Theodore G. Bilbo

Theodore Gilmore Bilbo (13 Oktober 1877 – 21 Agustus 1947) adalah seorang politikus Amerika Serikat yang dua kali menjabat sebagai gubernur Mississippi (1916–20, 1928–32) dan kemudian terpilih menjadi Senator Amerika Serikat (1935–47). Bilbo meyakini bahwa orang kulit hitam adalah inferior; ia membela segregasi, dan merupakan anggota Ku Klux Klan.[1][2]

Theodore G. Bilbo


Bacaan tambahan

  • Boulard, Garry, "'The Man' vs. 'The Quisling': Theodore Bilbo, Hodding Carter and the 1946 Democratic Parimary," Journal of Mississippi History,1989, 51, 201–17.
  • Cresswell, Stephen. Rednecks, Redeemers, And Race: Mississippi After Reconstruction, 1877–1917], 2006 – excerpt and text search]
  • Gehrke, Pat J. "The Southern Association of Teachers of Speech v. Senator Theodore Bilbo: Restraint and Indirection as Rhetorical Strategies." Southern Communication Journal 2007, 72, 95–104.
  • Giroux, Vincent A., Jr. "The Rise of Theodore G. Bilbo (1908–1932)," Journal of Mississippi History 1981 43(3): 180–209,
  • Morgan, Chester M. Redneck Liberal: Theodore G. Bilbo and the New Deal, Louisiana State U. Press, 1985. 274 pp.
  • Luthin, Reinhard H. (1954). "Theodore G. Bilbo: 'The Man' of Mississippi". American Demagogues: Twentieth Century . Beacon Press. ASIN B0007DN37C. OCLC 1098334. 

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