'100 Leabhar an Linn' le Le Monde

'S e an liosta 100 Leabhar an Linn liosta den 100 leabhar as fheàrr san 20mh linn a rèir cunntas-bheachd a rinneadh ann an 1999 leis a' bhùth Fhrangach Fnac agus am pàipear-naidheachd Le Monde. Bho liosta de 200 leabhar, fhreagair 17,000 Frangaich a' cheist 'Dè na leabhraichean a mhaireas nur cuimhne? (' Quels livres sont restés dans votre mémoire? ').

1The Stranger
The Outsider
Albert Camus 1942
2en:In Search of Lost Time
Remembrance of Things Past
Marcel Proust19131927
3en:The Trial
[[Faidhle:{{{Bratach ainm-bréige}}}|22x20px|border |Flag of {{{alias}}}|link={{{alias}}}]] An Deuchainn
Franz Kafka1925
4en:The Little PrinceAntoine de Saint-Exupéry1943
5en:Man's FateAndré Malraux1933
6en:Journey to the End of the NightLouis-Ferdinand Céline1932
7en:The Grapes of Wrath
[[Faidhle:{{{Bratach ainm-bréige}}}|22x20px|border |Flag of {{{alias}}}|link={{{alias}}}]] The Grapes of Wrath
John Steinbeck 1939
8en:For Whom the Bell TollsErnest Hemingway 1940
9en:Le Grand MeaulnesAlain-Fournier1913
10en:Froth on the DaydreamBoris Vian1947
11en:The Second SexSimone de Beauvoir1949
12en:Waiting for Godot
[[Faidhle:{{{Bratach ainm-bréige}}}|22x20px|border |Flag of {{{alias}}}|link={{{alias}}}]] En Attendant Godot <Fraingis>
Samuel Beckett 1952
13en:Being and NothingnessJean-Paul Sartre []1943
14en:The Name of the RoseUmberto Eco1980
15en:The Gulag Archipelago
[[Faidhle:{{{Bratach ainm-bréige}}}|22x20px|border |Flag of {{{alias}}}|link={{{alias}}}]] Innis-mhuir GULAG
Aleksandr Solženicyn 1973
16Paroles <Fraingis>Jacques Prévert1946
17Alcools <Fraingis>Guillaume Apollinaire1913
18en:The Blue LotusHergé1936
19en:The Diary of a Young GirlAnne Frank1947
20Tristes Tropiques
A World on the Wane
Claude Lévi-Strauss1955
21en:Brave New WorldAldous Huxley1932
22en:Nineteen Eighty-Four
[[Faidhle:{{{Bratach ainm-bréige}}}|22x20px|border |Flag of {{{alias}}}|link={{{alias}}}]] Nineteen Eighty-four
George Orwell1949
23en:Asterix the Gaul
[[Faidhle:{{{Bratach ainm-bréige}}}|22x20px|border |Flag of {{{alias}}}|link={{{alias}}}]] Asterix An Ceilteach
René Goscinny agus Albert Uderzo1959
24en:The Bald SopranoEugène Ionesco1952
25en:Three Essays on the Theory of SexualitySigmund Freud1905
26The Abyss
Zeno of Bruges
Marguerite Yourcenar1968
27en:LolitaVladimir Nabokov1955
28UlyssesJames Joyce1922
29en:The Tartar SteppeDino Buzzati1940
30The CounterfeitersAndré Gide 1925
31The Horseman on the RoofJean Giono1951
32Belle du SeigneurAlbert Cohen1968
33en:One Hundred Years of Solitude
[[Faidhle:{{{Bratach ainm-bréige}}}|22x20px|border |Flag of {{{alias}}}|link={{{alias}}}]] Ceud bliadhna an Uaigneis
Gabriel José García Márquez 1967
34en:The Sound and the FuryWilliam Faulkner 1929
35en:Thérèse DesqueyrouxFrançois Mauriac 1927
36en:Zazie in the MetroRaymond Queneau1959
37en:Confusion of FeelingsStefan Zweig1927
38en:Gone with the WindMargaret Mitchell1936
39en:Lady Chatterley's LoverD. H. Lawrence1928
40en:The Magic Mountain
[[Faidhle:{{{Bratach ainm-bréige}}}|22x20px|border |Flag of {{{alias}}}|link={{{alias}}}]] The Magic Mountain
Thomas Mann 1924
41en:Bonjour TristesseFrançoise Sagan1954
