Chung鐘亞瑟
1916–2008West Demerara, GuyanaDabu, GuangdongFirst President, Guyana, 1970–1980

Trinidad and Tobago

(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Solomon Hochoy何才1905–1983JamaicaBao'an, GuangdongLast British Governor, 1960–1962; First non-white Governor in the whole of the British Empire, 1960; First Governor-General, 1962–1972, when Trinidad and Tobago obtained independence in 1962; First Chinese Head of State in a non-Asian country


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Hendrick Chin A Sen陳亞先
1934–1999Marowijne District, SurinameHuiyang, GuangdongPresident and Prime Minister of Suriname, 1980–1982; Chin paternal side is Hakka Chinese and maternal side is mixed Creole


(Hakka pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
en:Rose Leon1913–1999Kingston, JamaicaFirst Chinese and first female Cabinet Minister, 1953–1960, 1972–1976; First Chinese Member, House of Representatives, 1949; First female Chairperson of a political party – Jamaica Labour Party, 1948
en:Horace Chang霍勒斯.郑1952-Westmorland, United KingdomCabinet Minister, 2007–2011
en:Delroy Chuck德尔罗伊.卓1950-Manchester Parish, JamaicaDongguanCabinet Minister, 2011–2012; First Chinese Speaker, House of Representatives, 2007–2011


(Hakka Pronunciation)
Chinese nameBirth-DeathBornAncestryDescription
William Boss Wu[၅၁][၅၂]巫佰禧1968-São Paulo, BrazilRaoping, GuangdongFirst and only Chinese elected to the National Congress of Brazil, 2006-

  • စုန့်ညီအစ်မ Soong Sisters [Traditional Chinese]:宋家姐妹, [pinyin]: Sòngjiā Jiěmèi, သို့မဟုတ် စုန့်ညီအစ်မသုံးဖော် [Traditional Chinese]:宋氏三姐妹 တို့သည် ဟတ်ကာ Hakka တရုတ်ဖြစ်ပြီး သူတို့အမျိုးသားနှင့် ပက်သက်ပြီး ခေတ်သစ်တရုတ်သမိုင်း China'history ၏ ၂၀ရာစု အစောပိုင်း တွင် ဩဇာဣတ္ထိမ ကြီးမားသော ညီအစ်မဖြင့် မှတ်တမ်းဖြစ်ခဲ့သည်။
စုန့်ညီအစ်မသုံးဖော် ဓာတ်ပုံ A photograph of the three Soong sisters together.


၁၉ ရာစု ကာလ၌ ဟတ်ကာစကား ကို နိင်ငံတော်စကားအဖြစ် သတ်မှတ်ပြီး တရုတ်ပြည်၏ သုံးပုံတစ်ပုံအကျယ်အဝန်းရှိသောမဟာငြိမ်းချမ်းသောကောင်းကင်နိုင်ငံတော် Taiping Heavenly Kingdom ထူထောင်ခဲ့ကြသည် ။ [၅၃] ဟတ်ကာစကားသည် ထိုင်ဝမ်၏ တရားဝင်ရုံးသုံးစကားများအနက်တစ်ခုလည်း ဖြစ်သည်။[၅၄]


  • ပြည်နယ်
  1. [[အန်းဟွေး ပြည်နယ် ]] - Anhui (安徽)
  2. ဖူကျန့်ပြည်နယ် - Fujian (福建)
  3. ကန်းစုပြည်နယ် - Gansu (甘肃)
  4. ကွမ်တုန်းပြည်နယ် - Guangdong (广东)
  5. ကွေ့ကျိုး Archived 22 November 2020 at the Wayback Machine. ပြည်နယ်]] - Guizhou (贵州)
  6. [[ဟိုင်နန် ပြည်နယ်]] - Hainan (海南)
  7. ဟိုပေ Archived 27 January 2021 at the Wayback Machine. ပြည်နယ် - Hebei (河北)
  8. ဟေးလုံကျန်း ပြည်နယ် | Heilongjiang (黑龙江)
  9. ဟောနန် ပြည်နယ် - Henan (河南)
  10. ဟူပေ ပြည်နယ် - Hubei (湖北)
  11. ဟူနန် ပြည်နယ် - Hunan (湖南)
  12. ကျန်းစူး ပြည်နယ် - Jiangsu (江苏)
  13. ကျန်းစီ ပြည်နယ် - Jiangxi (江西)
  14. ကျိလင် ပြည်နယ် - Jilin (吉林)
  15. လျောင်းနင် ပြည်နယ် - Liaoning (辽宁)
  16. ချင်းဟိုင် ပြည်နယ် - Qinghai (青海)
  17. ရှန်စီ ပြည်နယ် - Shaanxi (陕西)
  18. ဆန်းတုန်း ပြည်နယ် - Shandong (山东)
  19. ဆန်းစီ ပြည်နယ် - Shanxi (山西)
  20. စစ်ချွမ်း ပြည်နယ် - Sichuan (四川)
  21. ထိုင်ဝမ် ပြည်နယ် - Taiwan (台湾)
  22. ယူနန် ပြည်နယ် - Yunnan (云南)
  23. ကျဲ့ကျန်း ပြည်နယ် - Zhejiang (浙江)
  • ကိုယ်ပိုင်အုပ်ချုပ်ခွင့်ရဒေသ

