Ohalo II

Ohalo II (Israelis borealis physicalis )
Ohalo II
Ohalo II
Situs in Israele boreali

Ohalo II est situs archaeologicus qui sub undas Maris Tiberiadis iacet, sed annis a 1989 ad 1991 et ab 1999 ad 2000 propter ariditatem insolitam patens erat. Ibi repertae sunt reliquia habitationis hominum qui annis fere 23 000 ante aevum nostrum vixerunt. Reliquia etiam seminum plantarumque edulium servata sunt.

Semina edulia ibi collecta et contusa sunt, praecipue Triticum dicoccoides, Hordeum spontaneum, Avena barbata, A. sterilis, saepe et Aegilops geniculata, Bromus pseudobrachystachys seu B. tigridis, Hordeum marinum sive H. hystrix, Piptatherum holciforme, P. blancheanum, Puccinellia convoluta, Lathyrus sp., Lens sp., Pisum sativum ssp. humile, Vicia palaestina. Nuces et semina fructuum silvaticarum, videlicet Quercus ithaburensis, Pistacia atlantica, Prunus dulcis, Olea europaea, Paliurus spina-christi, Rubus idaeus, Ficus carica, Vitis vinifera reperiuntur. Inter malas herbas eminebant species Galium tricornutum et Lolium temulentum, cuius origo antehac incertus erat; etiam repertae sunt quaedam hodie inter malas herbas comprehensae sed partim edules, Chenopodium album, Malva parviflora, Notobasis syriaca, Alopecurus utriculatus sive A. arundinaceus, Silybum marianum. Ad casas vel tuguria construenda Tamarix sp., Salix sp., Quercus ithaburensis, ad parietes complendas Atriplex vel Seidlitzia et Prosopis sp. adhibitae sunt. Animalia Mus musculus et Rattus rattus cum hominibus habitabant.


  • Peter Beaumont, "Archaeologists find possible evidence of earliest human agriculture" in The Guardian (24 Iulii 2015)
  • I. Hershkovitz, G. Edelson, M. Spiers, B. Arensburg, D. Nadel, B. Levi, "Ohalo II man—unusual findings in the anterior rib cage and shoulder girdle of a 19000-year-old specimen" in International Journal of Osteoarchaeology vol. 3 (1993) pp. 177–188 Epitome
  • I. Hershkovitz, M. S. Spiers, D. Frayer, D. Nadel, S. Wish-Baratz, B. Arensburg, "Ohalo II H2: A 19,000-year-old skeleton from a water-logged site at the Sea of Galilee, Israel" in American Journal of Physical Anthropology vol. 96 (1995) pp. 215–234 Epitome
  • M. E. Kislev, Dani Nadel, Israel Carmi, "Epipalaeolithic (19,000 BP) cereal and fruit diet at Ohalo II, Sea of Galilee, Israel" in Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology vol. 73 (1992) pp. 161–166
  • Dani Nadel, ed., Ohalo II: a 23,000-year-old Fisher-Hunter-Gatherers' Camp on the Shore of the Sea of Galilee (catalogus Musei Hecht). Haifa: University of Haifa, 2002 (Insunt: R. Rabinovich, "The mammal bones: environment, food and tools", pp. *24–*27; T. Simmons, "The birds from Ohalo II", pp. *32–*36; M. Belmaker, "The small mammals from Ohalo II and the environment, "Our mice that mar the land" (Samuel 1, VI:5)", pp. *37–*38; I. Zohar, "Fish and fishing at Ohalo II, pp. *28–*31)
  • Dani Nadel, Israel Carmi, Dror Segal, "Radiocarbon dating of Ohalo II: Archaeological and methodological implications" in Journal of Archaeological Science vol. 22 (1995) pp. 811-822 Epitome
  • Dani Nadel, I. Hershkovitz, "New Subsistence Data and Human Remains from the Earliest Levantine Epipalaeolithic" in Current Anthropology vol. 32 (1991) p. 631 ff.
  • Dani Nadel, Dolores R. Piperno, Irene Holst, Ainit Snir. Ehud Weiss, "New evidence for the processing of wild cereal grains at Ohalo II, a 23 000-year-old campsite on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Israel" in Antiquity vol. 86 (2012) pp. 990-1003 Epitome
  • Dani Nadel, Ehud Weiss, Orit Simchoni, Alexander Tsatskin, Avinoam Danin, Mordechai Kislev, "Stone Age hut in Israel yields world's oldest evidence of bedding" in Proceedings of the Naational Academy of Sciences vol. 101 (2004) pp. 6821-6826
  • Dolores R. Piperno, Ehud Weiss, Irene Holst, Dani Nadel, "Processing of wild cereal grains in the Upper Palaeolithic revealed by starch grain analysis" in Nature vol. 430 (5 August 2004) pp. 670-673 Epitome
  • T. Simmons, Dani Nadel, "The avifauna of the early Epipalaeolithic site of Ohalo II (19 400 years BP), Israel: species diversity, habitat and seasonality" in International Journal of Osteoarchaeology vol. 8 (1998) pp. 79–96
  • Ainit Snir, Dani Nadel, Iris Groman-Yaroslavski, Yoel Melamed, Marcelo Sternberg, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Ehud Weiss, "The Origin of Cultivation and Proto-Weeds, Long Before Neolithic Farming" in PLOS One (22 Iulii 2015)
  • Ainit Snir, Dani Nadel, Ehud Weiss, "Plant-food preparation on two consecutive floors at Upper Paleolithic Ohalo II, Israel[nexus deficit]" in Journal of Archaeological Science vol. 53 (2015) pp. 61-71
  • Weiss E, Kislev ME, Simchoni O, Nadel D (2005) Small-grained wild grasses as staple food at the 23,000 year old site of Ohalo II, Israel. Economic Botany: S125-S134
  • Ehud Weiss, E. Mordechai, O. Simchoni, Dani Nadel, H. Tschauner, "Plant-food preparation area on an Upper Paleolithic brush hut floor at Ohalo II, Israel" in Journal of Archaeological Science vol. 35 (2008) pp. 2400-2414 Epitome
  • Ehud Weiss, Wilma Wetterstrom, Dani Nadel, Ofer Bar-Yosef, "The broad spectrum revisited: Evidence from plant remains" in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol. 101 (2004) pp. 9551–9555

Nexus externi