
توضیحات الگو

How to use this template

This template is used to cite cases heard by the various courts of the بریتانیا in the format established by OSCOLA.

Usage: {{Oscala | code | year | volume/neutral citation jurisdiction | reporter/neutral citation division | page/judgment | court | pinpoint }}

where code is the citation format code given below, year is the year the case was decided, volume/neutral citation jurisdiction is the first number/number-letter sequence following the date in the case citation or the code indicating the jurisdiction of the case, reporter/neutral citation division is the publication reporting the case or the division of the court (i.e. criminal, civil, administrative), page/judgment is the first page of the case in the reporter or the judgment number, court is the court where the case was adjudicated, and pinpoint is the page/paragraph where the quoted material is referenced. This is usually included after naming a case, such as: Donoghue v Stevenson {{Oscola|PROP|1952||AC|562|HL Sc|}}.

Format selection

There are three primary formats used to cite a case: the proprietary format organized by date, the proprietary format where dates represent additional information, and the neutral format. Codes indicate which format is intended.


  • PROP for a proprietary reporter organized by date
  • PROPN for a proprietary reporter (dates additional) (Also pre-1865 citations)
  • NEUT for a neutral citation

Jurisdiction Codes for Neutral Citation

  • uk for the United Kingdom
  • ew for England and Wales
  • scot for Scotland
  • nie for Northern Ireland

Division Codes for Neutral Citation

  • Admin for administrative
  • Civ for civil
  • Ch for chancery
  • Crim for criminal
Proprietary by Date
Bigos v Bousted [1951] 1 All ER 92 (KB){{Oscola|PROP|1951|1|All ER|92|KB|}}
Propriety (Date Additional)/Pre-1865 Case
Johnson v Royal Mail Steam Packet Co (1866) LR 3 CP 38 (CCP){{Oscola|PROPN|1866|LR 3|CP|38|CCP|}}
Neutral Citation
Rottman v MPC [2002] UKHL 20{{Oscola|NEUT|2002|uk||20|UKHL|}}