Scottish Borders

Scottish Borders (bahasa Skots: The Mairches, hrf. "The Marches"; Gaelik Skotlandia: Crìochan na h-Alba) adalah satu dari 32 wilayah dewan Skotlandia.[1] Wilayah ini berbatasan dengan City of Edinburgh, Dumfries and Galloway, East Lothian, Midlothian, South Lanarkshire, West Lothian. Di sebelah barat daya dan tenggara, Scottish Borders berbatasan dengan Cumbria dan Northumberland, Inggris. Ibu kotanya adalah Newtown St Boswells.

Scottish Borders
The Mairches
Crìochan na h-Alba
Logo resmi Scottish Borders The Mairches Crìochan na h-Alba
Koordinat: 55°21′36″N 2°29′24″W / 55.36000°N 2.49000°W / 55.36000; -2.49000
Ibu kotaNewtown St Boswells
 • BadanScottish Borders Council
 • PenguasaKon + Ind (NOC)
 • MP
  • John Lamont
    (Konservatif – Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk)
  • David Mundell
    (Konservatif – Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale)
 • MSP
  • Christine Grahame
    (SNP – Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale)
  • Rachael Hamilton
    (Konservatif – Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire)
 • Total1,827 sq mi (4,732 km2)
PeringkatPeringkat ke-6
 (2010 est.)
 • Total115.000
 • PeringkatPeringkat ke-18
 • Kepadatan60/sq mi (24/km2)
Kode area teleponS12000026
Kode ISO 3166GB-SCB
Topografi Scottish Borders dan Lothian

Nama Scottish Borders juga dipakai untuk menyebut daerah di Skotlandia selatan dan Inggris utara yang membentuk perbatasan Inggris-Skotlandia.


Kota terbesar


  • Galashiels: 14,994
  • Hawick: 14,294
  • Peebles: 8,376
  • Selkirk: 5,784
  • Kelso: 5,639
  • Jedburgh: 4,030
  • Eyemouth: 3,546
  • Innerleithen: 3,031
  • Duns: 2,753
  • Melrose: 2,307
  • Coldstream: 1,946
  • Earlston: 1,779

Kota dan desa

Kantor Dewan Scottish Borders Council di Newtown St. Boswells
  • Abbey St. Bathans, Allanton, Ancrum, Ashkirk
  • Broughton, Burnmouth
  • Cardrona, Chirnside, Clovenfords, Cockburnspath, Coldingham, Coldstream
  • Denholm, Dryburgh, Duns
  • Earlston, Edrom, Eddleston, Ettrick, Ettrickbridge, Eyemouth
  • Foulden
  • Galashiels, Grantshouse, Greenlaw
  • Hawick, Heriot, Hutton
  • Innerleithen
  • Jedburgh
  • Kelso, Kirk Yetholm
  • Lauder, Lilliesleaf, Longformacus
  • Melrose, Morebattle
  • Newcastleton, Newstead, Newtown St Boswells
  • Peebles, Preston, Paxton
  • Reston, Roxburgh
  • Selkirk, St. Abbs, St Boswells, Stow, Stichill, Swinton
  • Teviothead, Town Yetholm, Traquair, Tweedbank, Tweedsmuir
  • Walkerburn, West Linton, Whitsome
  • Yair

Tempat penting

  • Abbotsford House
  • Berwickshire Coastal Path
  • Bowhill House
  • Cheviot Hills
  • Cessford Burn
  • Coldingham Bay
  • Dawyck Botanic Garden
  • Dryburgh Abbey - Historic Scotland
  • Duns Castle
  • Edin's Hall Broch
  • Ettrick Forest
  • Eyemouth
  • Floors Castle
  • Glentress Forest - Forest Enterprise
  • Greenknowe Tower
  • Harmony Garden - National Trust for Scotland
  • Hawkshaw - rumah keluarga Porteous
  • Hermitage Castle - Historic Scotland
  • Jedburgh Abbey - Historic Scotland
  • Kailzie Gardens
  • Kelso Abbey
  • Lammermuir Hills
  • Lauderdale
  • Manderston
  • Megget Reservoir
  • Mellerstain House
  • Melrose Abbey - Historic Scotland
  • Mire Loch
  • Monteviot
  • Morebattle
  • Neidpath Castle
  • Nisbet, Berwickshire
  • Nisbet, Roxburghshire
  • Paxton House
  • Pennine Way - National Trails
  • Priorwood Garden - National Trust for Scotland
  • Robert Smail's Printing Works - National Trust for Scotland
  • Scots' dike
  • Smailholm Tower - Historic Scotland
  • Southern Upland Way - National Trails
  • St. Abbs Head
  • St. Mary's Loch
  • St. Ronans Wells
  • Teviotdale
  • Thirlestane Castle
  • Traquair House
  • Trimontium
  • Union Bridge
  • Waterloo Monument
  • Wedderburn Castle

Lihat pula

  • Borders College
  • Scottish Marches
  • Perbatasan Inggris-Skotlandia
  • Tanah yang diperdebatkan
  • Daftar tempat di Scottish Borders
  • Scottish Lowlands
  • Alexander Jeffrey, sejarawan Scottish Borders

Catatan dan referensi

Pranala luar