사용자:Kchwoo9/작업장 VI

1989년 소비에트 중앙 아시아의 지도
중앙아시아의 지도로서,

소비에트 중앙 아시아소비에트 연방중앙아시아 지역으로, 1918년부터 1991년까지 소비에트 연방의 지배를 받았으며, 러시아 제국 시대의 러시아령 투르키스탄과 비슷한 뜻으로도 사용되고 있다. 소비에트 중앙아시아는 1920년대에서 1930년대 사이에 현재의 경계선이 확립되었으며, 우즈베크 SSR, 카자흐 SSR, 키르기스 SSR, 타지크 SSR, 투르크멘 SSR 등이 속해 있었다.


초기 행정구역

투르키스탄 ASSR

1922년 소비에트 중앙아시아의 지도-투르키스탄 ASSR과 키르키즈 ASSR이 표시되어 있다.

The beginning of the 18th century marked the zenith of the Kazakh Khanate. During this period the Little jüz participated in the 1723–1730 war against the Dzungars, following their "Great Disaster" invasion of Kazakh territories. Under the leadership of Abul Khair Khan the Kazakhs won major victories over the Dzungar at the Bulanty River (1726) and at the Battle of Anrakay in 1729.In the 19th century, the Russian Empire began to expand, and spread into Central Asia.

The Anglo-Russian colonialist "Great Game" period is generally regarded as running from approximately 1813 to the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907. Following the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 a second less intensive phase followed. The tsars effectively ruled over most of the territory belonging to what is now the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Russia anexed Lake Issyk Kul in north east Kyrgyzstan of off China in the 1860s.

Emerging from the Russian Empire following the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Russian Civil War of 1918–1921, the USSR was a union of several Soviet republics, but the synecdoche Russia — after its largest and dominant constituent state — continued to be commonly used throughout the state's existence. Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (initially Turkestan Socialist Federative Republic) (April 30, 1918 – October 27, 1924) was created from the Turkestan Krai of Imperial Russia. Its capital was Tashkent, population about 5,000,000.

British and Persian forces briefly tried to liberate Baku in Azerbaijan and the Turkmen port of Krasnovodsk. Bukhara, Khiva, Samarkand, Kokand, Dushanbe and the former Trans-Caspian province would see various anti-Bolshevik risings over the next few years.

In 1924, it was split into Tajik ASSR (now Tajikistan), Turkmen SSR (now Turkmenistan), Uzbek SSR (now Uzbekistan), Kara-Kirghiz Autonomous Oblast (now Kyrgyzstan), and Karakalpak Autonomous Oblast (now Karakalpakstan).

부카란 소비에트 인민 공화국

부카란 PSR의 기

In March 1918, activists of the Young Bukharan Movement informed the Bolsheviks that the Bukharans were ready for the revolution and that the people were awaiting liberation. The Red Army marched to the gates of Bukhara and demanded that the emir surrender the city to the Young Bukharans. As Russian sources report, the emir responded by murdering the Bolshevik delegation, along with several hundred Russian inhabitants of Bukhara and the surrounding territories. The majority of Bukharans did not support an invasion and the ill-equipped and ill-disciplined Bolshevik army fled back to the Soviet stronghold at Tashkent.

However, the emir had won only a temporary respite. As the civil war in Russia wound down, Moscow sent reinforcements to Central Asia. On 2 September 1920, an army of well-disciplined and well equipped Red Army troops under the command of Bolshevik general Mikhail Frunze attacked the city. After four days of fighting, the emir's citadel (Arc) was destroyed, the Red flag was raised from the top of Kalyan Minaret, and the Emir Alim Khan was forced to flee to his base at Dushanbe in Eastern Bukharan, and finally to Kabul, Afghanistan.

A nearby anti-Bolshevik stronghold in the Tadjik/Moslem village of Khangir (qingir) declared its independence shortly afterwards, but soon surrendered after a 14 day siege by Russian and Bokhkori Bolsheviks. It was then quickly re-integrated back into Communist Bokhorah.

