
Coordinate[mi ez?] • [dokumentáció: mutat, szerkeszt] • [tesztek: sikeres: 8, sikertelen: 0, kihagyva: 1 (részletek)]

Koordinátákkal kapcsolatos funkciók gyűjteménye, a koordinátasablonok megvalósítása.


A sablonok kiváltásához szükséges működés: en:Template:Coord#Usage.

Regressziós tesztelés: Sablon:Koord/regressziós tesztelés.

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coordinate processing functions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------require('strict')local lang = mw.getContentLanguage()local current_page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()local page_name = mw.uri.encode(current_page.prefixedText, 'WIKI')local coord_link = '' .. page_name .. '&params='-- The class used to internally represent a single coordinatelocal Coordinate = {}local getArgs = require('Modul:Arguments').getArgslocal bit32 = require( 'bit32' )--Internal functions--[[Normalize cardinal direction@param string cardDir Cardinal direction, English or Hungarian@return string--]]local function normCardDir(cardDir)if lang:uc(cardDir) == 'É'  then return 'N' endif cardDir:upper()  == 'D'  then return 'S' endif cardDir:upper()  == 'K'  then return 'E' endif cardDir:upper()  == 'NY' then return 'W' endreturn cardDirendlocal function mfloor(float)local result = math.floor(float)return result + 1 < float + 1e-12 and result + 1 or resultend--[[ Helper function, used in detecting DMS formatting ]]local function dmsTest(first, second)first = normCardDir(first or '')second = normCardDir(second or '')local concatenated = first:upper() .. second:upper()if concatenated == "NE" or concatenated == "NW" or concatenated == "SE" or concatenated == "SW" orconcatenated == "EN" or concatenated == "WN" or concatenated == "ES" or concatenated == "WS" thenreturn trueendreturn falseend--[[Try to find the relevant precision for a latitude or longitude as float@param float float@return number the precision--]]local function detectPrecisionForFloat(float)local parts = mw.text.split(tostring(float), '%.')if parts[2] thenreturn math.pow(10, -1 * math.min(#parts[2], 6))elsereturn 1endend--[[Validate DMS coordinates@return string|nil Error message--]]function Coordinate.validateDms(degrees, minutes, seconds, hemisphere, direction)if not degrees thenreturn 'Missing degrees'endlocal d = tonumber(degrees)if not d thenreturn 'Invalid degrees'endif not direction or direction ~= 'latitude' and direction ~= 'longitude' thenerror('Invalid direction', 2)endif direction == 'latitude' and d > 90 or direction == 'longitude' and d >= 360 thenreturn 'Invalid degrees'endif not minutes and not seconds then-- Allow decimal formatif direction == 'latitude' thenif d < -90 or d < 0 and hemisphere == 'S' thenreturn 'Invalid degrees'endelseif direction == 'longitude' thenif d < -180 or d < 0 and hemisphere == 'W' thenreturn 'Invalid degrees'endendendif not minutes and seconds thenreturn 'Missing minutes'endif minutes thenif d < 0 or select(2, math.modf(d)) ~= 0 thenreturn 'Invalid degrees'endlocal m = tonumber(minutes)if not m or m < 0 or m >= 60 thenreturn 'Invalid minutes'endif seconds thenif select(2, math.modf(m)) ~= 0 thenreturn 'Invalid minutes'endlocal s = tonumber(seconds)if not s or s < 0 or s >= 60 thenreturn 'Invalid seconds'endendendend--[[Transform degrees, minutes, seconds format latitude and longitudeinto the a structure to be used in displaying coordinates--]]local function parseDMS(lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, lat_f, long_d, long_m, long_s, long_f)lat_f = normCardDir(lat_f):upper()long_f = normCardDir(long_f):upper()-- Check if specified backwardif lat_f == 'E' or lat_f == 'W' thenlocal t_d, t_m, t_s, t_ft_d = lat_dt_m = lat_mt_s = lat_st_f = lat_flat_d = long_dlat_m = long_mlat_s = long_slat_f = long_flong_d = t_dlong_m = t_mlong_s = t_slong_f = t_fendlocal errm = Coordinate.validateDms(lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, lat_f, 'latitude')if errm thenreturn nil, { { 'parseDMS', errm } }enderrm = Coordinate.validateDms(long_d, long_m, long_s, long_f, 'longitude')if errm thenreturn nil, { { 'parseDMS', errm } }endlocal lat = (lat_f:upper() == 'S' and -1 or 1) * ((tonumber(lat_d) or 0) + (tonumber(lat_m) or 0) / 60+ (tonumber(lat_s) or 0) / 3600)local long = (long_f:upper() == 'W' and -1 or 1) * ((tonumber(long_d) or 0) + (tonumber(long_m) or 0) / 60+ (tonumber(long_s) or 0) / 3600)local prec = math.min(detectPrecisionForFloat(lat_d), detectPrecisionForFloat(long_d))if lat_m ~= nil or long_m ~= nil thenif prec < 1 thenreturn nil, {{'parseDMS', 'Nem értelmezhető adatok'}}elseprec = math.min(detectPrecisionForFloat(lat_m), detectPrecisionForFloat(long_m))if prec < 0.0001 thenprec = 1e-6elseif prec < 1 thenprec = prec / 100elseprec = Coordinate.PRECISION.Mendendendif lat_s ~= nil or long_s ~= nil thenif prec == Coordinate.PRECISION.M thenprec = math.max(math.min(detectPrecisionForFloat(lat_s), detectPrecisionForFloat(long_s)), 0.001) * Coordinate.PRECISION.Selsereturn nil, {{'parseDMS', 'Nem értelmezhető adatok'}}endendlocal coord = Coordinate:new{latitude = lat, longitude = long, precision = prec}return coord, coord and {} or {{'parseDMS', 'Nem értelmezhető adatok'}}end--[[Format any error messages generated for display--]]local function errorPrinter(errors)return nil, nil, nil, errors--[[local result = ""for _, v in ipairs(errors) dolocal errorHTML = '<strong class="error">Coordinates: ' .. v[2] .. '</strong>'result = result .. errorHTML .. '<br>'endreturn result--]]endCoordinate.DISPLAY_TYPE = {INLINE = 1, -- 2^0TITLE  = 2  -- 2^1}Coordinate.PRECISION = {MS      = 1 / 3600 / 1000,  -- to 1/1000 of an arcsecondD000001 = 1e-6,             -- ±0.000001°MS10    = 1 / 3600 / 100,   -- to 1/100 of an arcsecondD00001  = 1e-5,             -- ±0.00001°MS100   = 1 / 3600 / 10,    -- to 1/10 of an arcsecondD0001   = 0.0001,           -- ±0.0001°S       = 1 / 3600,         -- to an arcsecondD001    = 0.001,            -- ±0.001°D01     = 0.01,             -- ±0.01°M       = 1 / 60,           -- to an arcminuteD1      = 0.1,              -- ±0.1°D       = 1,                -- to a degreeD10     = 10                -- ±10°}local orderedPrecisions = {Coordinate.PRECISION.MS,Coordinate.PRECISION.MS10,Coordinate.PRECISION.MS100,Coordinate.PRECISION.S,Coordinate.PRECISION.M,Coordinate.PRECISION.D10}local function detectWikidataPrecision(float)local precisionfor _, v in ipairs(orderedPrecisions) dolocal m = tonumber(float) / vif math.abs(mfloor(m + 0.5) - m) < 1e-8 / v + 1e-12 thenprecision = vendendlocal s = tostring(float)local i = s:find('%.')if precision == Coordinate.PRECISION.MS and i and #s - i > 6 thenreturn precisionendlocal decPrecision = detectPrecisionForFloat(float)return precision and decPrecision < precision and precision or decPrecisionend--[[Check the input arguments for coord to determine the kind of data being providedand then make the necessary processing.--]]local function formatTest(args)local errors, result, format, coordParams = {}if not args[1] then-- no lat logicreturn errorPrinter{{"formatTest", "Missing latitude"}}elseif not args[4] and not args[5] and not args[6] then-- dec logicif args.precision == 'wikidata' thenresult = Coordinate:new{latitude = tonumber(args[1]), longitude = tonumber(args[2])}if not result thenreturn errorPrinter{{'formatTest', 'Nem értelmezhető adatok'}}endlocal logPrec = -1 * math.log10(result.precision)format = logPrec == math.floor(logPrec) and 'dec' or 'dms'elseresult = Coordinate:new{latitude = tonumber(args[1]), longitude = tonumber(args[2]),precision = math.min(detectPrecisionForFloat(args[1]), detectPrecisionForFloat(args[2]))}if not result thenreturn errorPrinter{{'formatTest', 'Nem értelmezhető adatok'}}endformat = 'dec'endcoordParams = args[3]elseif dmsTest(args[4], args[8]) then-- dms logicresult, errors = parseDMS(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8])format = 'dms'coordParams = args[9]if args[10] thentable.insert(errors, {'formatTest', 'Extra unexpected parameters'})endelseif