The Carpenters

The Carpenters o l'ea 'n grûppo de muxicisti da-i Stati Unïi d'America. O l'ea fæto da 2 muxicisti:

  • Richard Carpenter
  • Karen Carpenter
The Carpenters a-o White House into 1972


  • Ticket to Ride (1969)
  • Close to You (1970)
  • Carpenters (1971)
  • A Song for You (1972)
  • Now and Then (1973)
  • Horizon (1975)
  • A Kind of Hush (1976)
  • Passage (1977)
  • Christmas Portrait (1978)
  • Made in America (1981)
  • Voice of the Heart (1983)
  • An Old-Fashioned Christmas (1984)
  • Lovelines (1989)
  • As Time Goes By (2004)

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Contròllo de outoritæVIAF (EN148850985 · ISNI (EN0000 0001 1530 0733 · LCCN (ENn89635212 · GND (DE1215341-2 · BNF (FRcb13902301s (data) · NLA (EN35153540 · WorldCat Identities (ENn89-635212