The Bukharan People's Republic was proclaimed on 8 October 1920 under Faizullah Khojaev. The overthrow of the Emir was the impetus for the Basmachi Revolt, a conservative anti-communist rebellion. In 1922, most of the territory of the republic was controlled by Basmachi, surrounding the city of Bukhara. Joseph Stalin would later purge and exile many of the local Bukhori people as well as most of the local Jewish community from the former Bukharan People's Soviet Republic.

Prior to the establishment of the state of Israel, the Bukharian Jews were one of the most isolated Jewish communities in the world.

With the establishment of Soviet rule on the territory in 1917, Jewish life seriously deteriorated. Throughout 1920s and 1930s, thousands of Jews, fleeing religious oppression, confiscation of property, summary arrests, and repressions, fled to Palestine.

호레즘 PSR의 기

호레즘 소비에트 인민 공화국은 히바 한국 이후에 등장하였고, 1920년 2월 생겨나, 1920년 4월 26년 공식적으로 건국을 선포했다. 1923년 10월 20일 호레즘 소비에트 사회주의 공화국으로 바뀌었다. 호레잠 SSR은 1925년 2월 17일까지 존속했고 우즈베크 SSR, 투르크멘 SSR, 카라칼팍 자치주로 민족별 구성에 따라 분리되었다.

카라키르기스 자치주는 1924년 10월 14일 투르키스탄 ASSR의 카자흐와 키르기스 지역을 분리하여 형성되었다. 1925년 5월 15일 키르기스 자치주로 재명명되었으며 1926년 2월 11일 키르기스 ASSR으로 승격되었다. 1936년 12월 5일에는 키르기스 SSR로서, 소비에트 연방을 구성하는 한 공화국이 되었다.

카라칼팍 자치주는 1925년 2월 19일 수립되었고 투르키스탄 ASSR과 호레즘 소비에트 사회주의 공화국으로부터 카라칼팍 지역을 분리시켰다.

카라칼팍 자치주는 러시아 SFSR에 1930년 7월 20일부터 1932년 3월 20일까지 속해 있다가 1932년 3월 20일 카라칼팍 ASSR으로 승격, 1936년 12월 5일에 우즈베크 SSR에 이관되었다.

카자흐 ASSR

카자흐 ASSR은 소비에트 연방의 한 자치공화국으로서 1936년 12월 5일에 카자흐 SSR으로 승격되었다.

원명은 키르키즈 ASSR이었는데, 1920년 8월 26일 수립되었고 러시아 SFSR의 일부였다.

1925년 카자흐 ASSR으로 개칭되었고 1929년 알마티(알마아타)를 ASSR의 수도로 새로이 선정하였다.

소비에트 공화국들

카자흐 SSR의 기

카자흐 SSR은 1936년 12월 5일 수립되었고, 과거에는 키르기스 ASSR이라고 불리우던 지역이었다.1925년 4월 15일에서 19일 사이에 이 지역은 카자흐 ASSR이라는 이름으로 개칭되었으며, 1936년 12월 5일 소비에트 연방의 한 공화국으로 승격되었다. 1950년대에서 60년대 사이에 많은 소련 시민들은 흐루쇼프가 제안한 버진 랜드에 이주할 것을 촉구받기도 했다. 대부분은 러시아인들과 우크라이나인들로 구성되어 있었으며 일부 소수민족-예를 들면 볼가 독일인체첸인들도 이주해왔고 결국 이들이 원주민인 카자흐인들보다 수가 많아지는 괴이한 민족혼합이 이루어졌다.

1924년에 중앙아시아의 여러 정치적 구역들은 블라디미르 레닌의 인민 위원회와 스탈린에 의하여 민족집단이 구분되어 설정되었다. 투르크멘 ASSR과 부카란 소비에트 인민 공화국, 코레잠 소비에트 인민 공화국은 폐지되엇고 그 구역은 다섯개의 새로운 소비에트 공화국으로 재편성되었고 그중 하나는 우즈베크 ASSR의 영토가 되게 된다. 그 다음해 우즈베크 ASSR은 공식적으로 소련의 한 공화국인 우즈베크 SSR로 승격되었다.