dmsTest(args[3], args[6]) then-- dm logicresult, errors = parseDMS(args[1], args[2], nil, args[3], args[4], args[5], nil, args[6])format = 'dms'coordParams = args[7]if args[8] thentable.insert(errors, {'formatTest', 'Extra unexpected parameters'})endelseif dmsTest(args[2], args[4]) then-- d logicresult, errors = parseDMS(args[1], nil, nil, args[2], args[3], nil, nil, args[4])format = result and result.precision < 1 and 'dec' or 'dms'coordParams = args[5]if args[6] thentable.insert(errors, {'formatTest', 'Extra unexpected parameters'})endelse-- Errorreturn errorPrinter{{"formatTest", "Unknown argument format"}}endreturn result, format, coordParams, errorsend--[[Check if a value is a number in the given range@param mixed value@param number min@param number max@return boolean--]]local function validateNumberInRange(value, min, max)return type(value) == 'number' and value >= min and value <= maxend--[[Validate precision--]]local function validatePrecision(precision)for _, v in pairs(Coordinate.PRECISION) doif v == precision thenreturn trueendendreturn falseend--[[Validate a Coordinate defintion@param table definition data@return boolean--]]local function validate(definition)--Validate precisionif not validatePrecision(definition.precision) thenreturn falseend--Validate latitude and longitudeif not validateNumberInRange(definition.latitude, -180, 360) or not validateNumberInRange(definition.longitude, -180, 360) thenreturn falseendreturn trueend--[[Try to find the relevant precision for a GlobeCoordinate definition@param table GlobeCoordinate definition@return number the precision--]]local function guessPrecision(definition)return math.min(detectWikidataPrecision(definition.latitude), detectWikidataPrecision(definition.longitude))end--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creates a new Coordinate-- @param float latitude Latitude ("vertical" position) as a signed floating-point value (North is positive, South is negative)-- @param float longitude Longitude ("horizontal" position) as a signed floating-point value (East is positive, West is negative)-- @example Coordinate.create(12.3456, -98.7654)--function Coordinate.create(latitude, longitude)local coord = {}setmetatable(coord, Coordinate)coord.latitude = latitudecoord.longitude = longitudereturn coordend--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Build a new Coordinate-- @param table definition Definition of the coordinate-- @return Coordinate|nil-- @example Coordinate:new{latitude = 12.3456, longitude = -98.7654}--function Coordinate:new(definition)--Default valuesif definition.precision == nil thendefinition.precision = guessPrecision(definition)elsefor _, v in pairs(Coordinate.PRECISION) doif math.abs(definition.precision - v) < 1e-12 thendefinition.precision = vendendendif not validate(definition) thenreturn nilendlocal coord = {latitude = definition.latitude,longitude = definition.longitude,precision = definition.precision or 0}setmetatable(coord, self)self.__index = selfreturn coordend--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == operator-- (note that this is a naive implementation which requires exact equality if floating-point values;-- this probably does not work very well in practice)function Coordinate.__eq(coord1, coord2)return math.abs(coord1.latitude - coord2.latitude) < 1e-6 and math.abs(coord1.longitude - coord2.longitude) < 1e-6end--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transform coordinate to string-- @param string format-- Special characters in the format string:--      %L  latitude as a signed float--      %U  latitude as an unsigned float--      %D  degree part of latitude (i.e. floor(latitude))--      %M  minute part of latitude--      %S  second part of latitude (including fractional part)--      %C  cardinal direction for latitude as shortcut (N/S)--      %I  internationalized cardinal direction for latitude as shortcut (currently always in in Hungarian: É/D)--      ... same with lowercase for longitudefunction