
Belgekirina modulê
-- This module holds configuration data for [[Module:Shortcut]].return {-- The heading at the top of the shortcut box. It accepts the following parameter:-- $1 - the total number of shortcuts. (required)['shortcut-heading'] = '[[Wîkîpediya:Kurtenav|Kurte]]',-- The heading when |redirect=yes is given. It accepts the following parameter:-- $1 - the total number of shortcuts. (required)['redirect-heading'] = '[[Wîkîpediya:Beralîkirin|Beralîkirin]]',-- The error message to display when a shortcut is invalid (is not a string, or-- is the blank string). It accepts the following parameter:-- $1 - the number of the shortcut in the argument list. (required)['invalid-shortcut-error'] = 'kurtenava #$1 nayê zanîn (divê kurtenav nivîsî be ' ..'û herî kêm herfek hebe)',-- The error message to display when no shortcuts or other displayable content-- were specified. (required)['no-content-error'] = 'Çewtî: ti kurtenav nehatiye nivîsîn û parametreya ''|msg=') ..' nehatiye dayîn.',-- A category to add when the no-content-error message is displayed. (optional)['no-content-error-category'] = 'Şablonên kurtenavan bi parametreyên şaş',}