알마티카자흐 SSR에서 가장 큰 도시이자 수도였고 2005년 통계에 따르면 1,226,000명의 사람들이 거주하고 있다.[1] 2003년 민족구성은 카자흐인이 43.6%, 러시아인이 40.2%, 위구르인이 5.7%, 타타르인이 2.1%, 한국인이 1.8%, 우크라이나인이 1.7%, 독일인이 0.7%였다.

키르기스 SSR의 기

키르기스SSR, 즉 키르기스 소비에트 사회주의 공화국은 키르시지아로도 알려졌고, 소비에트 연방의 15개 공화국 중 하나였다. 1924년 10월 14일에 러시아 SFSR의 카라-키르기스 자치구가 설치된 것을 시작으로 하여서 1926년 2월 1일에는 키르기스 소비에트 자치 공화국으로 변경되었다. 1936년 12월 5일에는 소련이 민족별로 공화국을 설치하겠다는 의도에 따라 러시아 SFSR로부터 분리되어 키르기스 소비에트 사회주의 공화국이라는 별개의 소비에트 공화국이 되었다.

타지크 SSR의 기

The Tajik SSR was one of the new states created in Central Asia in 1924 was Uzbekistan, which had the status of a Soviet socialist republic. In 1929 Tajikistan was detached from Uzbekistan and given full status as a Soviet socialist republic. The city of Dushanbe would become an important regional hub on the border with Afghanistan.

Tajikistan has 3 exclaves, all of them located in the Fergana Valley region where Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan meet. The largest is Vorukh (with an area between 95 – 130 km²/37 – 50 sq mi, population estimated between 23,000 and 29,000, 95% Tajiks and 5% Kyrgyz, distributed among 17 villages), located 45 kilometres (28 miles) south of Isfara on the right bank of the Karafshin river, in Kyrgyz territory. Another exclave in Kyrgyzstan is a small settlement near the Kyrgyz railway station of Kairagach. The last is the village of Sarvan, which includes a narrow, long strip of land (about 15 km (9 mi) long by 1 km (over ½ mi) wide) alongside the road from Angren to Kokand; it is surrounded by Uzbek territory. There are no foreign enclaves within Tajikistan.

In 1929, Dushanbe was renamed "Stalinabad", after Joseph Stalin; as part of Nikita Khrushchev's de-Stalinization initiative, the city was renamed "Dushanbe" in 1961. The Soviets transformed the area into a centre for cotton and silk production, and relocated tens of thousands of people to the city from around the Soviet Union. The population also increased with thousands of ethnic Tajiks migrating to Tajikistan following the transfer of Bukhara and Samarkand to the Uzbek SSR. Dushanbe later became the home to a university and the Tajik Academy of Sciences. Severe Tadjik nationalist rioting occurred in 1990, rumor said that Moscow had planned to relocate tens of thousands of Armenian refugees to Tajikistan. Dushanbe also had a relatively high military population during the war with Afghanistan.

투르크멘 SSR의 기

투르크멘 SSR은 소비에트 연방의 15개 공화국 중 하나로서, 1921년 8월 7일 투르키스탄 ASSR의 투르크멘 주로 창설되었다. 1925년 5월 13일 투르크멘 SSR로 승격되었고 소비에트 연방을 구성하는 하나의 공화국이 되었다. 현재는 독립국인 투르크메니스탄이다.

투르크멘 SSR 공산당은 투르크멘 SSR의 집권당이었으며, 소련 공산당의 일부이기도 했다. 1985년부터는 사파르무라트 니야조프가 당 서기를 지냈으며 공산당을 투르크메니스탄 민주당으로 개칭하였다. 현재의 투르크메니스탄 민주당은 더이상 공산주의 성격을 띈 정당이 아니며 현재 투르크메니스탄에서는 공산당은 불법이다.[2]

아슈하바트는 2001년 인구조사 결과 695,300 정도의 인구가 거주하는 것으로 추산되었으며, 대부분 투르크멘 인이 거주하고 소수민족으로는 러시아인, 아르메니아인, 아제르바이잔인등이 거주하고 있다. 아슈하바트는 이란의 마샤드 시로부터 920 km 떨어져 있다. 주요한 산업으로는 금속관련 산업과 섬유산업이 발달해 있다.