Coordinate:format(format)local d, rem = math.modf(self.latitude) -- splits number into integer and fractional partlocal m, rem = math.modf(rem * 60)local s = math.floor(rem * 60 * 100 + 0.5) / 100format = format:gsub('%%L', lang:formatNum(self.latitude))format = format:gsub('%%U', lang:formatNum(math.abs(self.latitude)))format = format:gsub('%%D', d)format = format:gsub('%%M', m)format = format:gsub('%%S', s)format = format:gsub('%%C', (self.latitude >= 0) and 'N' or 'S')format = format:gsub('%%I', (self.latitude >= 0) and 'É' or 'D')local d, rem = math.modf(self.longitude) -- splits number into integer and fractional partlocal m, rem = math.modf(rem * 60)local s = math.floor(rem * 60 * 100 + 0.5) / 100format = format:gsub('%%l', lang:formatNum(self.longitude))format = format:gsub('%%u', lang:formatNum(math.abs(self.longitude)))format = format:gsub('%%d', d)format = format:gsub('%%m', m)format = format:gsub('%%s', s)format = format:gsub('%%c', (self.longitude >= 0) and 'E' or 'W')format = format:gsub('%%i', (self.longitude >= 0) and 'K' or 'Ny')return formatend--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These elements can be used in stringPatterns between $ marks-- E.g. "$int$° $int$′ $int$″"local patternElements = {uint = "[0-9]+",int = "[-+]?[0-9]+",ufloat = "[0-9]*[.,]?[0-9]+", -- english or hungarian separator notationfloat = "[-+]?[0-9]*[.,]?[0-9]+", -- english or hungarian separator notationcd = "[NSEWÉDK][Yy]?"  -- cardinal directions in english or hungarian}--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIXME move this to an intl module-- string to number, handle english and hungarian separatorlocal function num(s)if type(s) == 'string' thens = s:gsub(",", ".")return tonumber(s)elsereturn sendend--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cardinal direction to sign of coordinate (+1/-1), handles english and hungarian shortcutslocal directionMap = {N = 1, S = -1, E = 1, W = -1, ["É"] = 1, D = -1, K = 1, Ny = -1, NY = -1}local function dirsign(s) return directionMap[s] end--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contains regexp - callback pairs. The regexp describes a possible human-readable representation of a coordinate,-- the callback receives the match results and transforms them into a latitude-longitude pair (a pair of signed floats).-- Can use patternElement keys for syntatic sugar.local stringPatterns = {{"($float$), ($float$)", function(lat, long) return num(lat), num(long) end}, -- 12.3456, -98.7654{"($cd$) ($float$), ($cd$) ($float$)",function(lath, lat, longh, long)return dirsign(lath) * num(lat), dirsign(longh) * num(long)end},  -- É 48,621667, K 16,871528{"($int$)° ($int$)['′] ($float$)[\"″] ($cd$), ($int$)° ($int$)['′] ($float$)[\"″] ($cd$)",function(latd, latm, lats, lath, longd, longm, longs, longh)local lat = dirsign(lath) * (num(latd) + num(latm) / 60 + num(lats) / 3600)local long = dirsign(longh) * (num(longd) + num(longm) / 60 + num(longs) / 3600)return lat, longend}, -- 12° 20' 44" N, 98° 45' 55" W{"($cd$) ($int$)° ($int$)['′] ($float$)[\"″], ($cd$) ($int$)° ($int$)['′] ($float$)[\"″]",function(lath, latd, latm, lats, longh, longd, longm, longs)local lat = dirsign(lath) * (num(latd) + num(latm) / 60 + num(lats) / 3600)local long = dirsign(longh) * (num(longd) + num(longm) / 60 + num(longs) / 3600)return lat, longend}, -- N 12° 20' 44", W 98° 45' 55"}local stringPatternsOld, stringPatterns = stringPatterns, {}for i, pair in ipairs(stringPatternsOld) dolocal pattern, callback = pair[1], pair[2]for key, value in pairs(patternElements) dopattern = pattern:gsub('%$' .. key .. '%$', value)endtable.insert(stringPatterns, {pattern, callback})end--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creates a Coordinate object from a human-readable string representation.