Autonomous regions (自治区)

  1. ကွမ်ရှီး ကျွမ်းလူမျိုးကိုယ်ပိုင်အုပ်ချုပ်ခွင့်ရဒေသ | Guangxi (广西壮族自治区)
  2. အတွင်းမွန်ဂိုလီးယား မွန်ဂိုလူမျိုးကိုယ်ပိုင်အုပ်ချုပ်ခွင့်ရဒေသ | Inner Mongolia (内蒙古自治区)
  3. နိင်ရှ ဟွေးလူမျိုးကိုယ်ပိုင်အုပ်ချုပ်ခွင့်ရဒေသ | Ningxia (宁夏回族自治区)
  4. ရှင်းကျန်း ဝေးဝူအာရ် လူမျိုးကိုယ်ပိုင်အုပ်ချုပ်ခွင့်ရဒေသ | Xinjiang (新疆维吾尔自治区)
  5. တိဘက်လူမျိုးကိုယ်ပိုင်အုပ်ချုပ်ခွင့်ရဒေသ| Tibet (西藏自治区)

  • မြူနီစီပါယ်အုပ်ချုပ်ရေး
  • Municipalities (直辖市)
  1. ပေကျင်း မြို့ | Beijing |北京市
  2. ချုံချင့် မြို့ | Chongqing (重庆市)
  3. ရှန်ဟိုင်း မြို့ | Shanghai (上海市)
  4. ထျန်းကျင်း မြို့ | Tianjin (天津市)

  • အထူးအုပ်ချုပ်ခွင့်ရဒေသ
  • Special Administrative Regions (特别行政区)
  1. ဟောင်ကောင်အထူးအုပ်ချုပ်ခွင့်ရဒေသ | Hong Kong (香港特別行政區)
  2. မကာအိုအထူးအုပ်ချုပ်ခွင့်ရဒေသ | Macau (澳門特別行政區)


Central China region.
Green = Rise of Central China Plan

'တရုတ်ဗဟိုဒေသ'Central China (ရိုးရှင်းတရုတ်: 华中; ရိုးရာတရုတ်: 華中; ပင်ယင်: Huázhōng) သည် အချက်အချာ​နေရာဖြစ်ပြီး ရော​ထွေးနေသော ယဉ်ကျေးမှုများရှိသည့်ဒေသဖြစ်သည် ။ အုပ်ချုပ်မှုနယ်မြေဒေသအရပါဝင်သည့် ပြည်နယ်များ provinces မှာ

  1. ဟေနန် Henan Archived 10 December 2018 at the Wayback Machine.,
  2. ဟူပေ Hubei
  3. ဟူနန် Hunan တို့ဖြစ်ပြီး
  4. ကွမ်ရှီး Jiangxi[လင့်ခ်သေ] ၏ နယ်မြေ အချို့ပါဝင်သည်။

တရုတ် တောင်ဗဟိုဒေသကို နိုင်ငံတော်အစိုးရ၏ People's Republic of Chinaအုပ်ချုပ်မှုအောက်တွင်ရှိသည်။ ၂၀၀၄ ခုနှစ်၌ စီမံကိန်း Rise of Central China Plan ကို နိုင်ငံတော်ကောင်စီ State Council of the People's Republic of China အကောင်အထည်ဖော်ရာတွင် ဗဟိုဒေသကို ဝန်းရံလျက်ရှိသော ဆန်းရှီး Shanxi, အန်ဟွေ့Anhuiစသည် ဖွံ့ဖြိုးပြီးဗဟိုဒေသလည်း ပါဝင်သတ်မှတ်ထားသည်။ .

Administrative divisions

GB[၅၅]ISO №[၅၆]

|-| style="text-align:center;" | 167,000| style="text-align:center;" | |

| Henan Province
河南省| | style="text-align:right;" | Zhengzhou| style="text-align:right;" | 94,023,567| style="text-align:right;" | 563.01| style="text-align:center;" |Hénán Shěng

|-| style="text-align:center;" | HB| style="text-align:center;" | 42| Hubei Province| 湖北省
Húběi Shěng| Wuhan| style="text-align:right;" | 57,237,740| style="text-align:right;" | 307.89| style="text-align:right;" | 185,900| style="text-align:center;" |

|-| style="text-align:center;" | HN| style="text-align:center;" | 43| Hunan Province

| 湖南省
Húnán Shěng| Changsha| style="text-align:right;" | 65,683,722| style="text-align:right;" | 312.77| style="text-align:right;" | 210,000| style="text-align:center;" |



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