Калып:Hidden begin

Көчүрүүгө камылга

Кыскача башжазуу:

{{Hidden begin|Башжауу =}}

Толук нускасы:

{{Hidden begin |Жээк = |Шилтеме = |Башжазуу = |Шрифт_башжазуу = |Жантык_башжазуу = |Фон_башжазуу = |Түздөө_башжазуу = |Стиль башжазук = |Шрифт_текст = |Жантык_текст = |Фон_текст  = |Түздөө_текст = |Стиль текст =}}


{{Hidden begin|toggle=|border=|header=|title=|titlestyle=|bodystyle=|bg1=|bg2=|ta1=|ta2=|extra1=|extra2=}}<!-- content -->{{Hidden end}}


toggleSet to "left" (without speechmarks) to move [show/hide] button to titlebar's lefthand side.
titleText shown in titlebar.
titlestyleCSS styles to apply to title, e.g. "border:1px solid lightgrey;" to produce a border around the titlebar, "background:color;" to change the titlebar's background color from transparent to color, "text-align:[center/right];" to change the titlebar text's alignment from left to center or right, etc.
bodystyleCSS styles to apply to the hidden material, e.g. background and text-align per titlestyle.


{{hidden begin|title = default example}}*def*ghi{{hidden end}}
{{hidden begin|title = title with background:pink|titlestyle = background:pink;}}*def*ghi{{hidden end}}
{{hidden begin|title = title aligned in the center|titlestyle = background:pink; text-align:center;}}*def*ghi{{hidden end}}
{{hidden begin|title = title aligned on the right needs padding-right|titlestyle = background:pink; text-align:right;padding-right:3em;}}*change window width and*watch title alignment{{hidden end}}
{{hidden begin|toggle     = left|title      = title with toggle=left|titlestyle = background:palegreen;}}*def*ghi{{hidden end}}
{{hidden begin|toggle     = right|title      = title with toggle=right|titlestyle = background:lightgrey;}}*def*ghi{{hidden end}}
{{hidden begin|toggle     = left|title      = abc with toggle=left|titlestyle = background:palegreen;|bodystyle  = font-size:150%; font-weight:bold; }}*def*ghi{{hidden end}}
{{hidden begin|toggle     = right|header     = deprecated_header_|title      = title with toggle=right|titlestyle = font-style:italic; padding-right:3em;|border     = dashed|bg1        = palegreen|bg2        = cyan|ta1        = left|ta2        = center|extra1     = font-size:120%|extra2     = font-size:150%}}*make window narrower and*title will wrap{{hidden end}}
{{hidden begin|toggle     = right|title      = title with non-breaking spaces|titlestyle = |border     = dotted|bg1        = cyan|bg2        = yellow|ta1        = right|ta2        = left|extra1     = font-size:120%; padding-right:2.5em;|extra2     = font-size:150%; padding-left:3em;}}*def these should have left padding *ghi{{hidden end}}

See also