-- @param string s-- @return Coordinate|nil-- @example--function Coordinate.fromString(s)for i, pair in ipairs(stringPatterns) dolocal pattern, callback = pair[1], pair[2]if mw.ustring.match(s, pattern) thenlocal lat, long = callback(mw.ustring.match(s, pattern))return Coordinate:new{latitude = lat, longitude = long}endendreturn nilend--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Returns coordinate in standard text format - two signed floats (12.3456, -98.7654)-- @return string--function Coordinate:__tostring()return self:format('%L, %l')end--[[Build params uri component and link text for GeoHack link@param string format dec|dms@return string, string|nil, nil@example coord:toGeoHack('dms')--]]function Coordinate:toGeoHack(format)if format ~= 'dec' and format ~= 'dms' then return nil, nil endlocal params = ''local text = ''local logPrec = -1 * math.log10(self.precision)local decimalPrecision = logPrec == math.floor(logPrec)if decimalPrecision thenparams = math.floor(self.latitude * 1e+6 + 0.5) / 1e+6 .. ';' .. math.floor(self.longitude * 1e+6 + 0.5) / 1e+6endif format == 'dec' thenlocal decimals = math.floor(logPrec)if decimals < 1 then decimals = 0 endtext = mw.text.tag('span', {style = 'white-space:nowrap;'}, (self.latitude >= 0 and 'é. sz.' or 'd. sz.') .. ' ' ..string.format('%.' .. decimals .. 'f', math.abs(self.latitude)):gsub('%.', ',') .. '°') .. ', ''span', {style = 'white-space:nowrap;'}, (self.longitude >= 0 and 'k. h.' or 'ny. h.') .. ' ' ..string.format('%.' .. decimals .. 'f', math.abs(self.longitude)):gsub('%.', ',') .. '°')endif format == 'dms' or not decimalPrecision thenlocal d, m, s, ctext, decimalsif decimalPrecision thenlocal float = math.abs(self.latitude)d = mfloor(float)m = mfloor(float * 60 - d * 60)decimals = math.floor(logPrec) - 3if decimals < 0 then decimals = 0 ends = mfloor((float * 3600 - d * 3600 - m * 60) * 10^decimals + 0.5) / 10^decimalsif s == 60 then s = 0; m = m + 1 endif m == 60 then m = 0; d = d + 1 endelselocal intToPrecision = mfloor(math.abs(self.latitude) / self.precision + 0.5)d = mfloor(intToPrecision * self.precision)m = mfloor(intToPrecision * (self.precision * 60) - d * 60)decimals = math.floor(-1 * math.log10(self.precision * 3600))if decimals < 1 then decimals = 0 ends = mfloor(intToPrecision - d / self.precision - m / (self.precision * 60) + 0.5) * (self.precision * 3600)endif not decimalPrecision then params = params .. d endif format == 'dms' then ctext = (self.latitude >= 0 and 'é. sz.' or 'd. sz.') .. ' ' .. d .. '°' endif self.precision < Coordinate.PRECISION.D thenif not decimalPrecision then params = params .. '_' .. m endif format == 'dms' then ctext = ctext .. ' ' .. string.format('%02d′', m) endif self.precision < Coordinate.PRECISION.M thenif not decimalPrecision then params = params .. '_' .. s endif format == 'dms' then ctext = ctext .. ' ' .. ('0%.0f'):format(s):sub(-2) .. '″' endendendif not decimalPrecision then params = params .. '_' .. (self.latitude >= 0 and 'N' or 'S') .. '_' endif format == 'dms' then text = text .. mw.text.tag('span', {style = 'white-space:nowrap;'}, ctext) .. ', ' endlocal d, m, s, ctext, decimalsif decimalPrecision thenlocal float = math.abs(self.longitude)d = mfloor(float)m = mfloor(float * 60 - d * 60)decimals = math.floor(logPrec) - 3if decimals < 0 then decimals = 0 ends = mfloor((float * 3600 - d * 3600 - m * 60) * 10^decimals + 0.5) / 10^decimalsif s == 60 then s = 0; m = m + 1 endif m == 60 then m = 0; d = d + 1 endelselocal intToPrecision = mfloor(math.abs(self.longitude) / self.precision + 0.5)d = mfloor(intToPrecision * self.precision)m = mfloor(intToPrecision * (self.precision * 60) - d * 60)decimals = math.floor(-1 * math.log10(self.precision * 3600))if decimals < 1 then decimals = 0 ends = mfloor(intToPrecision - d / self.precision - m / (self.precision * 60) + 0.5) * (self.precision * 3600)endif not decimalPrecision then params = params .. d endif format == 'dms' then ctext = (self.longitude >= 0 and 'k. h.' or 'ny. h.') .. ' ' .. d .. '°' endif self.precision < Coordinate.PRECISION.D thenif not decimalPrecision then params = params .. '_' .. m endif format == 'dms' then ctext = ctext .. ' ' .. string.format('%02d′', m) endif self.precision < Coordinate.PRECISION.M thenif not decimalPrecision then params = params .. '_' .. s endif format == 'dms' then ctext = ctext .. ' ' .. ('0%.0f'):format(s):sub(-2) .. '″' endendendif not decimalPrecision then params = params .. '_' .. (self.longitude >= 0 and 'E' or 'W') endif format == 'dms' then text = text .. mw.text.tag('span', {style = 'white-space:nowrap;'}, ctext) endendreturn params, textendfunction Coordinate:geodecHtml()return ('<span class="geo-dec" title="Maps, aerial photos, and other data for this location">%f°%s %f°%s</span>'):format(math.abs(self.latitude),(self.latitude >= 0) and 'N' or 'S',math.abs(self.longitude),(self.longitude >= 0) and 'E' or 'W')end--[[Get the display type as a binary number, to be processed using bitwise operators.@param string|number text User input text or type already stored as a binary number@return number The recognized types--]]local function getDisplay(text)if type(text) == 'number' thenreturn textelseif text == nil then-- defaultreturn Coordinate.DISPLAY_TYPE.INLINEelseif type(text) ~= 'string' thenreturn 0endlocal display = 0text = text:lower()if string.find(text, 'inline') ~= nil or text == 'i' or text == 'it' or text == 'ti' thendisplay = Coordinate.DISPLAY_TYPE.INLINEendif string.find(text, 'title') ~= nil or text == 't' or text == 'it' or text == 'ti' thendisplay = display + Coordinate.DISPLAY_TYPE.TITLEendreturn displayend--[[Process {{#coordinates:}} parser function and return eventual error message.@param Coordinate coord The coordinate to process@param boolean|nil primary Whether it's the primary coordinate tag for the page@param string|nil geohack GeoHack parameters@param table|nil params Additional parameters@return string Error message wikitext, or empty string if there was no error--]]local function getParserFunction(coord, primary, geohack, params)params = params or {}table.insert(params, 1, coord.latitude)table.insert(params, 2, coord.longitude)if primary thentable.insert(params, 3, 'primary')endif geohack thentable.insert(params, 4, geohack)endreturn mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction('#coordinates', params)end--[[Return a GlobeCoordinate in HTMl (with a <GlobeCoordinate> node)@param mw.language|string|nil language to use. By default the content language.@param table|nil attributes table of attributes to add to the <GlobeCoordinate> node.@return string--]]function Coordinate.coord(frame, args)if not args thenargs = getArgs(frame)endlocal coord, inputFormat, coordParams, errors = formatTest(args)if #errors > 0 thenlocal result = ""for _, v in ipairs(errors) dolocal errorHTML = '<strong class="error">Coordinate: ' .. v[2] .. '</strong>'result = result .. errorHTML .. '<br>'endreturn result .. '[[Kategória:Hibás koordináták]]'endlocal format = args.format or inputFormatlocal params, linkText = coord:toGeoHack(format)if coordParams then params = params .. '_' .. coordParams endlocal title = and '&title=' .. mw.uri.encode( or ''local inlineLink = mw.text.tag('span', {class = 'plainlinks nourlexpansion'},'[' .. coord_link .. params .. title .. ' ' .. linkText'span', {["class"] = "h-geo geo",["style"] = "display:none;"},mw.text.tag( 'span', {["class"] = "p-latitude latitude"},coord.latitude) ..', ' 'span', {["class"] = "p-longitude longitude"},coord.longitude))'span', {class = 'geo-nondefault', style = 'display:none'}, mw.text.tag('span', {class = 'vcard'},coord:geodecHtml()'span', {class = 'fn org'}, or ''))) .. ']') .. (args.notes or '')local display = getDisplay(args.display)local text = ''if bit32.btest(display, Coordinate.DISPLAY_TYPE.INLINE) thentext = inlineLinkendif bit32.btest(display, Coordinate.DISPLAY_TYPE.TITLE) thentext = text .. mw.text.tag('span', {style = 'font-size:small;'},mw.text.tag('span', {id = 'coordinates'},'[[Földrajzi koordináta-rendszer|Koordináták]]: ' .. inlineLink))endif args.with_pfunc thentext = text .. getParserFunction(coord, bit32.btest(display, Coordinate.DISPLAY_TYPE.TITLE), coordParams, {name =})endreturn textendreturn Coordinate