우즈베크 SSR의 기

In 1924, the new national boundaries separating the Uzbek and Kyrgyz Soviet Socialist Republics cut off the eastern end of the Fergana Valley, as well as the slopes surrounding it. This was compounded in 1928 when the Tajik ASSR became a fully-fledged republic, the Tajik SSR, and the area around Khodjend was made a part of it. This blocked the valley's natural outlet and the routes to Samarkand and Bukhara, but none of these borders was of any great significance so long as Soviet rule lasted.

우즈베크 SSR은 1929년까지 타지크 ASSR을 자국 내부의 자치공화국으로 가지고 있었으나 1929년에 타지크 ASSR도 타지크 SSR이라는 대등한 위치에 있는 소련내 공화국이 되었다. 1930년에는 우즈베크의 수도를 사마르칸트에서 타슈겐트로 이전하였다. 1936년에는 카자흐 SSR로부터 카라칼팍 ASSR을 이양받아서 영토가 더욱 넓어졌다. 2차대전동안 여러 지역들이 카자흐 SSR로 이관되었다가 다시 전후에 우즈베크로 재이관되었다. 스탈린의 대숙청 기간동안 많은 체첸인들, 한국인들, 크리미안 타타르인들이 우즈베크 SSR로 강제이주되었다. The State Anthem of the Uzbek SSR was the national anthem of Uzbekistan when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Uzbek SSR.

The city of Tashkent began to industrialize in the 1920s and 1930s, but industry increased tremendously during World War II, with the relocation of factories from western Russia to preserve the Soviet industrial capacity from the hostile invading Nazis. The Russian population increased dramatically as well, with evacuees from the war zones increasing the population to well over a million. (The Russian community would eventually comprise more than half of the total residents of Tashkent by the 1980s.) On April 26, 1966, Tashkent was destroyed by a huge earthquake (7.5 on the Richter scale) and over 300,000 were left homeless. At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Tashkent was the fourth largest Soviet city and a major center of learning in the fields of science and engineering.

As the nation's capital, Tashkent is still a fairly prosperous city and the capital of Uzbekistan and has a population of the city in 2006 was 2.1 million. The city has been the target of several terrorist acts since gaining independence. These have been attributed by the Uzbek the government to Islamic insugents aided by the Afghan Taliban.

Samarkand is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world, prospering from its location on the trade route between China and Europe (Silk Road). In 1370, Timur the Lame, or Tamerlane, decided to make Samarkand the capital of his empire, which extended from India to Turkey. Despite its status as the second city of Uzbekistan, the majority of the city's inhabitants are Persian-speaking Tajiks. The city a became rich trading center as a major capital of the Silk Road between China and the West. The Timurid dynasty's extensive building in Samarkand produced monuments that rank amongst some of the most striking in the Islamic world.

공산주의에 대한 대항

코간드 자치국

코간드 자치국의 기, 1917-1918

Kokand is a city in Fergana Province in eastern Uzbekistan, at the southwestern edge of the Fergana Valley. It has a population of 192,500 bu 1999. Kokand is 228 km southeast of Tashkent, 115 km west of Andijan, and 88 km west of Fergana. It is nicknamed “City of Winds”, or sometimes “Town of the Boar". It is at an altitude of 409 meters.

Kokand is on the crossroads of the ancient trade routes, at the junction of two main routes into the Fergana Valley, one leading northwest over the mountains to Tashkent, and the other west through Khujand. As a result, Kokand is the main transportation junction in the Fergana Valley.

Russian imperial forces under Mikhail Skobelev captured the city in 1876 which then became part of Russian Turkistan. With the fall of the Russian Empire, a provisional government attempted to maintain control in Tashkent. It was quickly overthrown and local Muslim opposition crushed. In April 1918, Tashkent became the capital of the Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (Turkestan ASSR). It was the capital of the short-lived (1917 – 18) Anti-Bolshevik Provisional Government of Autonomous Turkistan (also known as Kokand Autonomy).

알라시 자치국(Алаш аутономиясы)의 기. 1917년 선포되었으나 1920년 사라졌다.

