William Edwin Brooks

William Edwin Brooks (30. heinäkuuta 1828 Irlanti18. tammikuuta 1899 Mount Forrets, Ontario) oli irlantilainen lintutieteilijä ja insinööri.

William Edwin Brooks

Brooks muutti Intiaan rautatielaitoksen insinööriksi 1856 ja pysyi virassaan vuoteen 1881. Jäätyään eläkkeelle hän muutti Ontarioon, Kanadaan. Brooks oli British Ornithological Unionin kunniajäsen. Hän oli kirjeenvaihdossa Alfred Russell Wallacen, Thomas C. Jerdonin ja Tytlerin kanssa. Hänen laaja lintukokoelmansa on British Museumissa. Pitkän Intian uransa aikana hän oli aktiivisesti kirjeenvaihdossa muiden alueen ornitologien kanssa, erityisesti Allan Octavian Humen. Hänen kolmas poikansa Allan Cyril Brooks (1869–1946), joka oli nimetty Humen mukaan, ryhtyi myös ornitologiksi ja hänestä tuli myös maailmankuulu taidemaalari.

1887 Brooks muutti perheineen Ontarion Miltonista uudelle maatilalle Chilliwackiin Brittiläiseen Kolumbiaan. 1891 hän myi Chilliwackin tilansa palatakseen takaisin Ontarioon, Mount Forrestiin.

Brooks nimesi muun muassa kashmirinuunilinnun (Phylloscopus humei).


  • Brooks, W. E. (1894): A few observations on some species of Phylloscopus. Ibis 6(22), 261-268.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1871): Notes on the ornithology of Cashmir. Proc. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 1871, 209-210.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1871): Description of a new species of (Abrornis). Proc. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 1871, 248-249.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1872): The swans of India. Proc. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 187(2), 63-64.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1872): On a new Indian (Sylvia). Proc. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 1872, 66.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1872): On a new species of (Reguloides). Proc. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 1872, 148-150.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1872): On the Imperial Eagles of India. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1872, 502-504.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1873): Notes on the ornithology of Cashmir. Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 41(2), 73-86.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1873): On two undescribed Cashmir birds. Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 41, 327-329.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1873): On an undescribed species of (Lophophanes). Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 42(2), 57.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1874): Some ornithological notes and corrections. Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 42(2), 239-253.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1874): Notes on the (Certhiinae) of India. Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 42(2), 255-257.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1873): Notes upon some of the Indian and European Eagles. No. II. Stray Feathers. 1(5), 325-331.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1873): Notes on some of the Indian Pipits. Stray Feathers. 1(5), 358-360.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1873): Notes on the Skylarks of India. Stray Feathers. 1(6), 484-487.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1873): Notes upon some of the Indian and European Eagles. Stray Feathers. 1(2,3&4), 290-294.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1873): Notes upon some of the Indian and European Eagles, No. III. Stray Feathers. 1(6), 463-464.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1875): Notes upon a collection of birds made between Mussoori and Gangaotri in May 1874. Stray Feathers. 3(1,2&3), 224-257.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1875): On (Curruca affinis) and (Curruca garrula). Stray Feathers. 3(4), 272-273.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1875): Additional notes on birds collected between Mussoori and Gangaotri in May 1874. Stray Feathers. 3(4), 275-278.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1875): Notes on a new (Dumeticola), and on (Tribura luteoventris), Hodgson, and (Dumeticola affinis), Hodgson. Stray Feathers. 3(4), 284-287.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1875): On (Drymoips inornatus), Sykes, and (Drymoipus longicaudatus), Tickell. Stray Feathers. 3(4), 295-296.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1875): Notes on "The Spotted Eagle," (Aquila naevia). Stray Feathers. 3(4), 304-313.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1876): Ornithological notes and corrections. Stray Feathers. 4(4,5&6), 268-278.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1876): Letters to the Editor. Stray Feathers. 4(1,2&3), 229-230.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1877): Observations on (Falco hendersoni), Hume. Stray Feathers. 5(1), 48-50.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1877): Ornithological notes. Stray Feathers. 5(5&6), 469-472.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1878): On an overlooked species of (Reguloides). Stray Feathers. 7(1-2), 128-136.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1878): Observations on (Motacilla alba), Linn., and other Wagtails. Stray Feathers. 7(1-2), 136-142.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1878): Further notes on (Reguloides superciliosus) and (Reguloides humei). Stray Feathers. 7(3,4&5), 236-238.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1878): Letters to the Editor. Stray Feathers. 7(3,4&5), 468.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1879): Further observations on (Reguloides superciliosus) and (Reguloides humii), also on (Reguloides subviridis) and (Calliope yeatmani), Tristram. Stray Feathers. 7(6), 475-478.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1879): A few notes on (Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus), Swinhoe, and (Phylloscopus viridanus), Blyth. Stray Feathers. 7(6), 508-510.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1879): Note on (Horornis fulviventer), Hodgson. Stray Feathers. 8(2-5), 379-380.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1879): Further observations on (Phylloscopus viridanus) & (plumbeitarsus), also on (Reguloides humii). Stray Feathers. 8(2-5), 385.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1879): Description of another new (Reguloides). Stray Feathers. 8(2-5), 389-393.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1879): Ornithological observations in Sikhim, the Punjab, and Sind. Stray Feathers. 8(6), 464-489.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1880): A few remarks on (Schoenicola platyura). Stray Feathers. 9(1,2&3), 209-212.
  • Oates,Eugene W; Brooks, W. E. (1880): On a new species of (Tribura) ((Dumeticola). Stray Feathers. 9(1,2&3), 220-224.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1880): Additional note on (Alseonax cinereo-alba) or (latirostris) and (Alseonax terricolor). Stray Feathers. 9(1,2&3), 225-226.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1880): Note on (Tribura mandellii). Stray Feathers. 9(4), 240-241.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1880): On an undescribed species of (Phylloscopus). Stray Feathers. 9(4), 272-273.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1881): (Dumeticola brunneipectus), Blyth. Stray Feathers. 9(5&6), 445.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1873): Notes on (Aquila naevioides, A. fulvescens) and (A. vindhiana). Proc. Asiatic Soc. Bengal Nov, 173-174.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1873): Notes on the Certhiinae of India. Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 42(2), 255-257.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1875): On an apparently unnamed species of (Phoenicopterus). Proc. Asiatic Soc. Bengal January, 17-18.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1877): A few observations on some species of (Anthus) and (Budytes). Ibis, 4 1(2), 206-209.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1892): A few remarks on Mr. Oates's "Birds of British India". Ibis, 6 4(13), 59-62.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1881): Letters to the Editor. Stray Feathers. 10(1,2&3), 169-171.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1872): On a new species of (Phylloscopus). Ibis, 3 2, 22-23.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1872): On the breeding of (Reguloides superciliosus, Reguloides proregulus, Reguloides occipitalis) and (Phylloscopus tytleri). Ibis, 3 2, 24-31.
  • Brooks, W. E. (1874): To the Editor. Stray Feathers. 2(6), 533.
