




توضیحات الگو
  • {{bs-map}}
  • {{bsmap}}

This is a shorthand template which groups {{Railway line header}}, {{BS-header}} and {{BS-table}} all in one single entity to ease the creation of standalone Wikipedia:Route diagram template table. If your map is transcluded in another infobox, you may consider using {{BS-table3}} in the map template rather than this one.


styleAdditional CSS syntax which defines the style of the whole box. It is useful when you are transcluding this map box into other infobox, e.g. add "border:0px; width:100%" to remove the border and let it fully stretch inside the infobox.
widthWidth of the whole box. Can be overridden by style entry. No default value because it will void the tw parameter of the BS# row template which is applied to override the text column width of BS# row collapsible section.
titleTitle of the map.
title-bgBackground color of the title bar to indicate the livery color of the subject. But this is preferable not to be applied as per WP:COLOR and instead use {{colorbox}} or icon image next to the title text. White by default.
title-colorFont color of title text, please avoid using this parameter as a concern for accessibility of color. Black by default.
navbarSpecify the template name if your map is written in a separated template page, it will include a mini bracketed {{Navbar}} in the title bar. Leave this parameter blank if you directly use this template in the article.
collapsibleAllow the box collapsible or not. yes by default, no will void the "expand/collapse" button. You MUST have something written in the title otherwise the collapsible alone is not enough to turn it on.
collapseCollapse state of the whole box. yes for collapsing, no by default.
legendLegend page link:
  • route or 1 (default): {{Railway line legend}}, the most generic legend for railway map.
  • track: {{Railway track legend}} for railway track and platform alignment diagram.
  • bus: {{Bus route legend}} for any type of bus route map.
  • canal, water or waterway: {{Waterways legend}} for waterway or canal map.
  • walkway, foot or footpath: Trails icon catalog for footpath map.
  • no or 0: No legend page link.
mapBS row templates which comprise the diagram. No {{BS-table}} is required.
map## represents 2 to 10. Additional map space. By separating maps into different map parameters, the column alignment of the maps will not implicate to each other. This is useful if you are displaying two maps, one uses the ordinary BS# row templates (single-side text columns) and the other one uses BS#-2 (dual-side text columns) which are not compatible to each other.
# represents 2 to 10. Optional title header for each map.
# represents 2 to 10. Allow the individual map collapsible or not. no by default, yes will call the "expand/collapse" button. You MUST have something written in the map#-title otherwise the map#-collapsible alone is not enough to turn it on.
# represents 2 to 10. Collapse state of the individual map. yes for collapsing, no by default.
bgBackground color of the whole digram, including the text column in the row templates.
topOptional note above the map. This is also the good place to include {{BS-Infobox}} or {{Infobox UK railway}} for neat data display.
bottomOptional note below the map. Also a good place to include the {{Navbar}} if you do not want to display it in the title bar.


{{BS-map|style = |title = |title-bg = |navbar = |collapsible = |collapse = |width = |top = |legend = |bg = |map-title = |map = |map2-title = |map2 = |bottom = }}


  • Since this template table applies Infobox class it is float to right by default. If you want to align it to center or left, you need to apply the style parameter by adding float:none; margin:auto or float:left respectively. Alternatively you can include this template in another table which aligns to center or left like so:
  • Any manually written new row should replace the | by {{!}}.
  • If you are using in-diagram collapsible section which begins with {{BS-startCollapsible}} or {{BS2-startCollapsible}}, the ending of the collapsible section must be {{!}}} instead of |}. Otherwise the box will end immediately after the collapsible section.


     Station layout
Platform level
Platform level
Platform level
مسافت:500 meters
نوع ریل:۱٬۴۳۵ mm (4 ft 8 12 in)
Scissors crossover
Side platforms

† Diagram not to scale

<pre.raw style="border:0px;overflow:auto;">{{BS-map|title = {{colorbox|orange}} Station layout|top = {{bs-infobox|image = Placeholder.png|image_size = 150px|caption = Platform level|length = 500 meters|gauge = {{gauge|standard}}}}|legend = track|map = {{BS2|STR|STR}}{{bs2-sc|STRg|STRf||}}{{BS2|KRWgl+l|KRWgr+r||[[Scissors crossover]]}}{{!}}}{{BS2|STR|STR}}{{BS2|PSTR(R)|PSTR(L)||[[Side platform]]s|tw=105px}}{{BS2|PSTR(R)|PSTR(L)}}{{BS2|STRg|STRf||}}|bottom = † Diagram not to scale}}
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