The Alash Autonomy (틀:Lang-kz; [Алашская автономия, Alashskaya avtonomiya] Error: {{Lang-xx}}: text has italic markup (도움말)) was a state that existed between December 13, 1917 and August 26, 1920, located roughly on the territory of present day Republic of Kazakhstan. The capital city was Semey (referred to at the time as Alash-qala).

The Alash Orda (틀:Lang-kz) was the name of the provisional Kazakh government between 13 December 1917 and 26 August 1920. It was led by Akhmet Baytursinuli, Alikhan Bokeikhanov and Mirjaqip Dulatuli amongst others.

The Alash Party proclaimed the autonomy of the Kazakh people in December 1917. Membership consists from 25 members (10 positions reserved for non-Kazakhs) and 15 member candidates. They formed special educational commission and established militia regimentsas their armed forces.

The borders of the Russian imperial territories of Kiva, Bukhara and Kokand in the time period of 1902-1903.

바스마치 반란

In 1897, the railway reached Tashkent, and finally in 1906 a direct rail link with European Russia was opened across the steppe from Orenburg to Tashkent. This led to much larger numbers of Slavic settlers flowing into Turkestan than had hitherto been the case, and their settlement was overseen by a specially created Migration Department in St. Petersburg (Переселенческое Управление). This caused considerable discontent amongst the local population, Kyrgyz, Kazakhs and Sarts, as these settlers took scarce land and water resources away from them. In 1916 discontent boiled over in the Basmachi Revolt, sparked by a decree conscripting the natives into Labour battalions (they had previously been exempt from military service). Thousands of settlers were killed, and this was matched by Russian reprisals, particularly against the nomadic population. The competition for land and water which ensued between the Kazakhs and the newcomers caused great resentment against colonial rule during the final years of Tsarist Russia, with the most serious uprising, the Central Asian Revolt, occurring in 1916. The Kazakhs attacked Russian and Cossack villages, killing indiscriminately. The Russians' revenge was merciless. A military force drove 300,000 Kazakhs to flee into the mountains or to China. When approximately 80,000 of them returned the next year, many of them were slaughtered by Tsarist forces. Order had not really been restored by the time the February Revolution took place in 1917. This would usher in a still bloodier chapter in Turkestan's history, as the Bolsheviks of the Tashkent Soviet (made up entirely of Russian soldiers and railway workers, with no Muslim members) launched an attack on the autonomous Jadid government in Kokand early in 1918, which sadly left 14,000 dead. Resistance to the Bolsheviks by the local population (dismissed as 'Basmachi' or 'Banditry' by Soviet historians) continued well into the 1920s.

During the 1921-22 famine, another million Kazakhs died from starvation. Today, the estimates suggest that the population of Kazakhstan would be closer to 20 million if there had been no starvation or massacre of Kazakhs.[출처 필요]

켄기르 반란

During the Soviet era, the Gulags once spread over the Kazakhstan steppe like a thick wreath. The city of Dzhezkazgan was the site of a Gulag labour camp, Kengir, mentioned in Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's book, The Gulag Archipelago. Russian actor Oleg Yankovsky is the most famous of the city's natives. A notorious political prison labour camp of Steplag division of the Gulag system of Kazakhstan was set up adjacent to the village of Kengir, near the River Kengir in central Kazakhstan. There was a prison revolt in 1954, by brutally abused political prisoners, criminals and other victims of the Soviet repression.


석유와 가스

After World War II the Soviet Union rapidly industrialized Kazakhstan, and started prospecting for oil in the whole of Soviet Central Asia. Oil was found in Uzbekistan and both oil and gas were found in Turkmenistan. These fuel supplies would prove invaluable to the region over the coming years.

The central part of the Ferghana Valley's geological depression that forms the valley is characterized by block subsidence, originally to depths estimated at 6–7 km, largely filled with sediments that range in age as far as the Permian-Triassic boundary. Some of the sediments are marine carbonates and clays. The faults are upthrusts and over thrusts. Anticlines associated with these faults form traps for petroleum and natural gas, which has been discovered in 52 small fields.[3]

Kazakhstan's Mangystau Province has an area of 165,600 square kilometers and a population of 316,847. It is a major oil and gas-producing region. The city of Aktau was built in Kazakhstan's Mangyshlak Peninsula a small village to house the region's oil workers in 1961. Over the years an inevitably large influx of Russian and Ukrainian oil and chemical workers flowed. Engineers discovered after large amounts of crude oil and petroleum in the area in the days of the Soviet Union and when drilling commenced, much of the area was built up around the industry is country's only seaport on the Caspian Sea.

