



  • ユダヤ教の礼拝
  • アミーダー
  • アムラム・ガーオーン
  • エルアーザル・カーリール
  • サアディヤー・ガーオーン
  • トーラー・データベース
  • ミンハーグマハゾール祈祷書礼拝


  • Jewish Liturgy: A Comprehensive History, en:Ismar Elbogen, en:Jewish Publication Society, 1993. This is the most thorough academic study of the Jewish liturgy ever written. Originally published in German in 1913, and updated in a number of Hebrew editions, the latest edition has been translated into English by Raymond P. Scheindlin. This work covers the entire range of Jewish liturgical development, beginning with the early cornerstones of the siddur; through the evolution of the medieval piyyut tradition; to modern prayerbook reform in Germany and the United States.
  • Joseph Heinemann "Prayer in the Talmud", Gruyter, NY, 1977
  • Kavvana: Directing the Heart in Jewish Prayer, Seth Kadish, Jason Aronson Inc. 1997.
  • The Encyclopedia of Jewish Prayer Macy Nulman, Jason Aronson Inc.,1993. Provides in one volume information on every prayer recited in the Ashkenazi and Sephardic traditions. Arranged alphabetically by prayer, this book includes information on the prayers, their composers and development, the laws and customs surrounding them, and their place in the service.
  • Jakob J. Petuchowski "Contributions to the Scientific Study of Jewish Liturgy" Ktav, NY, 1970
  • The Artscroll Siddur, Ed. Nosson Scherman, Mesorah Publications. A popular Orthodox prayerbook with running commentary. The amount of commentary varies by version.
  • The Authorised Daily Prayer Book of the British Commonwealth, translation by Rabbi Eli Cashdan. A Orthodox prayerbook widely used in the UK and other Commonwealth countries.
  • Siddur HaEsh (of Fire) in Hebrew Wikibooks


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