42The Silence of the Sea
Put Out the Light
43en:Life: A User's ManualGeorges Perec1978
44en:The Hound of the BaskervillesArthur Conan Doyle19011902
45Under the Sun of SatanGeorges Bernanos1926
46en:The Great Gatsbyen:F. Scott Fitzgerald1925
47The JokeMilan Kundera1967
48en:A Ghost at Noon
Alberto Moravia1954
49en:The Murder of Roger AckroydAgatha Christie1926
50NadjaAndré Breton1928
51en:AurelienLouis Aragon1944
52en:The Satin SlipperPaul Claudel1929
53en:Six Characters in Search of an AuthorLuigi Pirandello 1921
54en:The Resistible Rise of Arturo UiBertolt Brecht1959
55en:Friday, or, The Other IslandMichel Tournier1967
56en:The War of the WorldsH. G. Wells1898
57en:If This Is a Man
Survival in Auschwitz
[[Faidhle:{{{Bratach ainm-bréige}}}|22x20px|border |Flag of {{{alias}}}|link={{{alias}}}]] Se questo è un uomo Teamplaid:It
Primo Levi1947
58en:The Lord of the Rings
[[Faidhle:{{{Bratach ainm-bréige}}}|22x20px|border |Flag of {{{alias}}}|link={{{alias}}}]] The Lord of the Rings
J. R. R. Tolkien19541955
59Les Vrilles de la vigne <Fraingis>Colette1908
60Capital of PainPaul Éluard1926
61en:Martin EdenJack London1909
62Ballad of the Salt SeaHugo Pratt1967
63en:Writing Degree ZeroRoland Barthes1953
64en:The Lost Honour of Katharina BlumHeinrich Böll 1974
65en:The Opposing ShoreJulien Gracq1951
66en:The Order of ThingsMichel Foucault1966
67en:On the RoadJack Kerouac1957
68en:The Wonderful Adventures of Nils
[[Faidhle:{{{Bratach ainm-bréige}}}|22x20px|border |Flag of {{{alias}}}|link={{{alias}}}]] The Wonderful Adventures of Nils
Selma Lagerlöf 19061907
69en:A Room of One's OwnVirginia Woolf1929
70en:The Martian Chronicles
[[Faidhle:{{{Bratach ainm-bréige}}}|22x20px|border |Flag of {{{alias}}}|link={{{alias}}}]] The Martian Chronicles
Ray Bradbury1950
71en:The Ravishing of Lol SteinMarguerite Duras1964
72The InterrogationJ. M. G. Le Clézio 1963
73en:TropismsNathalie Sarraute1939
74en:Journal, 1887–1910Jules Renard1925
75en:Lord JimJoseph Conrad1900
76ÉcritsJacques Lacan1966
77en:The Theatre and its DoubleAntonin Artaud1938
78Manhattan TransferJohn Dos Passos1925
79en:Ficciones Teamplaid:Es
Jorge Luis Borges1944
80en:MoravagineBlaise Cendrars1926
81en:The General of the Dead ArmyIsmail Kadare1963
82Sophie's ChoiceWilliam Styron1979
83en:Gypsy BalladsFederico García Lorca1928
84en:The Strange Case of Peter the LettGeorges Simenon1931
85en:Our Lady of the FlowersJean Genet1944
86en:The Man Without QualitiesRobert Musil19301932
87Furor and MysteryRené Char1948
88en:The Catcher in the RyeJ. D. Salinger1951
89No Orchids For Miss BlandishJames Hadley Chase1939
90en:Blake and MortimerEdgar P. Jacobs1950
91en:The Notebooks of Malte Laurids BriggeRainer Maria Rilke1910
92Second ThoughtsMichel Butor1957
93en:The Origins of Totalitarianism
The Burden of Our Time
Hannah Arendt1951
94en:The Master and Margaritaen:Mikhail Bulgakov1967
95en:The Rosy CrucifixionHenry Miller19491960
96en:The Big SleepRaymond Chandler1939
97Amers <Fraingis>Saint-John Perse 1957
98GastonAndré Franquin1957
99en:Under the VolcanoMalcolm Lowry1947
100en:Midnight's ChildrenSalman Rushdie1981

Faic cuideachd