From 1964 to 1991, the by then city was named Shevchenko to honour the Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko, who was once sadly sent away to this remote location because of his political beliefs. The average temperature on January is -3 °C, on July +26 °C. Average annual rainfall - 150 mm. Aktau had a population of 154,500 in 2004.

금속 산업

카자흐스탄의 제즈카즈간의 위치

Kazakhstan had started to produce and refine sizable amounts of tin and uranium by the early 1970s. Vanadium and cobalt were, and still are also mined in the south of the country. Uranium was also first produced in Uzbekistan in the 1970s.

The city of Zhezkazgan was created in 1938 in connection with the exploitation of the rich local copper deposits. In 1973 a large mining and metallurgical complex was constructed to the southeast to smelt the copper that until then had been sent elsewhere for processing. Other metal ores mined and processed locally are manganese, iron and gold.It is on a reservoir of the Kara-Kengir River and has a population of 90,000 (1999 census).

Its urban area includes the neighbouring mining town of Satpayev, total population 148,700. 55% of the population are Kazakhs, 30% Russians, with smaller minorities of Ukrainians, Germans, Chechens and Koreans. Dzhezkazgan has an extreme continental climate. The average temperature ranges from +24 °C (75 °F) in July to -16 °C (3 °F) in January.

Today the city is the headquarters of the copper conglomerate Kazakhmys, the city's main employer. The company has subsidiaries in China, Russia, France and the UK and is listed on the London Stock Exchange.


시멘트는 남부지역에서 주요한 생산 품목이었다.


1970년대 초에, 소비에트 정부는 동부 카자흐,키르기즈, 타지크 지역에 개발정책을 위하여 수력발전소를 건설하기로 결정하였다. 일리 강과 발하쉬 호수는 카자흐의 주요 경제 성장의 원동력이 되었으며

By the early 1970s, the Soviets had started to build some of their hydroelectric power stations in Easter Kazakhstan, Kirgystan and Tadjikistan as part of an overall development strategy. The waters of the Ili River and of Lake Balkhash are considered to be of a vital economic importance to Kazakhstan. The Ili river is dammed for hydroelectric power at Kaptchagayskoye, and the river waters are heavily diverted for agricultural irrigation and for industrial purposes.

면화농사와 아랄해

소비에트 연방은 버진 랜드 프로젝트 이후 우즈베크에서 대규모로 목화재배를 하기로 결정하고, 이를 위해서 아무다라야 강의 수원을 끌어다 썼다. 그로 인하여 원래 매우 큰 담수호였던 아랄 해로 흘러들던 아무다라야 강의 물이 새로이 개간한 목화재배단지로 가게 되었고 이는 아랄 해가 말라붙게 만들었다.

바이코누르 우주 기지는 1955년 6월 2일 카자흐 SSR에 냉전 당시 장거리 핵미사일 기지로 건설되었으나 후일에 우주기지로 변경되었다.

2005년 6월 8일, 러시아와 카자흐스탄은 2050년까지 러시아가 우주 기지를 임대한다는 연장 계약서에 서명하였다.

문화, 종교, 인종

Most of the inhabitants were either nomadic Turkic speakers like the Kazakhs or settled Turkic speakers like the Uzbeks. There were also some settled farming and urban Iranic communities like the Tadjiks and Bukhara in the south, and nomadic Mongolic Kyrgiz on the order with China. The Slavic community was would grow very rapidly under communism and Russians would eventually become a major ethnic group in the region. The Slavic population followed Orthodox Christianity, while the rest were mostly Sunni Muslims. Various nationality, such as the Meskhetian Turks and Volga Germans would get banished to the region.The Bolsheviks would quickly set about closing mosques and churches throughout the former USSR. This became particularly prevalent in the 1930s, but had been fully abandoned by the 1980s. Neither Christianity or Islam would give in to the intolerant Communist ideology.


외부 링크

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