Daftar jurnal tentang globalisasi

Artikel ini berisi daftar jurnal ilmiah yang ditinjau sejawat (peer-reviewed) yang terkait dengan studi globalisasi.

  • Antipode
  • Development and Change
  • Economic Geography
  • Environmental Development (jurnal)
  • Exploring Globalization
  • Global Affairs
  • Global Environment (jurnal)
  • Global Environmental Change (jurnal)
  • Global Environmental Politics
  • Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations
  • Global Health Action
  • Global Networks (jurnal)
  • Global Pulse
  • Global Society
  • Globalisation, Societies and Education
  • Globality Studies Journal
  • Globalization and Health
  • Globalization
  • Globalizations
  • Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation[1]
  • Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies
  • International Environmental Agreements (jurnal)
  • International Journal of Business and Globalisation
  • International Journal of Global Environmental Issues
  • International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology
  • International Journal of Technology and Globalisation
  • Internationality (jurnal)
  • Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies
  • The Journal of Environment & Development
  • Journal of Global Health
  • Journal of Global History
  • Journal of Global Studies
  • Journal of Globalization and Development
  • Journal of Globalization for the Common Good
  • Journal of Globalization Studies
  • Journal of Knowledge Globalization
  • Journal of World History
  • Journal of World-Systems Research
  • Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (jurnal)
  • Natural Resources Forum
  • New Global Studies (jurnal)
  • Public Culture
  • World Development
