The Flaming Sideburns

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The Flaming Sideburns ass eng finnesch Rockband, déi 1995 zu Helsinki gegrënnt gouf.



  • 2001: Hallelujah Rock'n'Rollah
  • 2002: Save Rock'n'Roll
  • 2004: Sky Pilots
  • 2007: Keys to the Highway


  • 1997: Bama Lama Boogaloo!
  • 2002: It's Time to Testify Again
  • 2005: Mobile Graceland
  • 2006: Burn Rock'n'Roll


  • 1999: It's Time to Testify... Brothers and Sisters
  • 2006: Back to the Grave
  • 2008: Back 2 the Grave