Wîkîpediya:Wîkîpediya Meha Asyayê/2020

Wîkîpediya Meha Asyayê 2020

Wîkîpediya Meha Asyayê pêşbaziyeke Wîkîpediyayê yê salane ye ku pêşdederxistina naverokên Asyayê bi zimanên curbicur armanc digire. Her civateke beşdar li ser Wîkîpediya xwe û bi zimanê xwe di meha çiriya pêşîn de maratoneke wîkiyê (edit-a-thon) bi rê ve dibe. Meqseda vê wîkîmaratonê ji xeynî welatê xwe, çêkirin û pêşxistina gotarên nû ên derbarê mijarên Asyayê de ye. Kurdistan û zimanê kurdî jî yek ji welatên Asyayê tê qebûlkirin. Lewma di wîkiyên kurdî de gotarên derbarê Kurdistanê de ji bo vê wîkîmaratonê nayên hejmartin. Beşdarî ne tenê bi welatên Asyayê sînordar e, welatên ne li Asyayê jî dikarin vê maratonê li ser wîkiya xwe li dar bixin û bi vî awayî naverokên di derbarê Asyayê de çêkin an bi pêş bixin.

The first iteration of this competition began in 2015 and each year the number of articles has increased and the participants have diversified and expanded. In the past five years, over 37,500 high-quality articles have been added in more than 60 language-specific Wikipedias by more than 2,900 Wikipedia editors.

As part of the friendship and cultural exchange of the Wikipedia Asian Community, participants who create at least four articles will receive a special Wikipedia Postcard from another participating community.

Get ready to be surprised! You never know which Wiki community will be sending you postcards! Wikipedians who create the most articles on each Wikipedia will be honored as "Wikipedia Asian Ambassadors".


In a nutshell: Create new articles relating to Asia (people, places, culture, etc.), 3,000 bytes and 300 words minimum, with sources, during November 2020. Lists do not qualify.

  • The article is newly created by you (i.e. not expanding stubs) between November 1, 2020 0:00 and November 30, 2020 23:59 (UTC).
  • The article should be at least 3,000 bytes and at least 300 words in length. (excluding infobox, templates, etc.)
  • The article must fulfill the notability criteria.
  • The article must have decent references; doubtful or controversial statements in the article should be verifiable by the citation(s) listed in that article.
  • The article must not be purely machine translated and should be properly copy edited.
  • There must be no major issues with the article (no copyright violations, questions of notability, etc.)
    • Editors who submit multiple instances of copyright violations may be disqualified from winning the ambassador title.
  • The article should not be a list.
    • Exception: Creating a list that becomes a featured list counts. (Only applies in Wikipedias that have featured lists.)
  • The article should be informative.
  • The article should be about any topic concerning an Asian country.
  • Articles submitted by an organizer need to be checked by other organizers.
  • Judge(s) from each language Wikipedia will determine whether an article is accepted or not for their language Wikipedia's contest.
  • When you create 4 articles that fulfill the above rules, you will receive a WAM postcard from one of the Asian communities.
  • Wikipedia Asian Ambassadors will receive a signed certificate from Asian Affiliates, and an additional postcard. See the Q&A for more information.

Qeyd bibe

Tu dikarî li seranserê meha çiriya pêşîn qeydê xwe çêkî.

Gotaran bişîne

Dixwazî li ser Wîkîpediya kurdî beşdariya Wîkimediya Meha Asyayê bikî? Nexwe beşdariyên xwe bi wasiteya amûra şandinê bişîne me.

Ger di şandina gotaran de problem derkevin û tu bixwe nikaribî, dikarî problema xwe li ser rûpela gotûbêjê yê çalakiyê binivîsînî û paşê cardin biceribînî. Ger hê jî problemên te hebin, dikarî beşdariyên xwe li ser rûpela Beşdaran binivîsînî an bi organîzerê re têkiliyê deynî.


Lînkên kêrhatî

Komên beşdarbûyî