साँचा:Editnotice pagename/doc

This is the {{editnotice pagename}} meta-template.

It returns the full pagename for the editnotice of the current page. It works both for subject pages such as articles and for their talk pages.

{{editnotice fullpagename}} redirects here and can be used as an alternative name for this template.

If you instead need the talkpage name for the editnotice then use {{editnotice talkpagename}}.


This template takes no parameters and automatically outputs a proper formatted editnotice page address. Like this:

{{editnotice pagename}}

Which outputs the pagename of the editnotice for this page itself:

साँचा:Editnotices/Page/साँचा:Editnotice pagename/doc

This can for instance be used to produce a link to the editnotice for the current page. Like this:

[[{{editnotice pagename}}]]
साँचा:Editnotices/Page/साँचा:Editnotice pagename/doc

This template works for all editnotices.

See also

  • Wikipedia:Editnotice – More about editnotices.
  • {{editnotice talkpagename}} – Returns the full talkpage name for the editnotice for the current page.
  • {{editnotice}} – A template for making editnotice message boxes.

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