노퍽 섬의 국가

핏케언 찬가(Pitcairn Anthem) 또는 그대에게 축복이 오길(Come ye Blessed)은 노퍽섬국가로, 핏케언 섬의 옛 국가이기도 하다. 국가의 가사는 마태오 복음서 25장 34-36절과 40절을 사용하고 있다.


Then shall the King
Say unto them
On his right hand:
Come ye blessed of my Father
Inherit the kingdom prepared for you
From the foundation of the world
I was hunger’d and ye gave me meat,
I was thirsty and ye gave me drink
I was a stranger and ye took me in,
Naked and ye clothed me,
I was sick and ye visited me,
I was in prison and ye came unto me
In as much ye have done it unto one of the least of
These my brethren
Ye have done it unto me,
Ye have done it unto me.